practice test Flashcards
What does the Bipartisan reform act do?
Bans issue advocacy on television or radios that mentions a candidates name a set amount of time before elections
The nickname the “Great Communicator” was given to who?
Ronald Reagan
Recent studies of the media’s political reporting tend to be critical of their
Partisan bias
Bill O’Reilley is
The president who has been the most successful in using television to further his goals was
Ronald Reagan
This who opposed the Iraq war tried to portray it as another Vietnam. This is an example of
It is an example of
Issue Framing
Campaign consultants help campaigns with all of the following
Proffessional advice and service
Opinion polling
Advertising strategies
Acknowledging that we live in a maze of group interest, maadison argues that “the most common and durable source of factions has been”
The various and unequal distribution of property.
Nearly all adult citizens have belonged to this type of interest group
Between them both, common cause and the PIRG founded by Ralph Nadar promote all but
Political candidates
AIPAC is an example of
a foreign policy interest group
Jack Abramoff’s plea bargain required the once-powerful lobbyist to
provide evidence about members of congress
In the name of “national security” Nixon’s aides had authorized burglary of the files of
Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist
What happened by June 1973
The country had become transfixed by the watergate scandal
The BCRA tried to
- ban most soft money
- place reulations on issue advocacy ads
- increase the amount individuals could give to candidates
Quid pro quo can often be explained how
A POLITCAL PAYback from an interest group
Interest groups such as NOW and NAACP are
ideological and single interest groups
Do interest groups nominate candidates for elective office?