Practice test 2 Flashcards


5d after undergoing an emergency colon resection for an obstructing carcinoma in the rectosigmoid, an 87yo man has the sudden onset of SOB. he has a 15y h/o coronary artery disease. he is agitated and slighly confused. his temp is 100F, pulse is 104, respirations are 32 and labored and BP is 88/59. exam shows jugular venous distension. crackles are heard over the midlung fields. cardiac exam shows no murmurs or rubs. the abdomen is slightly distended. BS are decreased. the liver span is 13cm. pulse ox on RA shows an O2 sat of 92%. An ECG shows ST segment elevation in the anterior leads. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

b. cardiogenic shock
c. hypovolemic shock
d. PE
e. septic shock



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52yo woman with well-controlled T2DM is brought to the ED 24h after the onset of abd pain. she has vomited 3x in the ED. she appears toxic. she is 5'2" and weighs 210lb. BMI is 38. her temp is 103.1, pulse is 120, respirations are 28, and BP is 160/90. exam shows scleral icterus. breath sounds are decreased over the lower lung fields b/l. the abdomen is mildly tender, BS are normal. rectal examination shows no abnormalities. lab studies show:
Hgb 12.6
Leuk 16,000
   segmented neut 70%
   bands 10%
   lymphocytes 20%
   Na 130
   Cl 90
   K 5
   HCO3 14
   Glucose 600
     total   5.2
     direct  2.0
alkaline phosphatase 350
AST 300
amylase 100
which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. acute pancreatitis 
b. amebic liver abscess
c. biliary cirrhosis
d. cholangitis, ascending
e. chronic cholecystitis
f. hepatitis


130-104 = 26

Charcot’s triad = RUQ pain, jaundice, fvever
Reynolds = + MS changes, hypotension

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47yo man comes ot the physician for evaluation prior to undergoing an abd perineal resection for rectal cancer. over the past 6y he has had L ankle swelling. exam shows mild edema of the L ankle w/out prominent veins. Venous duplex ultrasonography shows chronic occlusion of the L iliac and femoral veins. immediately prior to the procedure, which of the following is the most appropriate management of the pt’s venous disease?

a. aspirin prophylaxis
b. low dose heparin prophylaxis
c. therapeutic heparin therapy
d. warfarin therapy
e. thrombolysis



venous stasis and concerns for DVT

no warfarin; thrombolysis - c/i in surgery

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77yo man comes to the ED 30min after the onset of severe nosebleed. he has collected 500 mL of blood and clots. he has a h/o of athersclerotic cardiac disease, HTn, and peripheral vascular disease. his meds include lisinopril and daily aspirin. his pulse is 110, RR 18, BP 110/80. anterior rhinoscopy shows no obvious source of the bleeding. anterior nasal packing does not stop the bleeding. he now spits blood and clots out of his mouth . which of the following vessels is the most likely source of this pt's bleeding?
a ascending palatine artery
b. caverous sinus
c. infraorbital artery
d. internal carotid artery
e. internal jugular artery
f. middle meningeal artery
g. sphenopalatine artery


responsible for most posterior nosebleeds

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12h after rod stabilization of a femoral shaft fracture, a 27yo homeless man has the sudden onset of combativeness and disorientation. his pulse is 120, RR 24, BP 140/85. exam show petechiae over the axilla. the remainder of the exam shows no abnormalities. which of the following is the most likely cuase of these findings?

a. EtOH withdrawal
b. aspiration pneumonia
c. fat embolism
d. intracranial hemorrhage
e. pulmonary embolism
f. splenic rupture



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36h after admission to the hospital for evaluation of mild-to-moderate diffuse abdominal pain, a 42 yo woman remains obstipated despite treatment with multiple laxatives. her last BM was 6d ago. she has a 9y hx of systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) and has chronic constipation. she has a 1y hx of progressive abdominal distension. her current temp is 100.4F, pulse is 110, RR 22 and BP is 110/0. the abd is distended and tympanitic with diffuse tenderness to deep palpation. there is involuntary guarding and rebound. her hgb conc. is 12, and leuk is 14,000. an abd x-ray shows dilation of the colon and a 12cm ccum. there is no distension of the small bowel. which oft the following most appropriate next step in the management?

a. metoclopramide therapy
b. octreotide therapy
c. colonoscopy
d. sigmoidoscopy
e. laparotomy



toxic megacolon.

colonoscopy is contraindicated b/c of impaction –> you won’t be able to see it anyway

abd pain, bloating, tenderness
fever, tachy

scleroderma –> likely that she has adhesions that you will need to take donw
LAPAROTOMY = go in and take a look at it.

