PRE LIM QUIZ 1 Flashcards
The average age of an employed person according to International Labour Organization is?
ILO gives an equal voice to workers, employers, and governments to ensure that the views of the social partners are closely reflected in labor standards and in shaping policies and programs
ILO gives an equal voice to workers, employers, and governments to ensure that the views of the social partners are closely reflected in labor standards and in shaping policies and programs
The main aims of the ILO are to promote rights at work, encOurage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues
The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers was enacted to ensure that health workers are properly compensated, thereby helping to promote better delivery of quality health care service.
RA 7305
Productive employment and decent work are key elements to achieving a fair globalization and poverty reduction.
The Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) Philippines reflects shared priorities of government, workers and employers in the country, focusing on employment, labour market governance and social protection to build back better.
Decent work is employment that respects the fundamental rights of the hunman person as well as the rights of workers in terms of which of the following?.
Response: Safety of work condition Response: Remunerations or wages Response: Respect for physical integrity Response: Respect for mental integrity