Practices Flashcards
What are the differences in Salah between Shi’a and Sunni’s?
Sunni Muslims pray 5 times a day
Shi’a Muslims pray 3 times a day
Shi’a Muslims place their forehead on a wooden block or clay tablet
Why is salah important?
Ensures God is not forgotten throughout the day
Encourages good behavior and prevents sin
Reminds Muslims of the greatness of God
Brings discipline
Lead to heaven
What is done before prayer?
Wudu- cleansing spiritually and physically to focus on God
Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder facing the Mihrab in the qiblah wall that faces Mecca
Shoes are removed
Why do Muslims stand in the same direction when they pray?
It means they are all focusing on one place associated with God
What is sujud and why is this done?
Kneeling down on the floor and forehead touching the floor or wooden block
Total submission, the bowing down for God
prostration- complete obedience
What does each of the 17 sequences involve?
rak’ahs and recitations
Each position includes the saying out loud of Qur’anic recitations
What are dua’s?
Private pray often said at home
What is a khatib?
Iman who delivers sermons at Friday prayer
What is Fajr?
Prayer just before sunrise
What is Zuhur?
Prayer before midday
What is Asr?
Afternoon prayer
What is Maghrib?
just after sunset
What is Isha?
Night prayer
What prayers do Shi’a muslims combine?
Zuhr and Asr- midday and afternoon prayer
Maghrib and Isha- sunset and night prayers
What is Jummah prayer?
Congregational prayers at the mosque on Friday at noon
Adhan is called, wudu is performed Muslims can make dua’s before the sermon
Khabit delivers the first part in the langue of the community- may discuss social/community issues
Can get guidance and insight for imams
Why is Jummah important?
All men are expected to go
Great rewards come from it
“Whoever missed three jumu’ahs out of negligence, Allah (SWT) will place a seal over his heart.”
Unite the ummah
Why is prayer important?
Muslims have been commanded by God to pay
One of the five pillars and 10 obligatory acts
The actions of bowing down and prostrating remind muslims that God is greater than them
Helps Muslims become closer to God
What is Zakah?
- a charity a directive from Qur’an
- Muslims with savings greater than nisab are expected to give 2.5% of their savings once a year.
- Can be collected by mosque to distribute or directly to charities such as Islamic relief or Muslim aids
Why is Zakah done?
Muslims believe their wealth comes from God so they should share it with others just as God has done for us.
To purify and cleanse your wealth- makes the remaining money clean
Sharing blessings of wealth helps with moral character and prevents greed
Why is Zakah important
Money benefits both giver and receiver it is said the giver will receive a hundred-fold back in the afterlife
Stewardship- look after the poor
Fulfils religious duty- 3rd pillar of Islam
What is Khums?
Khums means 1/5
Shi’a Muslims give 20% of their savings. Half goes to Shi’a leaders and the other half is used for the poor, building school
What are shi’a muslims to do in addition of Khums?
Encouraged to voluntarily give their time and money to charity at any time of the year. Action. This is Sadaqah
Why is Khums important?
1 of the obligatory acts
The schools built with the money are used to teach and give Muslims a better understand of Allah
Gives special recognition to Mohammad and the leaders within Shi’a Muslims
What happens on Hajj when Muslims enter a state of Ihram and what does this symbolise?
They enter a stage of purity
Involves ritual washing, praying and putting on Ihram clothing- wearing white
White symbolises purity
Everyone wearing white emphasises purity and equality
Shows everyone is equal before God.
Why do Muslims circle the Ka’aba and what is the significance?
Circle the Ka’aba 7 times in an anti-clockwise direction
As they walk around it they touch the stone or raise a hand as they pass it
Believed to be the only surviving stone from the original Ka’aba
Why do Muslims walk in between the two hills and what does it remember?
After circling Ka’aba Muslims walk seven times between the two hills of safa and Marwah.
They then collect water from the well of Zam Zam
This remembers Hahira’s search for water and the miraculous appearance of the well of Zam Zam.
Shows dependence on God
What happens when muslims stand at Arafat and what does it symbolise
Arafat is where Mohammad preached his last sermon
Spend the whole afternoon praying
Some stand to show the depth of their faith
Physically draining showing devotion to God
God forgives the sins of everyone at Arafat if they are sincerely sorry
What does throwing rocks at mina symbolise?
At Mina they throw pebbles at Jamarat
Wall represents the devil and temptation
The throwing of the pebbles symbolise rejecting the devil and temptation of sin
Why do Muslims sacrifice an animal at Hajj?
Sacrifice animals as part of celebration of Id-ul-Adha
Left over meat given to the poor
Sacrifice remembers Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his own son out of obedience to God
What happens at Hajj?
Entering state of Ihram
Circling the Ka’aba
Walking between the two hills
Standing at Arafat
Throwing pebbles at Mina
Sacrificing an animal
What is involved in greater Jihad?
Observing the 5 pillars of Islam
Avoiding temptations such as drugs and alcohol
Studying the Qur’an
Putting God above everything else
What are the only reasons for a holy war?
It has to be the last resort after all peaceful methods have been tried
Fought in self defence in response to threat
Not used to gain wealth or territory
Not used to convert people to Islam
Why are festivals important?
Gives a sense of identity
Remember past events
unite and strengthen ummah
Express gratitude
What happens at Id-ul-Fitar?
Muslims gather together in mosques or large outdoor areas to receive a sermon from the Imam’s
Forget any disputes they had and focus on helping the poor
Decorate their homes, wear new clothes, eat special foods and exchange cards and presents
Why is Id-ul-Fitar important?
Celebrates the end of Ramadan and is a way for Muslims to thank God for helping them to complete the fast
Commemorates the first Eid celebrated by Mohammad
What happens at Eid-ul-Adha?
Special prayers in the mosque and a sermon on the theme of sacrifice
Muslims visit family and friends and share a meal together
Some may slaughter an animal
Donate to the poor
Why is Eid-ul-Adha important?
Celebrates Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God
Reminds Muslims about the importance of showing complete obedience
Celebrates the completion of Hajj
Allows Muslims to connect with those on Hajj even though they aren’t there physically
What the origins of Ashura (Shi’a)?
Remembers the death of Husayn who was the son of Iman Ali, Mohammad’s grandson.
He died in the battle of Karbala
What are the origins of Ashura (Sunni)?
They observe Ashura as the day of atonement
Some see it as the day the Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt
Some see it as the day Noah left the ark after the flood
How is Asura commemorated?
Shi’a Muslims perform play and re-enactments to tell the story of Husayn
Public expression of mourning- beating themselves, cutting themselves
Donating blood
In Iraq many Shi’a Muslims visit Husayn’s grave