Practice Test Flashcards
Nucleic acid
Allows organisms to transfer genetic information info Fomites one generation to the next
Which class of biomolecules may influence the rate of specific chemical reactions w/ living cells ?
(2) types of nucleic acids
2. RNA
Enzyme catalyst
Used to transport molecules
Store molecules
Structural components of cell membranes
Supply energy for body processes
Fat oxidation
Which of the following is the form of energy contained in. Turing molecules and in ATP’s high-energy bonds?
Potential energy
Mechanical energy
Sum of potential energy & kinetic energy
Energy associated w/movement & position of object
Potential energy
“Stored energy “
Energy waiting to be used
NOT moving, with ability to do work when released
Kinetic energy
Energy in “MOTION”
Radiation energy
Energy of electromagnetic waves
Which of the following best explains the maintenance of a nearly constant avg temp. Of the structure of the earth?
The amounts of solar energy absorbs radiant energy , emitted by the earth existic in equilibrium
Drugs that STOPS the function of enzyme DNA polymerase would
Block replication of DNA carrying genetic code in the nucleus
Which of the following describes the function of ribosomes in living cells ?
Use of genetic information to build specific protein in molecules
Site of translation of the genetic code of DNA and RNA into the amino acid code of protein
- protein synthesis
- assemble (20) amino acids molecules to for, particular protein molecule
Which of the following organ systems is responsible for transporting nutrients, waste, and other substance tnroughout the human body ?
Circulatory system
Respiratory system
Tubes used to carry air to lungs
Gas exchange takes place
Immune system
Protect against disease by identifying pathogens
* protects body against infectious agents using WBC & antibodies
Nervous system
Controls all systems
Transports materials , nutrients to cells
*waste from cells
Primary function of the cells lining trachea and bronchi is to ?
Secrete mucous
Propel trapped debris toward the pharynx
Function of cell membrane
Surround cytoplasm
* separate intracellular components from extra cellular environment
Major factor in inflammatory response system
MAny allergic reactions are due to abrupt histamine
Digestive system
Facilitates absorption of substances into the bloodstream
Hydrogen bonding
Attractive force between (1) electronegative atom & hydrogen covalent bond to another electronegative body.
Capillary action
Movement of liquids in thin tubes
Flow of liquids through porous media, such as flow of H20 through soil
Which of the following structures w/ in a human cell is responsible for recycling the materials no longer functional or needed within cell ?
Synthesis of protein, according to sequence of amino acids
Specified in messenger RNA
Specialized membranes bound vessels contain enzymes for molecular digestion
- recycle molecules
- disposal of cellular debris
- cell membrane repair
- phagocytosis
“Powerhouse of cell”
* # of enzymes & proteins that help process carbs &rafts obtained from food we eat / release energy
Component of Eukaryotic cells
- contains genetic material
- carry function of gene expression, hereditary
Specialize vacuoles containing a digestive enzyme
Cluster of hereditary genetic disorders where he body’s ability to control or stop bleeding with help of blood clotting or coagulation
RBC count in blood or the amount of hemoglobin is below the normal rate level
* results when hemoglobin in RBC does NOT transport enough oxygen
Increase in diastolic blood pressure
Form of blood cancer from abnormal growth of WBC in human body
The sugars for,ing the backbone of a nucleic acid molecule are linked by ?
Phosphide ester bonds
Ionic bonds
Transfer of electrons from one atom to another creating two charged
Coordinates motor activities
* maintains balance,equilibrium, posture
Brain stem
Controls flow of messages between brain & rest of the body
Controls breathing, swallowng, heart rate, blood pressure, consciousness,nawabs
Transmit movement
Sensory information
Control center for autonomic functions
Hormone productions
Body temp, thirst, hunger, sleep, sex drive, and release of hormones
Polar covalent compound
Compound made up of non-metals
Chemistry : what kind of bond?
Covalent bond
Chemistry: what kind of bond?
Table salt ( ionic bond)
Chemistry: what kind of bond ?