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Following diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in a married 25yo woman, an abdominal operation is performed. however, exam of the abdoment shows a normal uterine pregnancy but an acutely inflamed appendix. an appendectomy is performed despite the fact that the operative permit authorized only a surgical procedure for ectopic pregnancy. which of the following best describes the surgeon’s conduct?

a. appropriate in view of the medical necessity to remove the inflamed appendix
b. appropriate only if consent was obtained from the spouse
c. inappropriate b/c it constituted an unauthorized extension f the field of srugery
d. inappropriate, b/c the pt had not previously been informed of the risks associated w/ an appendectomy
e. inappropriate b/c the pt had not previously been informed



if get in there and find a bad thing, you are required to get it.

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a previously healthy 8yo boy is brought to the physician b/c of intermittent pain of his R anterior thigh over the past 3w. his activity level is high and has remained unchanged during this period, but his mother notes that he limps intermittently. he is at the 25th percentile for height and weight. his temp is 93.2F, pulse is 76, RR 24. and BP 95/70 exam shows an antalgic gait. abduction and internal rotation of the femur is limited. xrays of the hip show punched out areas of the femoral neck. which of the following is the most likely mechanism of this child’s condition?

a. avascular necrosis of the femoral head
b. bacterial infection of the bone
c. chronic inflammation of the synovium
d. congenital defect of the femoral head
e. malignant infiltration
f. mechanical slippage of the femoral head



classic presentation

  • can’t internally rotate
  • punched out holes in the femor ==> leading to AVN.
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62yo womn comes to the physician b/c of a 3w history of progressive SOB, mild pain in her R chest wall, and a nonproductive cough. he has had a 12lb weight loss during the past 3mo. she received the diagnosis of carcinoma of teh R breast 6y ago, and underwent lympectomy followed by a radiotrherapy and chemotherapy. she has no other history of serious illness. she currently takes no meds. she is in mild respiratory distress and appears cyanotic and cachectic. she is 5’4” tall and weighs 116lb. BMI is 20. her pulse is 88, RR 24, and BP 114/80. pulse oximetry on RA shows an O2 sat of 90%. tenderness to palpation over the R chest. breath sounds are decreased on the R with dullness to percussion. a friction rub is heard at the R. heart sounds are normal. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. chest wall recurrence
e. empyema
c. pericardial effusion
d. pulmonary embolism
e. malignant pleural effusion



  • hx of cancer, along with sxs of unintended weight loss
  • sxs of respiratory distress; decreased breath sounds
  • tenderness over R chest
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12h after undergoing drainage of a pancreatic abscess, a 52yo man with alcoholism becomes bradycardic and hypoxic and requires intubation and mechanical ventilation. he weighs 154lb. the ventilation is set at a FiO2 = 100%, tidal volume of 1000mL, and  positive end-expiratory pressure of 2.5cm H2O. arterial blood gas analysis shows
pH 7.36
PCO2 40
PO2 48
which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
a. begin IV acetaloamide therapy
B. begin IV furosemide therapy
c. begin IV heparin therapy
d. begin IV sodium bicarbonate therapy
e. begin IV urokinase therapy
f. decrease FiO2
G. decrease tidal volume
h. increase positive end-expiratory pressure
i. increase tidal volume.


FiO2 = max
Tidal volume = max

PO2 still needs help

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the driver of an automobile is brought to the ED following a head-on collision at 50mph. he was wearing a seat belt. his only symptom is mild tenderness over the chest. all diagnostic tests show normal findings, except an xray of the chest that shows a somewhat widened mediastinum. which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

a. aortic arteriography
b. bronchoscopy
c. discharge with a followup appointment in 24h
d. exploratory thoracotomy
e. observation in the hospital and another xray of the chest in 6h.



pulmonary contusion –> after 24h
? cardiac contusion

concerns about aortic aneurysm

1) CTA
2) arteriography

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a 52yo woman is brought to the ED b/c of a 4d history of progressive back pain and weakness and numbness in the legs. she has not urinated in the past 12h. she underweight a left mastectomy for breast Ca 5y ago. cranial nerves are intact. muscle strength is full in the upper extremities and 3/5 to 4/5 diffusely in the lower extremities. deep tendon reflexes are 2+ in the upper extremities and 3+ in the knees and ankles. babinski sign is present b/l. sensation to pinprick is decreased below the nipples, and sensation to vibration is absent in the lower extremities. she is unable to walk. mental status examination shows no abnormalities. insertion of a catheter yields 400 mL of urine. which of the following is the most likely location of the abnormality?
a. cauda equina 
b. cerebral hemispheres
c. cervical spinal cord
d. lumbar spinal cord
e. medullaf. midbrain 
g. pons
h thalamus 
i. thoracic spinal cord


cauda eqina syndrome (at the level of the lumbar spine).likely from breast Ca mets.

