pre-adult brain development Flashcards
brain development in the first three months?
average growth of 1% / day
some of this due to synaptogenesis, connections being made between neurons
this process signals the development of conscious action, memories, thought and emotions
can be monitored using MRI as an increase in grey matter
starts in visual cortex and moves forward to areas responsible for higher cognition and emotional functioning
also occurs during childhood
process of coating axons with a myelin sheath, insulating and facilitating their function, helping coordination
can also be monitored with MRI as an increase in white matter
grey matter volumes peak at 11 years for girls and 13 years for boys and decline from there due to synaptic pruning
synaptic pruning?
connections between neurons that aren’t used frequently are eliminated
allows brain to be more efficient in how it uses its energy
continues to operate until the early-mid twenties
follows a predetermined path going from the visual cortex and ending with the prefrontal cortex
limbic system and risk taking in adolescence?
matures before the prefrontal cortex and is hypersensitive to ‘rewarding’ feeling of risk taking behaviour
makes risky behaviours more likely particularly in front of peers
prefrontal cortex and risk taking?
can be argued that lack of maturation in prefrontal cortex is responsible for risk taking as risks cannot be adequately assessed
ventral striatum and risk taking?
encourages adolescents to engage in more adult risky behaviours such as sexual promiscuity, drinking and driving
also drives process of seeking independence from family
without mature PFC, all these behaviours prove risky
serotonin and risk taking?
reducing levels of serotonin in monkeys increases impulsivity
serotonin levels in humans can be reduced when one is abused or neglected as a child so risk taking is more prevalent for those with such a background
dopamine and risk taking?
evidence that base levels of dopamine for adolescents are lower
so they require more stimulation so require higher levels of stimulation to acquire the same level of pleasure as an adult
also levels of dopamine released are also higher so potential positives more attractive
barkley-levenson & galvan aim?
identify differences in neural activity between adolescents and adults when given risk-taking scenarios
in the form of gambles with outcomes of different expected values
barkley-levenson & galvan method?
lab expt, imd, quasi
barkley-levenson & galvan sample?
19 adults (25-30)
22 adolescents (15-17)
recruited through a database of past ps, an internet advert and posters
all right handed and healthy
b-l & g procedure pre main task?
went to lab, adults gave informed consent and adolescents gave assent (informed consent given by parents)
information gathered about ps source of and amount of income
also gave chance to familiarise themselves with mock fMRI scanner
b-l & g procedure main task?
ps told they have $20 spending money and could lose it, double it or something in between
in fMRI scanner, ps given a series of gambles presented on spinning discs, 50/50 chance either way
had values of +/-$5 to +/-$20
ps had to accept or reject the gambles on a keyboard and told one of them would be played out for real at the end (acc just given either $20+$5 or $20+$10)
b-l & g procedure neural data?
neural activation in response to gambling task was observed and recorded using fMRI
focus on ventral striatum which is associated with valuation and reward
b-l & g procedure behavioural data?
ps responses to gambles were recorded for each trial
to facilitate analysis, expected values were calculated for each trial
b-l & g results neural activity?
as expected value of a gamble increased, there was greater activation in the adolescent’s ventral striatum, far more than for adults
vs activity was also higher when groups were matched on income or on acceptance rates
b-l & g results behavioural differences?
when no risk, adults and adolescents had similar judgement
for both groups the higher the ev, the more likely they were to accept the gamble
adolescents more focused on the high amount they could win and less bothered by a small amount they could lose
both rarely accepted gambles with a - ev
barkley-levenson & galvan conclusions?
adolescents value rewards more than adults reflected by higher activation in the ventral striatum
this explains their risk taking behaviour where they perceive potential significant rewards
application: background?
17-19 year old drivers make up 1.5% of drivers but 9% of fatal/serious crashes
23% of 18-23 year olds crash within two years of passing their test
application: past approaches?
trying to educate adolescents on the dangers and risks
ineffective as adolescents fully aware of risks but just accept a greater risk if the rewards are higher as the ventral striatum rewards
application: graduated drivers licence schemes?
legally enforced probationary periods for drivers who have just qualified
application: gdl in california?
no passengers under 20 unless with an older adult
no night driving (11pm-5am)
period of 12 months
application: gdl in australia?
max speed of 90 kmph
zero blood alcohol permitted
night time driving limits to one passenger <21 (11pm-5am)
immediate suspension for speeding
3 year period with stages
application: effectiveness of gdl schemes?
estimated that implementing a gdl scheme in the uk would save an average of…
4471 casualties and £224 million a year