Practices Flashcards
What is liturgical worship?
Done from bible passages , seen as the most common/ Normal
Who does non liturgical worship?
What do you do in charismatic worship?
Dancing, clapping, calling out and speaking in tongue
What is private worship?
Worship given to god by one person or family, it’s private .
What does worship mean?
The feeling or expression of adoration for a god
What is prayer?
Communicating with god in silence or aloud
Prayer for self is…
Asking for help or guidance
Thinking of others especially when the help they require is beyond our abilities is knows as what prayer?
Prayers for others
Thanksgiving is…
Showing appreciation for what we have in life
Confession is…
Reflecting on actions we regret
Recognition of the greatness of god and his creations is known as which prayer?
Praising god
Set prayer is…
Prayers that have been written down and said more than once by more than one person.
What are the 4 themes in prayer?
What is a missionary?
Person on a religious mission
A religious journey is known as…
Infant baptism is…
Done as a baby
Believers baptism is…
Done with the persons own choice usually when they’re older
Who is remembered in Passover?
Jesus Christ
Passover is a ….. festival
Why is the holy Eucharist performed?
To commemorate the sacrifice Jesus made so we can be forgiven of our sins
What experience would Christians get from visiting St. Martins cross as a pilgrimage.
Christians can be closer to a person whose a disciple of god
A young girl called Bernadette Soubirous was playing and saw a vision or Mary the mother of Jesus, what pilgrimage place is this?
What are street pastors?
They help people at night who aren’t being helped by the police and will do their best to keep others safe.
SIM stands for?
Serving in mission
What is evangelism?
Spreading the word to all parts of the world about god
What is emergency aid?
Immediate response needed, like food ,water and medical aid.
Short term aid is..
Process of rebuilding things like school and hospitals or families being reunited
Long term aid is…
Helping to build systems that help make a country self sufficient.