==> loss of muscle strength. saddle anaesthesia. loss of bladder / bowel control

red herring = loss of sensation over nipples. likely d/t L mastectomy

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45yo man has had daily temp to 100.9F and a 15lb weight loss over the last 3 mo. he has pallor. his pulse is 84, RR 16, and Bp 120/80. lunges are clear to auscuultation and the precordium appears normal. carotic upstroke is normal and equal b/l, S1 is normal and S2 is physiologically split. a low-pitched rumbling diastolic murmur is heard int he apex, the murmur disappears when the pt lies on his R side. the remainder of the exam is normal. Hgb is 10. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

a. aortic insufficiency
b. aortic stenosis
c. atrial myxoma
d. pericarditis
e. ventricular septal defect



myxoma changes with position

sxs = SOB upright –> ; PND; mitral stenosis - pulmonary edema.

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47yo man comes to the physician b/c of a 2d history of fever and increasingly severe rectal pain. he has T2DM treated with metformin. his temp is 102.4F, pulse is 90 RR 14, and dBp 130/80. exam shows a tender mass at the anal verge to the L. his hgb is 9.6, leuk is 18,000 and serum glucose conc. is 350. which of the folowing is the most appropriate next step in management?

a. sitz bath
b. CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis
c. oral metronidazole therapy
d. flexible sigmoidoscopy
e. incision and drainage of the lesion



it’s an abscess. it needs to be drained
he has a fever & symptomatic from the infection

sitz bath only if he was otherwise healthy

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62 yo man comes to the physician b/c he has been coughing up blood during the pat week. he has a 5y hx of a daily productive cough. he has a 20hx of HTN well -controlled with metoprolol. he has smoke 2 packs of cigarettes daily for 44y. his bp is 136/84. he is no distress. exam shows a barrel-shaped chest. his serum Ca is 11. a CXR shows a 4cm lesion on the R lung. a biopsy specimen is most likely to show which of the following?

a. adenocardinoma
b. mesotheilioma
c. small cell lung carcinoma
d. squamous cell carcinoma
e. undifferentiated large cell carcinoma.



smoker, central

b. mesotheilioma –> after MANY years
c. small cell lung carcinoma –> SIADH, lambert eaton
d. squamous cell carcinoma –> PTHrp/calcitriol (breast CA, SCC, MM)


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67yo postal worker come s to the physician 1d after a 5min episode of weakness and numbness in his R (dominant) hand while at work. He did not have visual problems, HA, or weakness/numbness of the lower extremities. he is currently asymptomatic. he has smoked 1PPD for 45 years. he has not seen a physician in 40y. his pulse is 85 & irregular and BP is 140/90. the lungs are CTA. pulses are palpable. carotid bruits are heard b/l. heart sounds ar enormal except for frequent premature beats. neurologic exam shows no abnormalities. an ECG shows a normal sinus rhythm with multiple atrial premature contractions. which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

a. echo
b. carotic duplex ultrasonography
c. heparin therapy
d. tissue plasminogen activator theray
e. warfarin therapy



don’t treat yet –> it really could just be carpel tunnel. but he’s got a bunch of other atherosclerosis (carotid bruits)

1) carotid duplex to determine degree of stenosis & indications to treat
2) Echocardiogram - to then look for A fib

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6yo boy is brought to the ED 30min after being involved in an MVA. on arrival he is awake and alert. there is an obvious scalp laceration over the L frontopareital area. there are no neurologic deficits. a CT scan of the head shows a linear temporal skull fracture. which of the following findings on CT scan is most likely in this pt?

a. epidural hematoma
b. subdural hematoma
c. intraventricular hemorrhage
d. subarachnoid hemorrhage
e. meningitis



b/c the lac is in that area (lateral skull) superficially can sever the middle meningeal artery

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previously healthy 37yo woman comes to the physician b/c of bruising on her arms and abdomen for 3w. she takes ibuprofen as needed for occasional HA. her temp is 98.4F. exam shows ecchymoses over the upper extremities and trunk. the lungs are CTA. cardiac & abd exams show no abnormalities. alb studies show
Hgb 13.5
leuk 6800
plt 45,000
bleeding time 11
prothrombin time 15 sec (INR=4)
exam of bone marrow aspirate shows increased megakaryocytes.w hich of the following is the most likely explanation for these findings?
a. adverse effect of NSAIDs
b.bone marrow sequestration of plts
c. circulating rheumatoid factor
d. formation of antiplatelet Abx
e. previous cytomegalovirus infection


ITP –> bleeding time is prolonged; decreased platelets –> petechiae.
increased megakaryocytes

–> treatment = (1) steroids; (2) splenetomy

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23yo woman has pain in the L shoulder 12h after falling down stairs. exam shows diffuse abd tenderness. Hgb conc. is 10 and leuk is 11,000. which oft he following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. acute traumatic pancreatitis
B. diaphragmatic tear
c. ruptured spleen
d. shoulder separation
e. supracondylar fracture


