Pre-Exchange: Searches and Enquiries Flashcards
Standard Searches
- Local Search (LLC1 and CON29)
- Desktop Enviromental
- Chancel (pre-reformation church)
- Drainage and Water (CON29DW)
Contents of LLC1
- Granting Planning permission, PENS, stop notice
- Art 4
- Tree Preservation, conservation area, listed building, smoke control
Contents of CON29
- Planning Permission (granted, pending, refused)
- Building regulations approvals
- Adoption Plans
- RoW
- Contaminated Land Notices
When to do following searches:
- CON29O
- Highways (CON29R)
- Enviro (Phase I and Phase II)
- Flood
- Mining
- Waterways
- Utiltiies
- Railways
CON29O: open space
Highways: unsure if abuts public road
Enviro: somethign comes up on desktop
Flood: known to have flooded previously
Mining: within mining area
Waterways: near a river
Utilities: New Build
Railways: near a railway
Searches against seller
K16 (Bankcruptcy): Undervalue
K15 (land charges): unregistered land
SIM (Index Map): Unregistered, multiple properties, mining rights
Company Search: seller is a company
Enquiries (resi and commercial)
- Standard
- Optional
- TA6 (PIP) + TA10 (Fittings and Context)
- CPSE 1
- TA7 (lease + 99 yrs) + TA8 (New Build)
- CPSE 2 (FH with leases) + CPSE 3 (grant of lease) + CPSE 4 (lease assignment)
Additional Enquiries (resi and commercial)
Resi: Only RELEVANT but MUST answer
Comm: Any Qs but may not answer
‘no knowledge / unaware’ response implication
Implied that made reasonable investigations
When is planning permission required
- external works; or
- material change of use (between class or sui generis)
Unless Permitted Development (GDPO) and no Art 4
Planning Permission enforcement time limits
10 years unless pre 25 April 2024 in which case 4 years if no permissionor change to resi dwelling
Enforcement action LA may take
PLanning Enforcement Notice (28 days to rectify)
Stop Notice (only if not dwelling)
Breach of Condition Notice
Options for buyer if no consents for planning permission and still enforceable
- Indemnity
- Retrospective Permission
- Put right
Requirement for building regulations consent
Internal or external work impacting safety
Timelimits for building regulation consent enforcement
Prosecution (builder): No limit (within 6 months of disovery no more than 2 years after completion if wales)
Enforcement Notice: 10 years (1 year if Wales)
Injunction: No limit
Options for buyer if no building regs and still enforceable
- Insurance
- Regularisation Certificate
- Remedial work