practitioner Flashcards
Advantages of cloud computing
1) trade capital expense to variable expense
2) Benefit from massive economies of scale
3) stop guessing about capacity
4) Increase speed and agility
5) Stop spending money running and maintaining data centers
6) go global in minutes
choosing the right AWS region
1) Data sovereignty Laws
2) Latency to end user
3) AWS service (is present in that region or not)
Setting up billing alarm
-> CloudWatch -> billing -> click create alarm -> activate SNS (simple notification service )
different ways to access AWS (IAM)
1) programmatic access( using the command line)
2) Aws management console
3) Using SDKs ( software development kits)
IAM set user permission
1) add the user to a group (the “group” is a place to store users and they will inherit all the permission at that group)
2) copy permission from the existing user
3) attach existing policies directly (policies are basically Json script)
IAM identity access management
when we create a user/group it is created globally
ie identity created is not region specific
IAM best practice
1) root account for only creating account and not login
2)one user = one real human ( no platform user )
3) use group/policies for better management of user
4) have strong password policies
6)ROLES for AWS service communication with each other )
7)Access key (programmatic access)
8) IAM credential report ( to audit permission for the user/group)
IAM credential report
list all users and the details about the Password (if Changed regularly or not) Access key, MFA ( on or off)
S3 ( simple storage services )
Basic of S3
1) the name must be unique globally
2) URL syntax “ https://s3-(? region) name)
3)http-200 means upload is successful
characteristics of object present in the S3
1) Key(name)
2)value(the object itself)
3) versionID
4)metadata (info/comments about the data present)
5)Sub resource :-
access control list
S3 features
1) Tiered storage available
2) life-cycle management
3) versioning
4) encryption
5) secure using access control list and bucket policies
S3 storage tier
-> standard
-> IA(infrequently accessed)
-> one zone IA
-> intelligent tier
-> s3 glacier Instant Retrieval
-> s3 glacier Flexible Retrieval
-> s3 glacier deep archive
s3 for what all charges are applicable
-> storage
-> Storage management pricing
->data transfer
-> transfer acceleration
-> cross-region replication
restricting bucket access
-> bucket policies (applied for entire bucket)
-> object policies (applied for individual files)