Kehr sign on L shoulder after trauma –> ruptured spleen

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27yo woman who is HIV+ comes to the ED 4h after the onset of bloody diarhea. she has intermittent nonbloody diarrhea over the past 6mo. she has a 4d hx of abdominal cramps. she has decreased appetite resulting in a 15lb weight loss during the past week. she has had 2 hospitalization for Pneumocystis jiroveci (P. carinii) pneumonia during the last year. current meds include didanosine, indinavir, stavudine, and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. her temp is 103F, pulse is 130, RR are 24, and BP is 80/60. diffuse crackles are heard b/l. exam shows a rigid, tympanitic, distended abdomen with diffuse rebound tenderness. BS are decreased. rectal exam shows gross blood. her Hgb conc is 8, Hct is 24% and leuk is 3500. after fluid resuscitation with 0.9% saline & transfusion of 2U of pRBCs, she undergoes total abd colectomy with ileostomy for a perforated cecum. pathologic examination of the excise colon shows difffuse mucosal inflammation w/ nuclear inclusion bodies. which ofthe following is the most likely causal organism.?

a. campylobacter jejuni
b. cryptosporidiium parvum
c. cytomegalovirus
d. entamoeba histolytica
e. mycobacterium avium-intracellulare


C. CMV is the only one with intranuclear inclusion bodies

CMV colitis

  • bloody stool
  • intranuclear inclusion bodies

at risk

  • IBD pts taking steroids
  • chemo pts
  • HIV/AIDs

Tx = total colectomy

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5d after an emergency sigmoid colectomy for a perforated diverticulum, a 57yo man has a temp of 104F. since the operation , he has had temperatures to 101.3F. he has COPD treated with corticosteroids and bronchodilators and has required repeated administration of inhaled bronchodilators to decrease his wheezing. he has been receiving cephalosporin since the operation. he was receiving 4L/min of O2 via nasal cannula to maintain an aterial O2 sat >90%. he was recently switchd to 50% O2 by face mask to maintain an adequate saturation. Tubularr breath sounds are heard at the left base. an xray of the chest shows a new infiltrate in the LLL field. a gram stain of sputum shows many leukocytes and predominantly gram neg rods. which of the following is the most likely causal organism

a. candida albicans
b. coagulase negative staph species
c. enterococcus species
d. pseudomonas species
e. staphylococcus aurus
f. strep penumoniae



–> bronchial sounds in lungs = consolidation

the rest are either gram+ and cocci, or fungi

Pt with a hernia: select the most likely diagnosis:
a. direct inguinal hernia
b. femoral hernia
c. incisional hernia
d. indirect inguinal hernia
e. obturator hernia
f. paraesophageal hiatal hernia
g. sliding hiatal hernia
A previously healthy 37yo woman comes to the physician b/c of L groin and thigh pain for 3d. exam shows a mass in the groin which is not reducible. operative exploration shows a hernia sac medial to femoral vein.


femoral hernia –> MEDIAL to femoral vein

Pt with a hernia: select the most likely diagnosis:
a. direct inguinal hernia
b. femoral hernia
c. incisional hernia
d. indirect inguinal hernia
e. obturator hernia
f. paraesophageal hiatal hernia
g. sliding hiatal hernia
a 62yo woman comes to the physician b/c of difficulty swallowing liquids and solid foods over the past month. she has a 10y history of dyspepsia, substernal buring and occasional N&V. exam shows no abnormalities. esophagogastrocopy shows a stricture of the GE junction and Barrett's esophagus

sliding hiatal hernia –> causes Barrett’s esophagus
paraesophageal hernia –> +/- incarceration of bowel (fundus of stomach)


67 yo woman comes to the physician b/c of a 8mo hx of increasing b/l calf pain with walking.k she initially had pain occasionally after a long walk. during the past 4mo, she has had pain after walking 300 feeet on level ground or climbing one flight of stairs. the pain is relieved with rest. she has HTn and hypercholesterolemia. current meds include HCTZ, metoprolol and simbastatin. she smoked 1PPD for 30y but stopped 1y ago. her pulse is 66, RR 14, and BP 132/81. cardiopulmonary exam shows no abnormalities. carotid, femoral, and dorsalis pedis pulses are decreased b/l. a soft femoral bruit is heard during systole b/l. there is no peripheral edema her serum electrolyte conc. are within the reference range. her serum urea nitrogen conc. is 28, and serum creatinine conc. is 2.1. which of the following is the most appropriate next step in diagnosis?

a. determination of ankle brachial indices
b. duplex ultrasonography of the LE veins
c. myelography of the lumbar spine
d. CT scan of lumbosacral spine
e. arteriography of the LE.



