Pre-Intra-Post Operative Flashcards
Pre-operative assessment
Is an opportunity to identify co-morbidities that may lead to patient complications during the anesthetic, surgical or postoperative period.
Purpose of pre-op evaluation
- Identify patients, whose outcomes are likely to be improved by implementation of a specific medical treatment.
- Identify patients, whose condition is so poor that the proposed surgery might hasten(cause) death without improving quality of life.
- Identify those with specific characteristics that are likely to influence the anaesthetic plan.
- Provide patients with an estimate of anaesthetic risk.
- Opportunity to provide information to patient about the proposed anaesthesia and obtained informed consent .
Objectives of Pre-op evaluation
- To understand the impact and risk of co-existing medical disease.
- To establish a management plan for pre-op care.
- To obtain informed consent.
- To establish a good CA-pt relationship.
- To allay pt anxiety.
Elements of pre-operative
- Focused History
- Physical examination
•Including airway assessment - Necessary investigations/imaging
- Physical status classification
- Pre-medication
- History taking pre-op
a. Medical history (current conditions & underlying medical conditions)
→CVS: HPT, ISH, DVT, CCF, PVD, Arrhythmia e.g Untreated or poorly controlled HPT may lead to exaggerated CV response, which ↑es risk of MI & Cerebral ischemia.
→RESP: Asthma, TB, COPD, etc.
→Hepatic: Coagulopathy
b. Current medications
c. Allergies
d. Previous Anaesthesia (drug reactions, side effects & outcomes).
e. Family history (any family member with problem during anaesthesia?)
f. Social history: smoking, alchohol
g. “NPO” status: last meal, what type of meal
- Physical Examination
a. General exam: BP, PR, RR, Temp, Sats, Urine dipstick, BMI, HGT & Hb level
b. Airway: Difficult airway is identified by:
1. Asking pt open his mouth (you must be able to insert at least 2 fingers.
2. Measuring the thyro-mental distance (min 7cm).
3. Checking for a receding mandible (lower jaw bone).
4. Checking the teeth & tongue.
5. Feeling for any soft tissue swelling & impaired mobility of the neck
6. Award a Mallamapti score to the airway
C. Cvs: Signs of PVD, Arrhythmia, CCF
D. Resp: Signs of acute infection & airway obstruction & COPD
E. Mss (eg exam of spine for spinal)
•Joint deformities (might affect movement of the neck)
•Renal /hepatic….if indicated
Airway Assessment, Mallampati scoring
- Class 1: Soft palate, fauces pillars, uvula are visible.
- Class 2: Soft palate, no fauces pillars, major part pf uvular visible.
- Class 3: Base of uvula & soft palate is visible.
- Class 4: Only hard palate is visible.
- U&E: DM, HPT, Renal failure
- FBC: Hb< 10 active bleeding
- LFT: Thyroid disorders, alcohol abuse
- HGT: DM, drugs (steroids)
- INR/PT : Coagulation disorders, liver disease, bleeding tendency
- Eccho: ISH, Arrhythmias, VHD
- ECG: DM, HPT, IHD nay known arrhythmia’s & age > 40yrs
- CXR: known cardiac & resp disease, NYHA class II dyspnea prev TB, smoker, planned thoracic surgery
- Lung function: Asthma, COPD, >NYHA Class II dyspnea
Anesthetic Risk
°The anesthetist differentiates between Major & Minor risk.
° The sicker the patient, and the greater the surgical procedure, the HIGHER THE RISK
°Risk is estimated by using the American society of Anasthesiologist (ASA) classification where:
A) Class 1: A healthy person with no disease
B) Class 2: Mild, well controlled systemic disease
C) Class 3: Severe systemic disease with some limitation of activity.
D) Class 4: Severe systemic disease that is a chronic threat to life.
E) Class 5: Unlikely to survive 24 hours without surgery
F) Class 6: Brain dead/ organs are being harvested
Class E: Emergency
1.Inform patient about process of anesthesia (pre-medication, theeatre environment, induction, algesia, waking up, effects & benefits of anesthesia)
- Document finding of pre-anasthetic assessment.
- Patient must sign Consent form
- Reduce the risk of Gastric aspiration
- Consider full abdomen when:
°Head injury
° Sepsis
° Obesity
° Metabolic acidosis - Fluids consumed within:
°Clear fluids 2 hours
°Breast milk 4 hours
° Light meal 6 hours