Simple stable compound
Ionic compound
Bond between (+) charged molecule (cation) with a (-) charged molecule
The best direct method of assessing global climate change is to measure changes over time is?
Surface temperatures of the earth
Surface temperatures are directly affected by climate change and are best method for assessing those changes
Small channels that directly connect the cytoplasm of neighbor plant cells
*allows certain molecules to pass directly from one cell to another
Doubled membranes “sac-like” organelles
- manufacture or storage of food
- include chloroplast, chromoplast, leucoplast
Produce spindle fibers that pull chromatids apart
Caps at the end of each strand of DNA that protect our chromosomes, like the plastic tips at the end of shoe laces
During the transcription of the Eukaryotic genetic code of DNA into RNA , certain regions are removed from the mature transcript. These regions are called ?
Non-coding segment of DNA that interrupts a gene coding sequence or non-translating sequence corresponds segment removed from RNA copy before transcripts
- protein coding region into the DNA
- nucleic acid sequence in the DNA
- RNA transcript following genetic splicing
*functioning unit of genomic DNA containing cluster of genes under the control of a single promoter
- alternate form of a gene located @ specific position on a specific position on a specific chromosome
- DNA codings determine distinct traits passed onto offspring
In a chemical reAction , a metal will become ?
A cation by losing electrons
Explain what happens in the circulatory system during hyperventilation
The carbon dioxide level decreases and the blood PH increases , causing constriction and hypoxia
Function of RNA in eukaryotic cells is to
Provide template for protein synthesis
- DNA->RNA template for translation by ribosomes
- RNA used to convert info
- stored in DNA into proteins
Which enzyme breaks down complex carbohydrates ?
Breaks down complex starch
Carbs into maltose , a simple disaccharide
Degrades food proteins into peptides
Digestive system
Sugar found in milk
Lg sugar molecule made up of 02 sugar molecules
Protein enzyme
Released by pancreas into small intestine
Helps absorbs fat
Alzheimer’s disease
Type of dementia that causes problems with memory thinking and behavior
Chronic bronchitis
Inflammation of the lining of the airways of bronchial tubes
Chronic lung disease
Damage to air sacs (aveoli) in lungs
Body NOT get O2 it needs
Conditions that help a species escape extinction in the face of changing of environmental conditions, such as habital destruction?
Generalized distribution
Exterminate specialization
Adaption as of an organ or species, to specific function or environment
Small populations
- increased risk of extinction
* due to loss of genetic variability inbreeding and genetic drift
Ecological niche
Relational position of a species or population in ecosystem
Bonding together of smaller molecules to form larger molecules ?
Constructive metabolism
*synthesis in living organisms of more complex substance from simpler ones
- increased rate of chemical reaction due to participation of additional substance
Breaking down in living organisms of more complex substances into smaller ones with release of energy
Allergic reaction to a foreign substance
An organism that contains its own unique genetic material and carried out protein synthesis separate from the cytoplasm ?
Golgi apparatus
Membrane bound organelle of eukaryotic cell
Transport , modify packing proteins, and lipids into vessicles for delivery
Endoplasmic reticulum
Making / packing proteins
Digestive system of cell
Degrade material taken up from outside of cell
Food producers of cells Found in plant cells Conduct photosynthesis Absorbs sunlight , use w/ H20 and CO2 Only in plants, protista
The cause of cell fife triathlon is that different cells
Express alternate genetic information
*generic embryonic cells become specialized cells, occurs through gene expression
Gene expression
Specific combination of genes that are turned off or on
Dictates now cells function
Relationship between genes and chromosomes
- Genes are DNA sequences found in chromosomes
- Genes are proteins encoded by chromosomes
- chromosomes are proteins that carry genes made up of DNA
- chromosomes consist a DNA molecule made up of. Many genes
- Genes are proteins made around which DNA chromosomes are packaged
Which halogens reacts most readily with metal sodium ?
