Practice Questions Flashcards
3 types of structured communication?
- Interviewing – Predetermined & specific purpose to gather information.
- Counseling – Develop a plan of where the client wants to be vs where they are now.
- Advising – Giving specific guidance or suggestions to a client.
What is the importance of structuring communication with clients?
Structuring the communication provides both the format and the subject matter.
What are the four social styles?
- Driver – Forceful, direct, power
- Expressive – Outgoing, enthusiastic, wants recognition
- Amiable – Easy going, dependent
- Analytical – Logical, wants respect
Five basic attributes of physically attending are?
- Face the other person
- Adopt an open posture
- Lean towards the other person
- Maintain good eye contact
- Be relaxed
Three types of understanding responses are?
- Summarization response – reassuring, capturing many scattered messages, check on accuracy, usually at the end of the meeting.
- Clarifying response – Tends to amplify the speaker’s statement, des not add anything new it simply expands what has already been said, clarify what the speaker had difficulty expressing.
- Restatement – Letting speakers hear what they have just said encouraging them to continue speaking.
What is the purpose of interviewing?
To gather data.
Which method of communication is most often more accurate?
A) Verbal
B) Active listening
Active listening
How many steps in the financial planning process and what are they?
- Establishing and defining the relationship.
- Gathering data.
- Analyze and evaluate the financial status.
- Develop recommendations.
- Communicating recommendations.
- Implementing recommendations.
- Monitoring recommendations.
- Practicing within professional and regulatory standards.
Life cycle planning
5 cycles?
- Early Career – Ages 25-35
- Career development – Ages 35-50
- Peak accumulation – Ages 50-58/62
- Pre-retirement – 3-6 years before retiring
- Retirement – 62/66 & Older
3 obstacles stopping people from gaining control of their finances?
- Human tendency to procrastinate.
- Living up to or beyond current income.
- Lack of financial Knowledge.
CFP board consumer survey says the top 3 reasons why people begin financial planning is?
1) To build a retirement fund.
2) Health insurance.
3) Debt management.
What are the financial planning topics with the anagram:
R - Risk management E – Education planning T – Tax planning I – Investment planning R – Retirement savings & Income planning E – Estate planning
P – Professional conduct
G – General principals
Cash flow management is essentially a euphemism for the budget planning and control process?
True? Or False?
What is cash flow planning?
It involves identifying courses of action that will help optimize (not maximize) net cash flow.
Home equity loans vs lines of credit
Home equity loan –
• Low interest rates because of high quality collateral.
• Usually standard fixed interest rates.
Home equity line of credit (HELOC) –
• Low interest rate because of high quality collateral.
• Usually variable rate loans.
Discretionary Expense?
A cost that is not essential for the operation of a home or business?
- Savings.
- Investments.
- Household furnishings.
- Educational savings.
Assets on a financial statement are listed at what type of value?
Fair market value
What is a cash flow statement?
It summarizes a client’s financial activities over a specified period by comparing cash inflows and cash outflows, it indicates whether the net cash flow for the period is positive or negative.
Income – Expenses = Net Cash Flow
Money in – Money out = Change in Cash Flow
The cash flow statement has 3 basic components, what are they?
- Income
- Expenses
- Net Cash Flow
Consumer Price Index
A measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services such as:
- Transportation
- Food
- Medical care
Risk free rate of return
Risk premium
Risk free rate of return –
• What rate could you get or can you get without taking risk. Usually compared to the 3 month U.S. treasury bill.
Risk premium – • Risk of lending money. • Tax law changes. • Borrower default. • Inflation may erode principal.
Sinking fund problem?
The amount of annual payments/deposits is unknown.
Net Present Value
Net present value of an investment is the present value of a stream of cash inflows minus the present value of the stream of cash outflows.
Familiarity bias VS Availability bias
Familiarity bias – People fear risks that are unknown more than risks that are known.
Availability bias – People judge events that are easy to imagine or remember as more probable than they are in reality.
The withdrawal of deposits from financial institutions (intermediaries) and investment in other products.
- Reduces reserves in the banking system.
- Reduces deposits held in the banks.
As a person’s wealth increases which of the following types of risk tolerance have been found to increase?
A) Absolute Risk Tolerance
B) Relative Risk Tolerance
Absolute Risk Tolerance
Absolute - $ amount allocated to risk investments.
Relative – Proportion of wealth that is allocated to risky assets.
Which financial statements are prepared for internal and external viewing?