peripheral vascular disease –>


1) ABI
2) arteriography of LE

1yo boy is brought to the physician b/c of a persistent cough, loose stools, and a facial rash for 2 mo. he has had a 4lb weight loss during this period and is currently in the 50% pecentile for length and 20th percentie for weight. his appetitie and activity have remained normal, and there is no history of fever. his temp is 98.6F, pulse is 100, RR 18 and BP 80/50. exam shows a malar flush and abd distension. CT scan of the abdomen show sa small tumor localized to the pancreas. the tumor is surgically removed, and the pt recovers uneventfully. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. insulinoma b. glucagonoma c. neuroblastoma d. pancreatic pseudocyst e. vasoactive-inhibitory peptide secreting tumor
E VIPoma - watery diarrhea - hypokalemia - flushing
``` 46yo man with chronic alcoholism comes to the ED b/c of a 12h of N&V and idabdominal pain that radiates to the back. his pulse is 120, respirations are 20, and BP is 110/60. abd exam shows tenderness to palpation over the upper quadrants. BS are absent. lab studies: Hgb 10.1 leuk 24,500 plt 310,000 serum amylase 1842 albumin 4.1 calcium 7.7 blood glucose 248 the most appropriate next step is IV administration of which of the following? a. atropine b. calcium gluconate c. cimetidine d. imipenem e. lactated ringer ```
E acute pancreatitis --> fluid spacing Tx = give lots of fluid rescue
68yo man is brought to the ED b/c f recurrent vomiting of bright red blood and near syncope for 3h. he is afebrile. his pulse is 110, RR 16, and BP 90/60. he has mild epigastric tenderness. which of the following is the most appropriate next step? a. application of military antshock trousers b IV infusion of rranitidine c. rapid infusion of 0.9% saline d. gastric lavage with iced saline e. emergency endoscopy
C he is volume down --> ABCs - fluid to counteract bleeding
30yo man has had painless progressive enlargement of the L testicle over the past 8mo. there is no nodule and the scrotum cannot be transilluminated. which of the following ist the most likely diagnosis? a. epididymitis b. hydrocele c. indirect inguinal hernia d. spermatocele e. testicular tumor
E spermatocele --> transilluminates = epididymal cyst --> painless, fluid filled on top of testicle hydrocele --> transilluminates epididymitis = infection it is a testicular tumor until overwise proven
42yo woman comes to the physician for a f/up exam. she has a 3mo hx of HTN tested with a diuretic and a B-adrenergic blocking agent. at an exam 1 mo ago, she had a BP of 175/90. her current pulse is 90, and BP is 195/100. abd exam shows a bruit heard best over the rR midabdoemn. pelvic ultrasonography shows that the R kidney is smaller than the left. Ateriography shows fibromuscular hyperplasia of the R renal artery. which of the following is the most likely mechanism of the pt's HTN? a. decreased extracellular volume b. decreased urine Na retention c. increased renin activity in both renal veins d. increased renin activity in the L renal vein e. increased serum aldosterone conc.
E decreased renal perfusion --> d/t renal artery stenosis = increased aldosterone, angiotensin increased renin in the R kidney
a previously healthy 47yo man comes to the physician b/c of a 2w hx of fatigue and progressive abd swelling. abd exam shows distension and shifting dullness. BS are normal. there is no tenderness, masses, or organomegaly. a diagnostic paracentesis is performed and yields 50mL of milky chylous fluid. which of the following is the most likely cause of these findings? a. budd-chiari syndrome b. chronic hepatitis B c. lymphoma d. mesothelioma e. portal vein thrombosis?
C lymphatic obstruction --> leading to milky chylous fluid (ascites) Budd chiari = hepatic vein thrombosis (post-hepatic obstruction) Portal vein thrombosis = pre-hepatic obstruction lymphoma ===> pre-hepatic obstruction
24h after removal of a solitary parathyroid adenoma for primary hyperparathyroidism, a 42yo woman has perioral numbness and tingling. examination of the incision site shows no abnormalities. her serum Ca conc. is 6.8 and serum alb conc is within normal limits. which of the following is the most appropriate next step in managment? a. observation b. intramuscular administration of Mg c. IV administration of calcitonin d. IV administration of Ca gluconate e. oral administration of vitD
D sxs of hypocalcemia symptomatic --> give back Ca (Ca gluconate or calcitriol) calcitonin = decreases serum Ca2+ (increased Ca2+ deposition into bone)
``` for 4h a 55yo man has acute intermittent pain that begins in his R flank and radiates to his R testicle. his pulse is 90, and BP is 145/95. which of the following is the most likely finding on UA? a. RBC casts B. oval fat bodies C. pH 7.1 d. protein 1+ e. RBC 30/hpf (in sediment) f. specific gravity 1.002 g. WBC 10/hpf ```
E kidney stone --> will see blood. RBC casts = damage to kidnehys
