Pre-course Flashcards
Fuel/hydrocarbon + oxygen -> ?
fuel/hydrocarbon + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water (combustion)
Difference between incomplete and complete combustion?
Complete occurs in enough oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water
Incomplete occurs in insufficient oxygen and produces carbon monoxide and water
Acid + metal -> ?
Acid + metal -> hydrogen + salt
Acid + metal carbonate -> ?
Acid + metal carbonate -> carbon dioxide + water + salt (can have ionic equation)
Acid + metal hydrogen carbonate/metal bicarbonate -> ?
Acid + metal hydrogen carbonate/metal bicarbonate -> carbon dioxide + water + salt (can have ionic equation)
Hydrogen carbonate/bicarbonate
Acid + metal hydroxide -> ?
Acid + metal hydroxide -> water + salt (can have ionic equation)
Acid + metal oxide -> ?
Acid + metal oxide -> water + salt (can have ionic equation)
What is in the basic formula of a metal monoxide?
Atom/s of a metal and ONE oxygen
Reactive metal + water -> ?
Reactive metal + water -> hydrogen + metal hydroxide
Element + oxygen -> ?
Element + oxygen -> elemental oxide (could be ionic or covalent compound)
What is a dissociation reaction?
The dissolving of ionic compounds/salts in water (s to aq, separating them and adding charges)
What is a precipitation reaction?
The formation of an insoluble solid by mixing two different solutions. Involves dissociation (can have ionic equation)
What is a metal displacement reaction?
When a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its compound, forming a new metal compound and releasing the displaced metal. (can have ionic equation)
mol/L to g/L
x Molar mass (of solute)
g/L to %w/v
g/L to ppm
ppm to ppb