praxis Flashcards
Cognitive development
4 stages
0-2 sesory and motor expereinces
2-6 very ego centric pretend play
No logcal reasoning
Concrete operational
7-12 logical reasoning kicks in
Formal operational
12+ abstract thinking
John Dewey
Dewey believes students learn through hands on inquiry based learning
-example: going outside to collect rocks to learn about them
Jerome Bruner
Constructivist theory that learning is an active process that builds on prior knowledge
Example- spiral curriculum
Students are engaging in discussion
Erik Erickson
Social development that happens in 8 stages
Industry vs. Inferiority 5-12
Example- develop students indepence with class roles
Lev Vygotsky
Stress the fundimental role of social interation in the devlopment of cognition
Example- ZPD
I do we do you do
peer and teacher support
Albert Bandura
Social learning theory on modeled behaviors or observations has 4 stages and students learn from what they observe teacher do
Example- Routines
Self efficacy is promoted by immediate feedback
Banduras 4 stages of social learning theory
- Attention (observation)
- Retention (Memory)
- Motor reproduction (practice and replicate of behaviros)
- Motivation
Lawerence Kohlberg
Moral development 3 levels of morality and they grow at differnt rates
Example- describe motives of a character
promoting social awarness
Benjamin Bloom
Critical thinking
Specific to general
General to specific
Thinking about your own thinking
Self- efficancy
Students belif in one self
Holistic philosophy that supports the idea that learning and problem solving should reflect real world
Classical Conditioning
Student learns to assoicate a desired behavior with a specific hand cue
Operant Conditioning
A teacher provides as student with a reward for a good behavior
Cognitive development
thinking reasoning problem solving
Social develpment
interpersonal initating play
Moral development
Right vs wrong
Code switching
going back and forth between language in the same sentace
Social pschological and cultural change adopting the new culture
Edward Thorndike
Law of effect, law of readiness, law of exercise
Law of effect
People will repeat behaviors when they recieve postive reinforcment and be deterred with negative
Law of readiness
A student needs to be ready to learn something for it to be effective
Law of exercise
The more often a reward is associated with a behavior the more likely it is to become a habit
John Watson
Human behavior can be explained by classical conditioning
Used in the classroom to find predictability- same clean up song to make them feel safe
Hierarchy of needs
Physiological needs- food and shelter
Safety- health family
Love- belonging friends
Self-esteem- confidence
Self actualization
B.F Skinner
Changes in behavior are the results of an indivual’s response to events that occur in the environment
Information processing
- sensory register
- short term memory
- declarative
- procedural
Social learning theory
Emphasizes modeling and performing learnign behaviors
Reciprocal determinism
Behavior is influenced by a students enviroment
The content to be covered and depth at which it will be taught
A bucket full of skills
then the sequence is lining those skills in order of how they should be taugh
Cognitive Domain
How students think about thinking
Blooms taxonomy
Affective Domain
Students attitudes values and beliefs
Responding, listening, valuing, organizing, characterization
Students physical movements
imitation (copy or trace), precision (demonstrate), articulation (build) naturalization (perform)
Is it measuring teh content that is supposed to be measurred
How consistent is it
GLE 5.2
Reading at the beginning of 5th grade
AE 12.3
reading at a typical child at 12 years old and 4 months