Praxis Study Flashcards
Categorical Perception
Being familiar with sounds and phonemes from original tongue. Developing speech through what you are already familiar with.
Cross Cultural Pragmatics
Similarities and differences in cultural norms for expressing and understanding messages.
English Language Variations
Social difference in the way english is used in the variety of different settings. Tone, inflection volume, etc…
Types of Interaction Patterns
The ways students interact with learning: Teacher centered, Individual Work, Group or paired, etc…
Types of Bilinguals and Descriptions
Compound Bilingual
Two distinctly different concepts used. The person is fluent in both concepts, independently. Learned the languages together.
Coordinate Bilingual
Has two concept and must choose between the for different purposes. Has learned the two languages at different times.
Subordinate Bilingual
Translates one to the other in their own head.
Stages of Language Development
Pre-Production (starter)
Early Production (emerging
Speech Emergent (developing)
Intermediate Fluency (expanding)
Advanced Fluency (advanced)
Pre Production Stage (starter)
6 months
500 words
Nodding (TPR)
Drawing and pointing
Early Production (emerging)
6 months- 1 Year
1000 words
Limited comprehension
One or two word responses
Key phrases
Present tense
Speech Emergence
1-3 years
3000 words
Good comprehension
simple sentences
Not fully aware of pragmatics
Intermediate Fluency (intermediate)
3-5 Years
6,000 words
Excellent comprehension
Near Native
Few Grammatical errors
Advanced Fluency (advanced)
5-7 years
Near Native
Types of Academic Language:
Krashen’s 5 Hypothesis
Natural Method
Affective Filter
Affective Filter
Emotional state affects the language learning process
Input Method
Depends totally on comprehensible input that is challenging. Usually one-step above current level of understanding. They receive through input, and begin to process at their own level
Natural Method
Children learn their naturally at a similar pace, a pre-determined structure. Some are quicker than others.
Acquisition - Learning Method
Most widely embraced:
Learning takes place through regular communication
Acquisition takes place through targeted teaching.
Acquisition is teacher-centered
Learning is student-centered.
Learning is more important than acquiring.
Monitor Method
People are concentrating on grammar and structure rather than overall comprehension.
Students are responsible for their own learning (Acquisition)
Three Parts of knowing a word
Grammar Translation method of teaching
Outdated model focuses on translating from one language to another. This is focused on teaching grammar skills and translating.
Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA)
Method of teaching that focuses on subject based English acquisition. Content and language teaching are concurrent, and the method can take 5-7 years.
TPR Method
Total Physical Response: uses a non-verbal physical interaction that reinforces cognitive development through physical responses: Kinesthetic approach.
The Natural Method Teaching Approach
Immersion and no translation tools. No intimidation or error correction.
Simulates the process of a young person learning through input method.
Three Main Parts of Phonetics
Articulatory Phonics
Auditory Phonics
Acoustic Phonics
How many places of articulation?
Types of Homonyms
Naturalism Philosophy of Linguistics
Authentic Language is understood as a natural behavior. It simply occurs.
Nominalism Philosophy of Linguistics
Linguistics are CONCRETE. They are simply named because of need to communicate. Language is nothing but labels/
Platonism Philosophy of Language
Language consists of abstract concepts and ideas. They are not concrete and are ever-evolving.
Cognitivism Philosophy of Language
How language affects and interacts with the way we think.
Piaget’s Theory of Language Development.
Surroundings and prior knowledge (schema) determine how language is developed.
Gassell’s Maturation Theory of Language Development.
Children will learn language using the same processes, but they will go through them at different rates.
Skinner’s Theory of Language Development.
Language is learned through extrinsic / extrinsic reward system. Positive praise for saying the right word.
Holdaway’s Theory of Language Development.
Reading shared content is the approach. Learning - Acquisition method is the way to go.
SLA (Strategy Learning Approach) Steps
Make learners aware of how language functions.
Make them aware of their own strategies of learning language
Teach them new strategies to compliment their own.
Two - Way Learning Learning Approach
Two groups of learners : one group speaks different types of L1, one group speaks L2, and they learn together.
Whole Word Theory Learning Approach
This is an alternate to Phonics which stresses cognitive reading for understanding. This stresses the meaning and experience of the learner when understanding text.
Colloquial Words
Former slang words that have become part of the English lexicon.
4 types of different ESOL classrooms in public schools
Pull-out / SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol)
Sheltered Classroom
Student is integrated into the classroom but does not compete (graded) with the others.
Immersion Classroom
Treated like regular students. Learn the language through the Natural Method
ESOL teachers are included in the subject-matter classroom.
