Practice questions from lecture Flashcards
Explain an advantage of the repeated measures experimental
- It is a cheap method of experimental design
Memory experiment on a class where half had to memorise a list of words using visual
imagery, and the other half had to memorise the list using verbal
What kind of experimental design was used in this experiment?
Memory experiment on a class where half had to memorise a list of words using visual
imagery, and the other half had to memorise the list using verbal
Explain one advantage of this experimental design.
Memory experiment on a class where half had to memorise a list of words using visual
imagery, and the other half had to memorise the list using verbal
Explain one disadvantage of this experimental design.
Identify one kind of experimental design
What does emprical mean?
The first step towards conducting a research project is to?
What is a hypothesis?
A researcher watched the behaviour of students in the student’s union bar, and wrote notes about what she saw. Which research method was she using?
A researcher wanted to know what it was like to live in a student dormitory, so she rented a room in a campus dormitory and lived there for one term, keeping notes about her experiences. What research method did she use?
Which research method does not involve control of an IV?
A researcher wanted to understand the possible causes of a famous artist’s creativity. The researcher collected all of the available information about the artist, talked with the artist, and gave her psychological tests. Which research method was used?
What is a limitation of case studies?
Which research method is useful to find out about something which is very unusual?
What is a limitation of observation studies?