Chlorine gas
Minerals, forms compounds with element
Thyroid hormone production
Non metallic element
Heavy , volatile, mobile, dangerous, unpleasant odor,
Respiratory irritant antiseptic
Most metallic
Holds bile
Produced in liver u to needed for digestion
Duodenum of small intestine
Leukocytes (WBC)
Cells of immune system involved in protecting body against infectious disease/invaders
Filter for body
Part of immune system old RBC
Recycled platelets, and WBC stored
Fight against certain kinds of bacteria
Vestigial organs
Un needed parts (5) Appendix Tail bone Male nipples Wisdom teeth
The specific stage of meiosis during which a cells chromosomes number is reduced by 1/2 is ?
Prophage I
Coil Becomes shorter Thicker Nucleus disappears Meiosis spindle forms Nuclear envelope disappears
*(2) chromosomes separate and move toward opposite poles of the cell as a result of action of spindle
Prophase II
No new chromosome Replication occurs before meiosis II Centrioles duplicate Separate (2) members of the pair Nuclear envelope breaks down spindle
Simple sugars
Building blocks for carbs
Fatty acids
Molecules that are long chains of lipid carboxylate acid in fats / oils in cell membrane of phospholipids
DNA consists of sugar (deoxyribose)
(4) bases
Cystosyine Adenine
Thymine Guanine
Contain “heads” that contact actin and pull the actin fibers together in an ATP dependent mechanism that causes muscle to contract
ATP- splitting enzyme essential to modify of cilia/flagella, because of its interactive with microtubules.
Fibrous structural proteins
Protein that is part of the extra cellular matrix in humans / animals
Formation of bones/ teeth
Body to make protein for the growth maintenance
Repair of cells, tissues, helps make ATP
Body uses to control blood pressure and blood volume.
Regulate blood glucose levels, aid in the production of energy, protein
Maintain normal nerve
Muscle function
Outermost of germ layers
Appears early in development of animals vertebrae
Middle of germ layers
Connective tissue
Bone, cartilage ,muscle
Innermost of (3) germ layers Gives rise to the epithelium, tissues that covers
Primary digestive cavity
Makes enzymes to digest, proteins, fats, and carbs in intestines, produces hormones insulin / glucagon
Gland, produces Giles, needed to digest fats De-toxify blood Stores vitamins Iron Simple sugars Converts stored sugar to usable Breaks down hemoglobin Destroys old RBC
Stores bile
Aid in digestion of food
Bile helps dissolve fat so that it can be absorbed in bloodstream
Physiological responses, often provoke by stress
Set of evolutionary
Brain structures located @ brainstorm, involved in survival emotions
Ex: fear , anger, sexual behavior
Organisms that use light for energy,
NOT use CO2 as site of carbon source
Organisms typically obtain energy from sunlight for use in cellular function
Organisms deriving energy by ingesting building blocks that are incapable of creating its own
Capable of synthesizing cell contents from co 2 by means of energy derived from organic reaction
Type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from surface of liquid ->gas
Change of physical state of matter from gas phase into a liquid phase
Transition of matter from a solid or liquid phase into gas
Ex: h2o boiling into steam
Transformed directly from solid —-> gas or from gas —> solid w/o becoming a liquid
Causing the absorption of heat
The total # of alleles for a gene In a cell during PROPHASE I of meiosis in a diploid organism is
Embryonic connective tissue in the mesoderm from which form the C.T. Of the body and the blood and lymphatic
Innermost of germ layers of embryo from epithelium of pharynx
Middle germ layer of embryo between ectoderm and endoderm
This layer becomes the epidermis as well as the brain and other organs of the nervous system
Cytonic T cell
Type of WBC that is key important to immune system
Macrophage cell
Histiocyte “big eater “
Found in lymph nodes
Engulfs /digest cellular debris & foreign substances
Helper T cell
Adaptive immune system
Release T cell cytokines
Help activity of the immune cells
B cell
Production of antibodies
Gives humoral response to antigens
Lymph nodes
Small bean shaped
Provides nourishment for cells in the body
Removes/ filters debris & pathogens
1st place in digestive system in which proteinase are produced
Small intestine
Absorbs most of nutrients we eat /drink
Duodenum, jejunum, ileum
Lg intestine
Absorbs water from waste
Creates stool