Pre Flight Checks Flashcards
Daily First aid kit
Flight attendant seat
- Check that the seat, harness, buckle and inertia reel are fully functional and adjustable
- Check that the seat base automatically returns to the stowed position
Manuel Transfer Equipment
- Ensure the equipment is available and in good condition.
- If all the equipment is not available, contact ground staff immediately.
Aisle chair
Serviceable (Leave aisle chair stowed - complete gross visual check only).
Life line
Required number available
Life rafts. 6, 12 & 36
Fire Extinguisher 2BTP- A320neo 1/A321neo I
Required number available
Pin is in place
Seal intact
• Needle in green range
BCF Fire Extinguisher (Air Total) - A320ceo D
Check the copper coloured wire or red plastic safety/tamper
seal is intact
Pressure gauge (black arrow) is in the green section
Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) or Smokehood
Check the metallic seals between lid and container are intact
Verify the ‘replace by date has not expired
If both seals are broken open the lid, partially remove the PBE and
check the humidity indicator which will be either blue or pink
If the indicator is blue the PBE is serviceable
If the indicator is pink the PBE is serviceable for up to 36 hours from
time of discovery after which it must be replaced
Make a cabin log entry
Fire Gloves
Fire Blanket
Crash Axe
Physician’s Kit
Seal intact or ‘items used’ label attached to handle.
First Aid Kit - A320ceo D/A320neo 1/A321neo I
Red or green seal intact
• Required number provided
Pressure gauge indication minimum 1600 psi
Mask and tubing must be attached to the HI outlet
Required number provided
Defibrillator - Zoll
Required number available
Green ‘tick’ illuminated
Green security seal intact
Spare Oxygen Mask
Torch - A320ceo D/A320neo 1/A321neo I
Push the ‘Push-to-Test’ button
If the LED comes on in green (flashes green one time), the torch
battery is charged
• If the LED comes on in red (flashes red one time), the battery is low,
and should be changed
If the LED does not come on, the torch system has a failure and must
be repaired
Required number provided
Beacon ADT 406S - A320neo 1/A321neo I
Required number available
Check arming switch in armed position
Over-Wing Straps or Lifelines
Required number available
Survival kit
Safety wire and lead or red seal intact
• Required number provided
Infant Life Jacket
Required number provided
• Positioned in stowage to be visible and immediately available
Adult/Crew Life Jacket
Squeeze the handle for an audible click
: Required number available
Demonstration Equipment
Required number
Available and in a good condition
Briefing card appropriate to the aircraft type
Cabin Flight Library
It is FAT’s responsibility to carry out a pre-flight and post flight
check to ensure these manuals are present.
Disembarkation Kit
Check disembarkation kit and contents present.
Crew Tabard
Stowed in protective cover or neatly folded under flight attendant seat.
Pandemic Kit
White seal should be intact
If the seal is broken, check the contents of the kit
Manual Oxygen Release Tool (MORT)
Requirement: Non-mandatory
Loop Belt
Required number provided
Requirement: Non-mandatory
Torso Harness
Tri-Fold Restraint Kit
White plastic seal intact & attached to zipper on outside of the kit.
Restraints are mandatory for international flights (only).
If restraint kits are not loaded: ● contact Group Resilience via Operations Control ● record discrepancy in the cabin log