PRE-OP Flashcards
Reassurance: recognize they’re anxious and reassure. Give
overview of the consultation.
History: why they first attended, what procedure they’re
scheduled for (confirm which side).
PMH: CVD (hypertension, exercise tolerance, angina,
orthopnea), respiratory disease (able to lie flat for long
period, chronic cough, obstructive sleep apnea, COPD,
asthma), renal disease, endocrine disease (diabetes
thyroid), GORD, pregnancy, sickle cell disease.
PSH: previous operations (what, when, why), repeat
procedures more lengthy, previous anesthesia (what,
problems, post-op nausea and vomiting).
DH: full drug history (see later notes), allergies (drug and
FH: family problems with anesthesia (malignant
SH: smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, language spoken,
living situation.
Bloods: FBC (anaemia or thrombocytopenia), U&E (baseline
renal function for fluids and analgesia), HbA1C, TFTs,
clotting, group and save, ± crossmatch. *If disease.
Cardiac: ECG (major surgery or CVD history), echo (murmur,
ECG changes, S+S of heart failure), BP (<160/100 in
community, no surgery if >180/110 on the day),
cardiopulmonary exercise testing (if major surgery and
chronic disease affecting daily function).
Resp: spirometry (COPD, current baseline).
Other: urinalysis (test for UTI, especially in urology,
pregnancy test), MRSA swab from nostril and perineum (give
decontamination hair and body wash, and nose ointment).
Advice: stop eating 6h before, stop clear fluids 2h before. To
ensure stomach is empty, reduces the risk of pulmonary
aspiration (can cause inflammation and infection)
Anticoagulation: warfarin (stop 5d before, INR <1.5, may be
given medications if ≥1.5, if emergency check INR and use
vitamin K, use bridging therapies), heparin (unfractionated
stopped 4h before, LMWH no neuraxial block for 12/24h
prophylactic/treatment dose), rivaroxaban (no neuraxial
block for 18/48h prophylactic/treatment dose), dabigatran
(no neuraxial block for 24h), apixaban (no neuraxial block for
Antiplatelets: clopidogrel stop 7d before, continue aspirin
and NSAIDs
antiHTN antiarrhythmics
Antihypertensives and antiarrhythmics: ACE-I stop morning
of major surgery, continue beta-blockers, digoxin do ECG,
digoxin and potassium levels.
diabetic pts
Diabetic: patients put first on list, oral hypoglycemics stop
morning of, if missing >1 meal consider insulin-dextrose
sliding scale peri-op.
Steroids: >5mg OD prednisolone supplement steroids periop (5mg PO prednisolone = 20mg IV hydrocortisone, dose ),
increase dose due to stress response
Hormonal: OCP and HRT stop 4w before (advise use other
Antidepressants: MAOi – inform anesthetist (dangerous
interactions with certain anesthetics), lithium (levels, U&E,
Herbal: stop 2w before.
Pre-op medications: analgesics (paracetamol, codeine, ±
NSAIDs), antacids (ranitidine, omeprazole, reduce risk of
aspiration), anxiolytics (midazolam, dependent on
anesthetist), antibiotic prophylaxis (ortho, vascular, GI), TED
stockings (CI: peripheral vascular disease, peripheral
neuropathy, recent skin graft, severe eczema,
lymphoedema), LMWH (not in neck or endocrine, stop 12h
before surgery/give at night, continue for 7d, if major GIsurgery or lower limb joint replacement send home with 28d
prophylactic dose).
Mobilization: get up and walking as soon as possible. This
will help with recovery and healing, prevent DVT and
pneumonia. Will have PTOT assessment, may need walking
aids. Good analgesia and pain control.
Return to driving: once able to stand up straight and stomp
hard on the ground, practice with pedals when car is
stationary first.
Hip replacement: 6-8w.
Knee replacement: 8w.