praxis Flashcards
Cognitive development
4 stages
0-2 sesory and motor expereinces
2-6 very ego centric pretend play
No logcal reasoning
Concrete operational
7-12 logical reasoning kicks in
Formal operational
12+ abstract thinking
John Dewey
Dewey believes students learn through hands on inquiry based learning
-example: going outside to collect rocks to learn about them
Jerome Bruner
Constructivist theory that learning is an active process that builds on prior knowledge
Example- spiral curriculum
Students are engaging in discussion
Erik Erickson
Social development that happens in 8 stages
Industry vs. Inferiority 5-12
Example- develop students indepence with class roles
Lev Vygotsky
Stress the fundimental role of social interation in the devlopment of cognition
Example- ZPD
I do we do you do
peer and teacher support
Albert Bandura
Social learning theory on modeled behaviors or observations has 4 stages and students learn from what they observe teacher do
Example- Routines
Self efficacy is promoted by immediate feedback
Banduras 4 stages of social learning theory
- Attention (observation)
- Retention (Memory)
- Motor reproduction (practice and replicate of behaviros)
- Motivation
Lawerence Kohlberg
Moral development 3 levels of morality and they grow at differnt rates
Example- describe motives of a character
promoting social awarness
Benjamin Bloom
Critical thinking
Specific to general
General to specific
Thinking about your own thinking
Self- efficancy
Students belif in one self