Practice Tests Flashcards
Etiology refers to A. causes of illness. B. a special kind of disease state. C. healthy behavior. D. stress effects.
Random assignment is an important characteristic of A. experiments. B. correlational research. C. longitudinal research. D. all of the above.
Damage to the cerebellum is associated with impaired A. muscular coordination. B. respiration. C. speech. D. visual acuity.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is chest pain which occurs because the muscle tissue of the heart must continue its activity without a sufficient supply of oxygen or adequate removal of carbon dioxide and other waste products. A. Angina pectoris B. Myocardial infarction C. Phlebitis D. Arteriosclerosis
The female hormone, estrogen,
A. is secreted by the anterior pituitary.
B. is associated with lactation.
C. is produced during the second half of the menstrual cycle.
D. leads to the development of secondary sex characteristics in the female.
According to the text, changing health behaviors may be beneficial because it
A. may reduce the number of deaths due to diseases related to lifestyle.
B. may increase individual longevity and life expectancy.
C. may delay the onset of chronic disease and enhance quality of life.
D. all of the above.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ is the belief that one is able to control one’s practice of a particular behavior. A. Health locus-of-control B. Self-esteem C. Self-control D. Self-efficacy
The use of Antabuse in the treatment of alcoholism is an example of A. shaping. B. modeling. C. operant conditioning. D. classical conditioning.
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ involves modifying the environment to affect one’s ability to practice a particular behavior. A. Social engineering B. Reconstruction C. Adaptive environmental change D. Passive retraining
Which of the following people is LEAST likely to exercise regularly? A. Joe, a 10-year-old boy B. Jill, a 15-year-old girl C. Jack, a 35-year-old man D. Juana, a 45-year-old woman
Parents are most likely to undertake injury prevention activities
A. if they believe that the recommended steps really will avoid injuries.
B. if they feel knowledgeable and competent to teach safety skills to their children.
C. if they have a realistic sense of how much time will actually be involved.
D. all of the above.
Obesity is defined as an accumulation of more than \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ percent fat in women. A. 10-14 B. 14-21 C. 20-27 D. 30-34
Girls with bulimia differ from girls with anorexia in that
A. by definition, girls with anorexia are underweight, whereas girls with bulimia are often of normal weight or overweight
B. bulimia is more commonly observed between the ages of 30 to 45.
C. anorexia is associated with diminished perceptions of control; bulimia is not.
D. anorexia may be associated with certain physiological factors; bulimia is associated with certain psychological factors.
Sleep apnea
A. is an air pipe blockage that disrupts sleep and can compromise health.
B. causes some people to sleep very soundly.
C. is easy to diagnose.
D. has no effective treatment.
Since he stopped smoking last week, John complains about fighting the urge for a cigarette, especially when he is around other smokers. This is an example of A. addiction. B. tolerance. C. craving. D. withdrawal.
Alcoholics Anonymous
A. is a broad-spectrum treatment program.
B. is a self-help group.
C. has demonstrated lower dropout and relapse rates than inpatient programs.
D. all of the above.
The best predictor of long-term abstinence among smokers is A. social support. B. environmental support. C. self-efficacy. D. remaining vigilant about not smoking.
Those who quit smoking on their own
A. appear to be more successful in maintaining abstinence than participants in smoking cessation programs.
B. have high levels of self-control that are related to low relapse rates.
C. are more likely to have a socially supportive network that smokes.
D. have strong beliefs in the health benefits of stopping smoking.
The correct sequence of phases of the general adaptation syndrome is A. alarm, resistance, exhaustion. B. exhaustion, resistance, alarm. C. resistance, alarm, exhaustion. D. resistance, exhaustion, alarm.
The process of secondary appraisal involves the evaluation of one’s A. current emotional state. B. perception of the event. C. coping ability and resources. D. all of the above.
The relationship between scores on the Schedule of Recent Life Events (SRE) and illness is A. negligible. B. modest. C. robust. D. unpredictable.
Workers who suffer from work overload \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ compared with workers who do not experience overload. A. feel more stressed B. practice poorer health habits C. sustain more health risks D. all of the above
Individuals high in negative affectivity
A. may be described as having a “disease-prone” personality.
B. are more likely to seek out medical care for minor complaints.
C. repress their stress-related symptoms but complain more about their general health.
D. are characterized as being depressed, anxious, and psychotic.
The belief that one can determine one’s own internal states and behavior, influence one’s environment, and/or bring about desired outcomes is A. optimism. B. perceived control. C. self-efficacy. D. hardiness.
Information from others that one is loved and cared for, esteemed and valued, and part of a network of communication and mutual obligation is called A. coping. B. internal resources. C. social support. D. external resources.
Individuals that cause you special stress are A. stress carriers. B. not important to you. C. easily ignored. D. none of the above.
The \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ model of illness is represented by alternating periods of either no or many symptoms. A. acute B. chronic C. cyclic D. terminal
A. exhibit strong beliefs in self-care.
B. tend to express distress and conflict through physical symptoms.
C. repress their symptoms during times of stress.
D. all of the above.
The hospital nursing staff has as its primary orientation the goal of A. cure. B. care. C. core. D. all of the above.
