Practice Test Flashcards
What does it mean when you see NEV USE ONLY or LSV ROUTE?
Neighborhood electric vehicle or low speed vehicle with maximum speed of 25 mph and restricted to roads with 25-35mph
On a multi-lane road, the passing lane is____________?
the far left lane closest to the center divide
Where can you make a U-Turn?
At an intersection unless a no U-Turn sign is posted, across a double yellow line, on a divided highway if a center divider opening is provided
How far should you park from a fire hydrant?
15 feet
When a vehicle turns, the rear wheels follow a shorter or longer path?
What are safety zones?
Spaces set aside for pedestrians waiting for buses, streetcars and trolleys
When a bus, streetcar or trolley is parked at a safety zone you may pass at no more than ______mph?
What is the speed limit within 500 ft of a school while children are present?
An intersection is blind if it has no stop signs at any corner. What is the speed limit for a blind intersection?
Moving violations resulting from traffic collisions and convictions stay on your record for __________months or longer?
36 months
You can attend traffic school once in an 18-month period to have a citation not reported to your insurance company but remain on your driving record. T or F?
What should you do in a skid?
Take your foot off the accelerator, do not use brakes, turn in the direction of the skid
A child may be left in a car under the supervision of someone who is at least ____years old?
Airbags should be ______inches from your breastbone?
What should you do in a tire blow out?
Turn on your emergency flashers, hold the steering wheel tightly and steer straight, slow down gradually
What should you do if your accelerator gets stuck?
Shift to neutral and apply your brakes, move off the road
If your vehicle becomes disabled on the freeway?
pull over to the right shoulder, exist on the right side of your vehicle away from traffic,
Is it against the law for a minor to use a cell phone while driving?
Yes even in hands free mode
How long do DUI convictions stay on your driving record?
10 years or more
What are additional penalties of a DUI?
you may be sentenced to six months in jail, pay a fine, your car may be impounded
What happens if you refuse a Breath Test from a police officer?
Law requires DMV to suspend your driving privilege.,
If you are in a collision, what should you show the other driver, law enforcement officer or anyone else involved in the collision?
Drivers license, registration and insurance information and current address.
When a bus flashes red lights you must stop in either direction until children are safely across the street and the lights have stopped flashing….True or false?
When is it not necessary to stopping for a school bus with flashing red lights?
If the school bus in on the opposite side of a divided or multilane highway (2 or more lanes)