Practice with "to be" Flashcards
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What is the conjugation of “to be” in the present tense?
I am You are He/She/it is We are They are
Yo soy…
I am…
Tu eres…
You are…
Ustedes son…
You are…
Ustedes están…
You are…
Yo no soy…
I am not…
(It) is…
Es posible…
It is possible…
No es posible…
It is not possible…
Juan es abogado
Juan is a lawyer
Pedro es aquél
Pedro is that one
Este es el joven
This is the young man
La vida es luchar
Life is struggling
Soy abogado
I am a lawyer
Eres abogado
You are a lawyer
Son abogados
They are lawyers
Ustedes son abogados
You are lawyers
Él es abogado
He is a lawyer
Es abogado
He is a lawyer
Es la verdad
It is the truth
Es un libro
It is a book
Juan está en Venezuela
Juan is in Venezuela
El no está aquí
He is not here
Está en Venezuela
He is in Venezuela
She is in Venezuela
It is in Venezuela
Las montañas están lejos
The mountains are far
El es de Venezuela
He is from Venezuela
Soy de Venezuela
I am from Venezuela