Pre Civil War #2 Flashcards
What was the sacking of Lawrence?
Lawrence was Attacked and Burned. Several homes and businesses were destroyed. It started because that was where Antislavery people went and gathered.
The Pottawatomie Creek Massacre was…
Brown gets a few of his sons and others together for an attack on proslavery men in Franklin County. 5 men are killed.
What was the Marais des Cygnes Massacre
Last major violent act in “Bleeding Kansas” time period 11 free-staters kidnapped by proslavery men. They were taken to a ravine (Marais des Cygnes River near Trading Post, KS) and shot.
§ 5 killed
§ 5 wounded
§ 1 escape
Who was Dred Scott
Dred Scott was a slave that sued for his freedom
What was the supreme courts rulings?
The Supreme Court ruled that slaves were not citizens, they were property and that it was unconstitutional for U.S. government to prohibit slavery in the territories (including KS)
John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry was…
Brown wanted to arm slaves and lead them in an revolt. He attempted to raid (a quick surprise attack) the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia to accomplish this. The raid failed as Brown (and about 20 men he was leading) was caught by a U.S. Marines led by Col. Robert E. Lee Brown was Convicted of treason and hanged . He became a martyr for the abolitionist cause.
What was the Kansas Constitution?
Four constitutional conventions took place in Kansas as sides fought over the issue of slavery in Territorial Kansas. Conventions met in Topeka, Lecompton, Leavenworth, and Wyandotte. The Wyandotte Constitution made KS a free states, but restricted voting rights to white men gained approval in Kansas, but failed to get government approval from US. Congress until southern states secede and the balance of power shifted in the U.S. Senate (1861)
What Happened to Abraham in the Election? And After?
Republican candidate. Spoke out against the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Previously ran against Stephen Douglas for seat in the U.S. Senate (Illinois). Douglas won. 1960 – Northern Democrat Stephen Douglas and Southern Democrat John Breckinridge split the Democratic vote. This allowed Lincoln to gain more electoral votes. He lost the popular vote, but won the presidency. Many southerners felt that the election of Lincoln meant the end of their say in the U.S. government. Secession (withdrawing from the Union) was being seriously considered.
Which state was the first to secede from the United States
South Carolina
What happened after South Carolina seceded
6 other states followed and formed the Confederate states of America in 1861. They elect Jefferson Davis.
What happened to Kansas when South Carolina seceded from the United States.
As southern states secede, Kansas becomes the 34th state with the Wyandotte Constitution adopted as its official constitution.
· Charles Robinson (from Lawrence) becomes the First governor of the state
· The state faces a rough start as a drought devastates the area leaving many with dying crops, not enough drinking water, and an economic crisis.
What Happened to Fort Sumner, and what did it cause?
When Fort Sumter (Charleston, South Carolina) refused to surrender to the Confederacy, the Union worked to support and resupply those in the fort trying to keep the Confederates out. This was the first Major Crisis of Lincoln’s presidency. April 14, the fort surrendered and was evacuated without loss of life. Lincoln called for volunteers to help suppress the southern rebellion. This resulted in 4 more states seceding and the start of the Civil War.