18yo man is brought to the EDb/c of pain in the R hip and flank after a MVA. he is alert and stable. exam shows abrasions, ecchymoses, and tenderness over the R iliac crest, and abrasions on the R flank. UA shows gross blood. xray of the cervical spine shows normal findings. which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management? a. CT scan of the abdomen with contrast b. MRI of the pelvis c. radionuclide renal scan d. selective renal angiography e. cystoscopy
A abd injury --> look for blood via CT scan + contrast NOT stones --> want those to light up possible that he has a urethral injury --> but would see more evidence of that (e.g. blood at urethral meatus)
52yo man comes to the physician b/c of a 2mo hx of swelling in her R foot. she has not had fever or pain. there is no hx of trauma. she has a 25y hx of T1DM. her temp is 98.6F. exam shows swelling of the R foot over the dorsal forefoot and medial and lateral ankle regions with no ulcerations. there is bony hypertrophy and a small effusion over the ankle jiont. exam of the L foot shows no abnormalities. there is no redness, tenderness or swelling in the calves or thighs. there is decreased sensation to light touch, proprioception,and pain below the ankles b/l. peripheral pulses are present. an xray of the R ankle shows osteopenia and disruption and disoganization of the midtarsal and tarso metatarsal joints. which of the following is the most likely cause of these findings? a. arterial insufficiency of the LE b. bacterial infection with destruction of the joint spaces c. deposition of monosodium urate crystals d. lack of normal joint sensation. e. vasculitis
D ``` Charcott joint neuropathic osteoarthropathy = progressive degeneration of weight bearing joint (loss of neural sensaiton & function, loss of bony structure) 6 D's 1. Distended 2. Disorganized 3. Dislocated 4. Debris (intraarticular bodies, which can be seen with synovial osteochondramotosis) 5. increased Density (sclerosis) 6. Destruction - bony resorption - eventual deformity ``` --> 60% TMT joints, 35% MTP, 10% ankle. diabetic neuropathy --> synringomyelia alcoholic neuropathy --> spinal cord injury
18yo woman comes to the physician for advice about screening tests b/c of concern about her family hx of colon cancer. she has no hx of serious illness and takes no medications. she says se feels well and has not hda any GI sxs. her father received the diagnosis of carcinoma of the sigmoid colon at the age of 40y. genetic testing in her father showed the APC gene, which confirmed familial adenomatous polyposis. exam of the pt today, including rectal exam, shows no abnormalities. GEnetic testing shows the APC gene. on sigmoidoscopy , two 1-cm adenomatous polyps are removed. which of the following is the most appropriate long-term management of the pt? a. test of stool for occult blood q6mo b. daily sulindac prophylaxis c. colonoscopy q5y until the age of 40y and every year after the age of 40y. d. proctocolectomy with an ileoanal reservoir e. right hemocolectomy f. no further management is indicatd
D --> FAP --> colonoscopies at least 10y prior to age of onset of family member, every 5y as SCREENING but once see polyps --> TREAT Tx 1) take out the colon ==> colectomy with ileoanal anastomosis 2) sulindac or celecoxib may be beneficial in reducing the size and the number of adenomatous polyps in the remaining rectum
52yo nulligraivd woman comes to the physician b/c of a 2mo hx of abd swelling an decreased appetitie. she has asthma treated with inhaled corticoseroids and T2DM treated with an oral hypoglycemic agent. exam shows a markedly distended abd and a fluid wave. BS are high pitched. CT scan of abdomen shows ascites, multiple pelvic masses, and omental thickening. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. cervical cancer b. choriocarcinoma c. cirrhosis d. endometrial cardinoma e. leiomyomata uteri f. ovarian adenocarcinoma
F bloating, abd distension in >40yo woman --> ovarian cancer until proven otherwise a. cervical cancer --> HPV, smoking, OCPs, sexual b. choriocarcinoma c. cirrhosis d. endometrial carcinoma e. leiomyomata uteri = benign smooth muscle tumor --> met in small bowel, esophagus f. ovarian adenocarcinoma --> tends to metastasize 1o lungs and abdomen, lining of bowel + omental seeding. BRCA1/2. may have poly ascites 75% endometrial cancer --> post-menopausal. most common serious cancer after menopause
a hospitalized 72yo man has not voided since his urethral catheter was removed 8h ago. he underwent elective sigmoid colectomy for recurrrent diverticulitis 2d ago. the colon was inflamed, and there was a hemorrhage during the dissection. he received 1U of pRBCs. his BP did no decrease significantly during the operation; both ureters were visualized. he is currently receiving 5% dextrose in 0.45% saline (120mL/h). his temp is 100.8F, pulse is 95, RR 14, and BP 145/80. exam shows warm, dry skin. abd exam shows mild distension ofthe lower quadrant; there is the suggestion of a mass. which of the following is the most likely cause of this pt's inability to void? a. acute tubular necrosis b. bladder outflow obstruction c. pigment-induced nephropathy d. prerenal vasoconstriction e. urethral injury