Pull Out - SIOP
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol - Students are pulled from the general education classrooms to focus on L2 language development.
Connected morphomes
Suffix / Prefix
Subjective pronoun case
Pronoun is used as the subject of the sentence.
Objective pronoun case
Pronoun os used as the object of the sentence (verb or preposition).
Possessive pronoun case
pronouns express ownership of the object.
Coinage word (morphology)
New word created without using other word formations. Totally new word from known sounds / articulations
Nonce word (morphology)
New words formed for a lexical ned that will not reoccur. It will only appear in certain instances (literature or specific dialogue).
Borrowing or Loan word (morpholopgy)
One word that is formed from a word that is already known in a new language.
Brisa = Breeze
Rancho = Ranch
Calquing Word (morphology
Translating a borrowed word or phrase in another language.
Free Verse = Verse Libre’
The phrase is directly taken from another language, but translated into the new language.
Clipping Word (morphology)
Shortening a word without changing the translation / meaning
Bot = Robot
Roach = Cockoach
This test has shown bias and should not be used in assessment.
Peabody Picture Test (PBT)
Initiation, Response, Feedback
International Phonetic Alphabet
Task Based Approach
Communicative Language Thinking
What are the Five Teaching Organized Principals for ESOL?
Know your learners
Create conditions for language learning
Design high quality instruction
Adapt lesson and delivery as needed
Monitor and assess language development
Engage and collaborate with other in the ESOL community
Modal Verbs
Show necessity, certainty, or possibility:
can, could, will, would, etc…
Auxiliary Verbs
They form tense and mood:
To be verbs
is, don’t , had, etc…
What is the verb and modifier refer to?
The snow falls.
What type of predicate is the above?
Simple predicate
English for Academic Purposes
Present Perfect Tense
Something has occurred and could possibly still be occurring.
I have taken a break.
He has played football
Past Perfect Tense
Something that occurred in the past but had a definitive time limit.
I couldn’t get into the house.
She was not able to sing.
I have gone to the bathroom.
What are the lexical categories
Major Lexicon
Minor Lexicon
Major Lexicon
Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
Minor Lexicon
conjunctions, particles, adpositions.
Style shifting refers to what?
Language used to impress a person. Language used to match the style of another person.
Which assessments assess all 4 categories of language learning?
IPT Assessment
Individual Proficiency Test
Language Assessment Scales
How Many Typological Language Categories
4: Analytic, synthetic, aggutintative, polysynthetic.
What category of Typological Language is English?
Analytic: S,V,O Sungject, Verb, Object.
What does the Reading Recovery Program focus on?
Teaching children the basic pre-literacy skills. This helps them recover the skills they may have passed up in their development.
Who created The Reading Recovery Program?
Mary Clay
How many types of clipping are there? What are they?
4 types: Back, Middle, Fore, Complex
What are the four properties of slang words?
Scalar (volume of use)
Short Life Span
Group Identification
What are the three basic views of language?
Communicative : Language is vehicle for expression based in function.
Structural: Organization of elements for meaning
Interactional: Communication for forming and keeping relationships
Context Reduced Tasks
Where the teacher removes supports (context) that aid in the learning of the English. This relies on the learner only using the language / text.
Context Embedded Tasks
The teacher includes structural supports, such as images, etc.., that suppoly context for the English being studied.
Functional Approach to Language
Changing register to adapt between two social situations.
Structural Method
Focuses on word order and structure (syntax).
Gerund Phrase
adding ing to the verb.
Modular verb
can, could, may, etc… indefinite.
Teaching English as a Foreign Language
Using general rules to follow rather than changing for irregular English rules.
Applying the general rule to all examples.
Go = Went vs goes
Adding ‘s’ to words in order to indicate plurals
A modified A-F scale takes into consideration these three factors:
What future tense is this sentence:
I will go to the store.
Future simple
What future tense is this:
I will be going to the store later.
Future continuous
What future tense is this sentence:
I will have gone to the store by 10 pm.
Future perfect
What future tense is this sentence:
I will have been to the store by 10pm.
Future perfect progressive
Language is diachronic. What does this mean?
Language has evolved many times over a great amount of time.
A discontinued morpheme is what type of word?
An auxiliary word that interrupts the original morpheme.
I Live : I’ve Been
Graphemes are:
The physical representation of Morphemes in symbols. They may or may not have meaning.
Gardner’s Theory of Intelligence takes into consideration these 8 factors
Musical / Rhythmic
Visual / Spatial
Verbal / Linguistic
Logical / Mathematical
Bodily / Kinesthetic