The most common adverse response by children to hospitalization is
A. anxiety.
B. lack of information about medical procedures.
C. high levels of personal control.
D. all of the above.
Most patients
A. are good judges of the technical quality of the medical care they receive.
B. consider medical treatment to be of high technical quality if the provider is nice.
C. feel that the technical quality of medical care is somewhat more important than the manner in which it is provided.
D. all of the above.
You are a consultant who has been hired by an HMO to try to improve patient satisfaction and retention. Based on the research discussed in the text, your most effective recommendation would be to
A. increase the number of specialists.
B. allow patients more personal choice in their primary provider.
C. decrease the annual premium paid.
D. ensure that a patient sees a different doctor during each visit.
When patients do not adopt the recommended medical treatment, the result is A. malingering B. reactance C. doctor shopping D. non-adherence
Pain has important medical consequences because
A. patients’ delay behavior is related to the experience of debilitating pain.
B. practitioners are trained to devote a significant amount of time to diagnosing the source of pain, which often impairs the quality of medical interactions.
C. it is the symptom most likely to lead an individual to seek treatment.
D. after death, pain is the most feared aspect of illness or medical treatment.
Acute pain
A. is not associated with anxiety and depression.
B. may precede the development of a chronic pain syndrome.
C. seldom responds to the administration of painkillers or other medication.
D. increases with the passage of time.
Pharmacological control of pain
A. is dangerous in that it usually leads to addiction to prescription drugs.
B. is of no concern to researchers and practitioners.
C. has a low probability of leading to addiction to prescription drugs.
D. is the treatment of last resort.
Denial is useful in helping patients
A. control their emotional reaction to illness.
B. monitor their physical condition.
C. seek treatment.
D. become active in their treatment regimen.
Chemotherapy may be accompanied by A. changes in taste and the development of taste aversions. B. burning of the skin. C. dietary restrictions. D. weight gain.
More than \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ of cancer patients report at least some beneficial changes in their life as a result of the cancer. A. 20% B. 45% C. 75% D. 90%
Compared to therapy with other clients, psychotherapy provided to medical patients is more likely to
A. be continuous and long term in nature.
B. involve collaboration with the patient’s family and physician.
C. be expensive and time consuming.
D. challenge the client’s defenses and promote a realistic assessment of his or her situation.
The infant mortality rate in the United States
A. is higher than that in most Western European countries.
B. is twice as high for black infants as for white infants.
C. may be associated with inequities in access to health care.
D. all of the above.
A living will outlines
A. a patient’s wishes to undergo euthanasia.
B. a patient’s request that extraordinary life-sustaining procedures not be used.
C. the conditions under which a patient requests to remain alive.
D. the disposition of one’s belongings after death.
The correct order of Kübler-Ross’s stages of adjustment to dying is
A. depression, anger, bargaining, denial, acceptance.
B. denial, anger, bargaining, acceptance, depression.
C. denial, bargaining, anger, depression, acceptance.
D. denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance.
The goals of hospice care include A. palliative care. B. psychological comfort. C. improved social support. D. all of the above.
The combination of obesity centered around the waist, high levels of triglycerides, low levels of HDL cholesterol, and difficulty metabolizing blood sugar are symptomatic of
A. inflammation due to c reactive protein.
B. metabolic syndrome.
C. angina pectoris.
D. cardiac arrest.
Cardiac rehabilitation programs involve A. aerobic exercise. B. smoking cessation. C. reduced alcohol consumption. D. all of the above.
Diastolic pressure is related to
A. resistance of the blood vessels to blood flow.
B. the amount of force developed during contraction of the heart.
C. the volume of blood leaving the heart.
D. the arteries’ elasticity.
The risk factors for stroke
A. are independent of those for heart disease.
B. decrease with age.
C. are not subject to modification by lifestyle changes.
D. include cigarette smoking.
Type II (noninsulin-dependent) diabetes A. develops relatively late in life (after age 40), but is becoming more common in children and adolescents. B. accounts for 90% of all diabetics. C. occurs when insulin is disregulated. D. all of the above.
Helper T (TH) cells
A. respond to specific antigens.
B. enhance the function of TC cells, B cells, and macrophages by producing lymphokines.
C. produce lymphokines that suppress immune activity.
D. produce immunoglobulins, which are the basis of antigen-specific reactions.
The most common mode of transmission of AIDS worldwide is via A. heterosexual sexual activity. B. homosexual sexual activity. C. blood transfusions. D. intravenous drug use.
Approximately \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ out of 1000 people in the world are infected with HIV. A. 11 B. 9 C. 7 D. 5
For cancer patients, social support A. improves immunologic responses. B. improves psychological adjustment C. can be problematic. D. all of the above.
A. is more prevalent in females than in males.
B. results from the buildup of uric acid in the body.
C. can be managed by maintaining proper weight and taking aspirin.
D. none of the above.