B general anesthesia can cause bladder outflow obstruction
``` before undergoing elective cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis, a 68yo man with chronic renal failure has the following lab findings: hct 23% serum na 130 cl 94 K 5.4 HCOe 12 Ca 9 urea nitrogen 90 creatinine 7.5 phosphorus 8.5 arterial blood gas analysis show sa pH of 7.3 which of the following is the most appropriate preoperative management? a. low protein diet b. sodium polystyrene sulfonate (kayexalate) enemas c. administration of erythropoetin d. administration of 1L of 0.9% saline e. initiation of dialysis ```
E anion gap = 130-12-94 = 130-106 = 24 metabolic acidosis indications for dialysis ==> optimize for surgery ``` Acidosis Electrolyte abnormality (hyperkalemia) Intoxication--> could be due to ingestion of salicylates, toxic alcohol, etc. Overload of fluids Uremia ```
an otherwise healthy 25yo woman comes to the physician b/c of a 2mo hx of a pigmented lesion under the nail of her ring finger. a photograph of the lesion is shown with irregular borders with brown / heterogenous colors. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. actinic keratosis b. angiosarcoma c. basal cell carcinoma d. compound nevus e. congenital nevus f. hemangioma g. melanoma h. subungual hematoma
G lentiginous melanoma
``` a 24yo man is brought to the ED 30 min after he sustained burns to 50% of his total body SA from boiling water. he is 5'10"(178cm) and weighs 165(75kg). BMI is 24. his pulse is 115, and BP is 90/70. exam shows blisters over the head, upper extremities, chest and abdomen. there is erythem aof the lower extremities. which of the following is hte most approproiate fluid resuscitation for this pt during the next 24h? a. 2L of 5% albuin b. 6L of 5% alumin c. 9.5L of lactated Ringer solution D. 15L of lactated Ringer solution e. 5L of 3% saline f. 8L of 3% saline ```
D 75kg *4 *50% = 15,000mL --> 15L lactated Ringer's
22YO man is brought to the ED after he sustained a gunshow wound to his R calf. on arrival, he is writhing in pain, his temp is 98.6F, pulse is 96, RR is 16, and BP is 110/76. exam shows a 1cm entrance wound over teh medial aspect of the posterior R calf with no exit wound. the calf is tense and tender to palpation. passive movement of the great toe exacerbates the pt's calf pain. peripheral pulses are normal. capillary refill time is 2sec. sensation is intact. xrays of the RLE shows a 1cm bullet in the medial aspect of the posterior calf. which of the following is the most appropriate step in management? a. MRI fo RLE b. administration of abx c. irrigation of the wound d. femoral arteriography e. surgical decompression
E calf --> compartment syndrome tx = 4-compartment fasciotomy ==> 2 incisions (at anteromedial fascia & posterolateral fascia)
60yo man has a sigmoid resection and enc colostomy for diverticulitis with rupture. that night, he becomes confused, oliguric and febrile. the tissues around the colostomy are induratied and crepitant. which of the following is the most likely causal organism? a. bacteroides fragilis b. clostridium perfringens c. e. coli d. group A beta-hemolytic strep e. staph aureus
B anaerobic --> producing gas happened very quickly Clostridium perfringens = anaerobic; Gram positive bacili --> more likely to cause surgical infection Bacteroides = anaerobic, Gram-negative bacili--> more of a culprit if there was a lot of bowell spillage.
42yo pt is admitted to the hospital with a piece of meat lodged in the lower esophagus. with considerable difficulty, the meat is removed by esophagoscopy. that evening the pt has a temp of 101F. which of the following is the most appropriate diagnositic study? a. CT scan of chest b. lateral xrays of neck c. MRI of chest d. repeated esophagogoscopy e. water-soluble contrast upper GI study
E Esophageal perforation --> water soluble contrast; don't use barium b/c can cause barium-related inflammation of mediastinum. fever, with aspiration of GI & food contents Thoracic perf = barium swallow Abd perf = gastrogram
13yo boy has increasingly severe L thigh and knee pain and an associated limp for 2d. there is no hx of trauma. he is 6ft all and weighs 145 lbs. BMI is 20. passive motion of the hip elicits pain. an xray of the hips shows on the R side, the head of the femur severed from the surgical neck (proximal to anatomical neck). which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. avascular necrosis of femoral head b. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis c. marfan syndrome d. slipped capital femoral epiphysis e. stress fracture
D from a fracture BMI 20 is chubby for a young boy SCFE = thigh & knee pain + limp AVN - younger, thinner child; difficulty with internal rotation
