practice test questions Flashcards
The __________ position where the last name is coded in a personal name
Which option is the act of assigning a file
A condition in which the circulatory system is NOT providing enough blood to all parts of the body causing the body’s organs to fail to function properly is called
An artifical rupture of the amniotic sac is
chronic Inflammation and of tissues around a tooth
respiratory rate greater than 40 respirations per minutes
Med term meaning of stasis?
What does CHF stand for?
congestive heart failure
What does abduction mean?
draw away from the middle
Age of consent is…
Which term describes “the commision of an illegal act?”
What is the failure to behave as a reasonably prudent person would behave under similar circumstances?
What does PHI stand for?
Protected Health Information
Which federal act requires hospitals to care for emergency patients regardless of pay?
Where would federal complaints of sexual harassment be filed?
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
A powerful tool that communicates what cannot be expressed in words is
What is an advantage of a hospital using a fax to communicate with a provider?
paper trail
The first step in ethical decision making is to
gather relevant information
A legally binding document that allows an individual to detail precise wishes about treatment is known as which one of the following?
health care power of attorney
Which law allows for collection of taxes to funds state government programs?
Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA)
AAMA was established in
The entire focus of ethics in the field of healthcare is brought into focus by
In a medical practice, what is the largest percent of income used to pay?
What is an example of variable costs in a medical practice?
supply cost
In a system of bookkeeping, ledgers have three columns. The following questions relate to ledgers. Which one of the following data is identified in the LEFT column?
What statement best explains appropriate procedures for use of a petty cash fund?
receipts are provided for each withdrawal
If a patient has a second insurance that covers the remainder of the bill, it is called
supplemental insurance
Medical insurance that covers medical care for certain qualifying low-income individual is
A patient calls the office to inquire about the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) they recently received from the insurance carrier. Which of the following data is included in all EOBs?
CPT Code or description of service
When are copayments collected from patients who participate in managed health care programs?
Day of the visit
Which one of the following conditions may cause a referral by a primary care physician to be denied?
medical necessity is not clearly identified
Which one of the following is a benefit of patients using debit/credit cards to pay for procedures?
money is usually available within twenty-four hours
What term best describes fees for professional services?
The succession of infection includes
infectious agent, reservoir host, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, and susceptible host
The physician wants to review all outstanding debts of the practice. What file will she want to see?
accounts payable
What is the main purpose for use of medical records in a physician’s office?
provides a basis for managing patient care
What process is used in filing medical records if two or more patient last names are identical?
use city, state, and street sequence.
The owner of the medical practice has asked you to bring to her office all outstanding bills assessed to patients. What file should you bring?
accounts recievable
How long should employee health records be retained on-hand?
3 years
If hands are not visibly soiled, what is the recommended cleaning method?
antiseptic hand rub
Who oversees the manufacture, distribution, and use of disinfectants?
environmental protection agency
What class of cleaner destroys nearly all microbial life on objects or surfaces except bacterial spores?
Where might a patient find a systemic infection?
anywhere throughout the body
What is usually the first part of the medical history interview?
cheif complaint
All of the pertinent information gathered in the interview is charted. In what order is the data entered if SOAP charting is used?
subjective, objective, assesment, plan
Which one of the following is an example of objective information in the patient’s chart?
medical professional’s note of a red, swollen mass in left lower quadrant
What is defined as the chief complaint?
a problem that a paitent brings to the medical provider
How frequently should the list of patient allergies by updated?
When checking vital signs, what factors are recorded about pulse?
rate, rhythm, volume
What is the proper way to handle a mistaken entry in a patient chart?
draw a line through and mark with your institution’s accepted wording for error
All of the following area classified by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA’88) as categories of testing except:
minimum-complex testing
Which one of the following chemicals is not considered critical for proper growth of microorganisms?
What phrase best describes infectious waste?
A) wash cloth used to cool back of neck
B) items dampened with body fluids
C) wrap used to support strained ankle
D) uncapped bottle with diluted betadine solution
B) items dampened with body fluids
How does a defibrillator support a patient in cardiac arrest?
delivers an electrical shock which causes the heart muscle fibers to contract in unison
What peripheral software allows clinicians to transcribe their own medical records?
voice recognition
When is the patient’s medical chart prepared?
On or before the day of the first visit
What is the proper procedure to use when making a correction in the medical record?
Draw line through the error, initial and date
What process is described by the acronym P.O.M.R. ?
placement of importance medical inormation in a very obvious location with charting problems in a numerical order
Which one of the following represents a behavior that is intended to protect oneself from a perceived threat?
Confidentiality is a major concern when:
leaving a message on a patient’s answering machine `
A bruise also known as a/an :
What definition best describes a thoracotomy?
incision through the chest wall
Patient eductaion is critical to prevent the inset of a repeat of illness. What is essential to assess before beginning patient education?
readiness to learn
What is the name of a service that may be employeed by a medical practice to prepare and send all monthly statements and to place collection called when needed?
The government requires businesses to report incomes on a regular basis. What is the required form to be sued in the reporting process?
wage and taxable account form
allows collection of tax to fund state programs
settles payment on insurance claims also refers to review of evidence in a trial.
incubation period. infections are persistent and go into relapse.
Joint Commision on Accrediation of Healthcare Organizations- reviews and accredits hospitals
National Committee for Quality Assurance- reviews and accredits health plans
Ambulatory Services Center- . line by line billing allows for less costs
Adverse Selection
attracting patients that are sicker than usual
Admission Certification
admitting patients that need more care
single payer system
governement run. care triad. (Cost,quality,access)
Evidence Based Medicine
Uses EMR of patient to determine the best treatment
National Labor Relations Act
Allows hospital/health care providers to use bargaining units
Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938
Establishes Minimum Wage, Ages, overtime pay for workers.
Equal Pay Act
equal pay agaisnt genders
Health Effectivness Date Information Set compares health plan performance
Outcome Assesment Information Set- Reimbursement for home health care plans.
Uniform Discharge Data Set- Uniform health discharge data set. Needed for Medicare reporting.
Occupational Saftey Health Administration- Establishes and regulates workplace safety.
Protected Health Information- Records of a patient’s past and present health condtion, how the care was provided ad how the patient paid
Health Information Privacy and Portability Act
provisions of HIPPA
cannot be denied coverage for group insurance, coverage wait cannot exceed 12-18 months, safeguard electronic information, privacy of health records
payment defined by policy that grants access to treatment
money paid to insurers to negate that risk of loss. Lower payments result in high treatment costs.
Health Matinence Organization- Individuals pay a fixed amount & get access to facilities within the plan.( health insurance plan)
Preferred Provider Organization- Typical insurance tyle. Individuals pay a fee for service along with copay and deductables through a network of providers.
Point of Service- similar to HMO, but with extentions through payment similar to a PPO plan.
High Deductable Health Plan- higher dedectuable than a traditional insurance plan BUT you pay more health care costs yourself
low premium, high dectuable
for high risk people
Insurance plan for old people
Insurnace plan for poor
Employee Retirement Income Secuirty Act- Act that allows emplyers to set up insurance plans. Also allows funding for medicaid.
MIlitary health insurance program
Managerial Accounting
Financial data for internal users: Board, executives, & managers.
Financial Accounting
Financial data for external users: stockholders, lenders, insurers, governement
Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System: Codes used for outpoint services & supplies.
Stark Law
Prohibits physicians from making referrals to Medicare
sworn statement of facts in an accident