praveen vim commands Flashcards
How do you open another file while you are in vim
Enter command mode and type
:e filename
You can also use :e to reload the file that you have currently opened. Typically this is used to discard the edits and start over from the previous saved file
How do you save a file?
Enter command mode and pressing :w
If you like to save and quit press :wq
How do you exit vim
Enter command mode and press :q
if you edited the file and you like to dicard the edits and exit vim without saving press :q!
Save the contents in vim as a different file
Enter command mode and :w newfilename
Repeats the last change made in normal mode
Enter comamnd mode and type .
Repeat 5 times the last change made in normal mode
Enter command mode and type 5.
move the cursor to the end of the word or beginning of word
e - end
b - beginning
move the cursor to the beginning/end of the line
0 beginning of line
$ end of line
move the cursor to the end/start of the file
In command mode
G - end
gg - first line
move the cursor to the bottom of the screen
move cursor to line 59. Replace 59 by the desired line number.
Copy commands
Enter escape mode
Press y to copy the selected text to clipboard
press yy to copy the current line
press 5yy to copy 5 lines
press y$ to copy from cursor to end of line
press y^ to copy from start of line to cursor
Paste clipboard contents
Enter command mode and press p
Delete or cut
Enter escape mode and press
dd to Cut current line
D cut from cursor to end of line
Search fred or joe
Replace all occurrences of old by new in file
enter escape mode and
:%s/onward/forward/gi for case insensitive
:%s/old/new/gc replace all occurrances with confirmation
Replace the beginning of each line by hello
Replace the end of each line by Harry
Delete all lines containing string
Delete all lines containing which didn’t contain string
:v/string/d Delete all lines containing which didn’t contain string
Replace Bill by Steve in current line
Replace Bill by Steve in all the file
Delete DOS carriage returns (^M)
Lowercase line
Uppercase line
Set all text to lowercase
Set all text to uppercase
Execute the pwd unix command then returns to Vi
Temporary returns to Unix and return back to vi
:sh return to shell
exit to return back to vi
Replace all occurrences from line 5 to EOF