Prayer of St. Vincent Ferrer (Prayer for a Happy Death) - Unformatted Flashcards


Lord Jesus Christ,
You do not will that anyone should perish
and never is a prayer made to you without hope of mercy.
You have promised:
“All things that you ask in my name, shall be done for you”.
Therefore, I ask you, O Lord,
for your holy Name’s sake,
to grant me at the hour of my death
full consciousness and the power of speech,
sincere contrition for my sins,
true faith, firm hope and perfect charity,
that I may be able to say to you with a clean heart:


Lord Jesus Christ,
You do not will that anyone should perish
and never is a prayer made to you without hope of mercy.
You have promised:
“All things that you ask in my name, shall be done for you”.
Therefore, I ask you, O Lord,
for your holy Name’s sake,
to grant me at the hour of my death
full consciousness and the power of speech,
sincere contrition for my sins,
true faith, firm hope and perfect charity,
that I may be able to say to you with a clean heart:
Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit:
you have redeemed me, O God of truth,
who are blessed for ever and ever. Amen

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