Practices of 5 pillars Flashcards
1) Shahadah
Declaration of Taw-hid and faith. “There is no god but allah and Muhammad is his messenger of allah.” Declaring the shahadah three times in full sincerity is all one needs to become a muslim
2) Salah
Compulsory prayer 5x at set times of day, only in Arabic because muslims believe this is the language allah gave Muhammad the Qu’ran in through angel Jabril
3) Sawm
Obligatory fasting during ramadan. The aim of fasting is to be mindful of God. Exempt if very young/old, pregnant, ill or travelling
4) Zakat
Zakat is charity and it involves compulsory giving of 2.5% of surplus wealth. Zakat is to remind Muslims that everything they have is given by allah
5) Hajj
Pilgrimage to mecca. To be completed once in a lifetime unless disabled or can’t afford to go
Muslims practice submission by following the five pillars of Islam and by living by the Qu’ran, Shahadah, Salah, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj