Practice Test 16 Flashcards
Do wales and Northern Ireland have their own established church?
Thomas Hardy
Author and poet on rural society. Far from the madding crowd, Jude the obscure
The reformation
Movement against authority of pope and ideas and practices of Roman Catholic Church
Emperor Hadrian
Roman who built wall in north of England
Raided Britain in ad 789 came from Denmark Norway Sweden, defeated by king Alfred
Crown Jewels location
Tower of London
Henry VIII is known for
Breaking away from Catholic Church of Rome and marrying 6 times
Uk population growth
Faster in recent years due to migration and rising life expectancy
When you buy a car, you need to pay…
Annual vehicle tax which cannot be passed on when a vehicle changes hands
3 crosses on Union Jack
St George, Andrew, Patrick
Charles II
King of Scotland, then defeated in battle in England by Oliver Cromwell, fled to Europe, then came back in 1660 from exile in Netherlands as King Charles II of England
County courts deal with
Divorce and family matters and breaches of contract
Highest mountain in wales
Tudor rose
Red rose with white inside it. House of Lancaster defeated house of york
Great Britain refers to
England, Scotland, wales
Channel Islands
Closely linked with the uk but not part of it, they are crown dependencies and have their own government