Pre Natal/ Alignment Flashcards
What are the 6 principals of adjusting in order?
- If the adjustment is uncomfortable for the adjuster, then it will be uncomfortable for the Receiver.
- To effectively stretch a muscle it has to be relaxed.
- Your breath should be smooth and steady.
- Observe, decide, and adjust.
- Observe Ahimsa
- Make Adjusting Yoga (holistic)
What are the 3 types of adjusting?
- Physical demonstration
- Verbal adjusting
- Physical adjusting
Explain what physical demonstration is and give an example
Primary aim as a means to prevent misalignment. Make sure whole class can see you and can open up group for questions. Demonstrating chair pose
Explain what verbal adjusting is and give an example
"Draw your arms up the side of your head" or "reach the arms to the sky" - empowers student to adjust themselves and everyone in the class hears the cue
Give an example of physical adjusting
Opening a student up into triangle further by gently moving top shoulder back and
bottom shoulder forward.
Name the 4 types of physical adjusting
Passive, Active, Resistant, Partner Yoga
What is passive adjusting?
Adjuster does all the work to adjust the student who responds by simply releasing into the adjustment. Supports them to let go
What is active adjusting?
Adjuster and student work together to achieve more accurate alignment. Provides clarity for the student on what to switch on and off and tends to be for
more advanced students.
What is resistance adjusting?
Adjuster provides a certain point of resistance to an area of the body so the student can move deeper into the pose.
What is partner yoga?
No longer a separation between adjuster and student, the roles are now shared. Example, holding on to someone as they squat into malasana.
What are the 3 rules for the mechanics of adjusting?
Rule 1 – Use your body weight instead if muscular effort
Rule 2 – Make sure you have adequate stability and the receiver is appropriately supported
Rule 3 – Push and pull – when you push at one point, you must counter pull at another for stability
What is proprioception?
This system is comprised of sensory receptors in the muscles and tendons that
inform the CNS to the varying lengths of the muscles as well as the force travelling through the tendons. This notifies us how and where our body and limbs are orientated in space.
What are the 8 main points to consider for pre Natal students who have a regular practice?
- May tire quicker
- Morning sickness may interfere
- As weight is gained, more energy is required to move
- Rapid changes of direction and moving quickly become more difficult
- Pubic symphysis becomes less stable due to hormone relaxin, women compensate with a wide gate and a slight waddle
- Heavy exercise that raises your temperature above 38.5 degrees for
more than 20 minutes at a time should be avoided - Exercise has no known effect on lactations provided the woman remains hydrated with good bra support.
- Benefits of exercise during pregnancy are increased oxygen supplies, greater sense of
wellbeing and fewer minor complaints.
List the main contraindications for pre natal students
Closed twists or poses on the belly and uddiyana bandha and core work - abdominal pressure
Inversions - moves circulation away from uterus
Mobility for relaxin - could overstretch
Shorter stance in standing/ hip distance - balance might be off
Savasana - lie on left side with blanket supporting hip
Standing forward folds - fold half way to keep head above heart - dizziness
Excessive heat
Jumping through in flows - no core active
Strong backbends- quite heating
What are therapeutic elements for pre natal students?
Think all of the 8 limbs
Hip and chest openers
Postures that build strength
Long relaxation at end of class
Poses that alleviate lower back pain – malasana, cat/cow, baddha konasana
Yoga classes bring people together
Ujiyi breath and humming bee breath – can be heard by baby
Sheetali breath (curling tongue) can promote coolness
OM – encourages the woman to have a voice
How is digestion effected during pregnancy?
Morning sickness, decreased digestion from slowing peristalsis, gallstones, heartburn, indigestion and gestational diabetes.
What possibly causes morning sickness?
The release of HCG which the placenta secretes to maintain the corpus luteum
What is decreased peristalsis?
Slows down the length of time that food takes to pass through the intestinal tract which can lead to constipation, indigestion and flatulence.
Why are gallstones common in pregnancy?
The gallbladder slows due to extra hormones and cannot empty excess cholesterol which leads to solid deposits that form in the gallbladder which leads to stones. Diets high in cholesterol and fat can increase this.
What causes gestational diabetes?
High blood glucose levels from increased hormones which affect insulin from doing its job properly, resulting in impaired glucose intolerance.
What pranayama practices are contraindicated in pregnancy?
Any that involves retention of breath such as Kapalabhati and Bhastrika as they reduce the delivery of oxygen to the foetus.
What is Kapalabhati breath?
Skull shining breath – fill the lungs and our forcefully exhale the breath drawing navel to spine
What is Bhastrika breath?
Bellows breath – forcing the breath in and out at a quick rate
What are the medical conditions associated with pregnancy?
Pre-eclampsia Placenta praevia Anaemia Sciatica Low blood pressure High blood pressure
What is pre-eclampsia it’s symptoms and when it is developed?
Hypertension associated with significant amounts of protein in urine. Some symptoms are high blood pressure, diabetes and swelling of joints. Can develop from 20 weeks.
What is Placenta praevia and its symptoms?
Complication in which the placenta is attached to the uterine wall close to or covering the cervix. Can lead to vaginal bleeding.
What is anaemia?
The body low in iron due to the body’s higher demand of needing up to 50% more during pregnancy which causes a dilution in the blood, making the haemoglobin level fall.
What causes sciatica in pregnancy?
pressure from the baby on the sciatic nerve or demanded discs in the spine which pregnancy is prone to.
What are the symptoms of sciatica?
Pins and needles in lower leg, shooting or burning in leg, buttock or lower spine and numbness.
What can high blood pressure do during pregnancy?
More likely to have certain complications during pregnancy like kidney and other organ problems, low birth weight and early delivery. In severe cases it can result in pre-eclampsia.
What can low blood pressure do during pregnancy?
fainting and dizziness. Can be caused by dehydration which drastically affects the blood flow in the body. Also can cause result in pooling of blood in lower limbs which makes less oxygen available to the brain.
What should students avoid with HBP?
No arms overhead, closed twists, plenty of rest, long held inversions
What should students avoid with LBP?
Coming up to quickly from a forward fold or their head below their heart in general.