an asymptomatic 72yo woman is admitted to the hospital b/c of decreased renal fx. ehr serum creatinine conc. has increased from 1.2 to 3.3 over the past 3d. 1 month ago, she received a cadaveric renal transplant from a 65yo donor. this was her second transplant. the first was performed 25y ago. renal function had been excellent with the first allograft until 3y ago when she was diagnosed with chronic rejection; she has been receiving hemodialysis since that time. her original polycystic kidneys were removed prior to the first transplant, but the first allograft was not removeda t the time of the 2nd transplant. current meds include prednisone, cyclosproine, and mycophenolate motfetil. her temp is 98.6F, pulse is 76, RR is 12, and BP is 165/95. exam shows no abnormalities. which of the following is the most likely explanation fro the decreased renal function in this pt? a. age-related changes in the donor kidney b. failure to remove the first renal allograft c. failure to suppress class II antigen recognition in th ehost d. failure to suppress host-circulating preformed reactive abx e. recurrence of polycystic kidney disease int he organ transplant.
C acute rejection (after 5d - to 3 mo. ) --> T cells chronic rejection (>months - years) = chronic immune rejection hyperacute (minutes) = preformed antibodies LIVER --> check obstruction HEART --> further biopsy
``` a previously healthy 37yo woman comes to the physician b/c of a 3mo hx of HA. the HA now occur almost daily and are relieved by aspirin. her pulse is 76, RR 12 and BP 158/95. no murmurs, gallops, bruits are heard. serum studies: Na 140 Cl 100 K 2.6 HCO3 34 urea nitrogen 9 which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. aldosteronoma b. coarctation of the aorta c. essential HTN d. pheochromocytoma e. renal cell carcinoma ```
A adrenal gland --> aldosterone = Na+ retention; K+ secretion with increased BP + contraction alkalosis
47yo woman comes to the physician b/c of chafed skin on her inner thighs, armpits & under her breasts. over the past 12 mo, she has had panniculitis 2x, requiring admission to the hsopital for IV administration of antibiotics. she is 5'8" tall and weighs 438 lb. BMI is 67. exam of the inner thigh shows erythema and active fungal infection. there is extensive scarrring of the axillae and submammary areas. pelvic exam show a thick, white, curdy vaginal discharge. exam ot he perineum shows poor hygiene. which of teh followiing is the most appropriate long-term management for the pt? a. oral fluconazole therapy b. oral tetracycline therapy c. sensitivity-guided antimicrobial tehrapy d. panniculectomy e. gastric bypass
E she is very large and getting candida infections in areas that aren't cleaned well b/c she likely can't get to / see it. just getting rid of the pannus leads to far mroe morbidity --> intense plastic surgery
``` 4d after undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, a hospitalized 47yo man has the sudden onset of severe pain in his L great toe. he was admitted to the hospital 10 ago for eval of chest pain with exertion and received aspirin and heparin therapy for 3d. cardiac catheterization showed coronary artery disease involving 3 vessels. the operation and initial postop course were uncomplicated. vital signs are within normal limits. exam shows a tender, cyanotic L great toe. there are new ecchymoses over the trunk and upper & lower extremities. the surgical incision appears clean & intact. the remainder of the exam shows no abnormalities. lab studies show: Hct 37% Leuk 12,200 Plt 8000 Prothrombin 12sec (INR=1) PTT 18sec which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. cholesterol embolization syndrome b. disseminated intravascular coagulopathy c. gout d. heparin-induce thrombocytopenia e. immune thrombocytopenic purpura ```
A cholesterol embolism --> BIG risk factor is coronary procedure increased Cr; eosinophils HIT type I = non-consequential HIT type II = 5-14d with increased bleeding and PTT.
67 yo woman with end-stage renal disease, atherosclerotic coronary artery disease and T2DM undergoes operative formation fo an arteriovenous conduit in the L forearm for vascular access. the procedure is performed under an axillary block anaesthesia. 24h later, she has SOB. her temp is 99, pulse is 129, RR 38 and shallow and BP is 100/55. exam shows jugular venous distension. crackles are heard at both lung bases. S1, S2 are normal. there is an S3 and s4. there is no edema of the sacrum or extremities. administration of 300mL of fluids is begun. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? a. atelectasis b. high-output congestive heart failure c. hypovolemia d. pneumonia e. pulmonary embolism
E TACHYCARDIA, SOB, S3/S4. tachypnea with shallow breathing due to pain. high output CHF --> obesity, AV shunts, lung abscess (and if she had high output CHF --> they would not have given her fluids)
``` routine mammography on a 52yo woman shows 6 stippled mirocalcifications in a cluster in the upper outer quadrant of the L breast. this finding was not present 1y ago. no lump is palpable on examination of the breasts. she has no family history of breast cancer. which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management? A. follow up mammography in 4-6mo B. left upper outer quadrantectomy C. fine needle aspiration of teh lesion D. needle-localized open biopsy E. thermography ```
D aka core biopsy core biopsy > FNA