A) Business
B) Personal
Both business and personal statement are sometimes prepared for internal and external viewing.
If your address changes you must notify the CFP board within how many days?
Can a CFP borrow or lend money to/from a client?
Generally NO
However, it is likely okay if:
• The client is an immediate family member
• The client/advisor is in the business of borrowing/lending there for it is not the client who is lending it’s the organization they work for.
Compliance VS Ethics
Compliance – obedience to the law
When can a CFP disclose a client’s confidential information?
When authority is implied by the client agreement
Annuity VS Annuity Due
Annuity – A series of equal payments, over a specified period of time, made at the END of each period.
Annuity Due - A series of equal payments, over a specified period of time, made at the BEG of each period.
FYI: In an annuity the period is know i.e. 10 years. Perpetuity is a INFINITE stream of equal payments.
Annuity Due
Simple vs Complex
Annuity Due - A series of equal payments, over a specified period of time, made at the BEG of each period.
Simple – Interest payments match the payout period. i.e. payout is monthly, compounding is also monthly.
Complex – Payout and compounding do not match. i.e. Payout is monthly, compounding is annual.
In early years of a loan more of the repayment goes towards interest, in later years more goes towards principal.
FVSS = PVSS x ( 1+ i )n
PVSS = FVSS x ( 1 / (1+i)n )
Definition of AUM
Defined in Sec. 203A
- Is the account a securities portfolio?
- Does the account receive continuous and regular supervisory management services?
- At least 50% of the portfolio consists of securities. (Cash, note, stock, treasury stock, security feature, bond, debenture.) ALMOST ANYTHING.
Exception from registering under the Investment Advisor Act of 1940
L – Lawyer
A – Accountant
T – Teacher
E – Engineer
Exempt from registering under the Investment Advisor Act of 1940
- Work for and solely give advice to insurance companies.
- Private hedge fund advisors.
- Charity advisors solely
- Some pension plan advisors
3 test rule for registering as an investment advisor
Does/is the person:
A – give ADVICE about securities
B – In the BUSINESS of giving advice about securities.
C – COMPENSATED for giving advice about securities.
National De Minimus Standard
Investment advisors may not be required to register in any state unless the advisor has a place of business in that state, or during the proceeding 12 month period, has had more than 5 clients who are residents of that state.
CFP Board Principals
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Competency
- Fairness
- Confidentiality
- Professionalism
- Diligence
Q -
“Prohibits deceit, misrepresentations and other fraud in the sale of securities. Often referred to as “The truth in securities law”
Securities Act of 1933
Q –
“Created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as a temporary agency to insure deposits”
Banking Act of 1933
Glass-Steagall Act
Q –
“Created the SEC and regulated authority to create self-regulatory authorities”
Securities Exchange Act of 1934
Q –
“Regulates the organization of companies, including mutual funds that engage in primarily investing, reinvesting and trading of securities”
Investment Company Act of 1940
Q -
“States that regulation of insurance would remain with the states provided the states actually regulated it”
McKarren-Ferguson Act of 1945
Q –
“Required federal reserve approval to establish a bank holding company”
Bank Holding Company Act of 1956
Q –
“Requires that employers who establish pension plans meet minimum standards & created the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation”
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
Q –
“Deregulated fixed commission prices on brokerage transactions”
May Day 1975
Q –
“Established NOW accounts and established the depository institutions deregulation committee”
Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980
Q –
“Permitted adequately capitalized and managed bank holding companies to acquire banks in any state on year after enactment”
Reigle- Neal Interstate Banking & Branching Efficiency Act of 1994
Q –
“Delineated the requirements for SEC and state registration of investment advisors and established a national de-minimus standard for state registration of investment advisors”
National Securities Market Improvement Act of 1994
Q –
“Created the public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 1999
Q –
Regulates over the counter swaps, increased regulatory enforcement and raised SIPC cash coverage to $250,000. Created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act
Q –
“Removed the prohibition on general solicitations and advertising related to securities. This allows small businesses to use crowd funding”
Jump Start our Business Start-ups (JOBS ACT)
A financial adviser whose activities are included under any one of the three tests in SEC release IA-770 is automatically subject to regulation under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940?
False. In order to be subject to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, a person’s activities must fulfill all three of the tests.
A registered investment adviser may not use the initials RIA or the label Registered Investment Adviser after his or her name on a business card or letterhead?
False. Though the use of the initials RIA is prohibited, the SEC does allow the use of the complete phrase Registered Investment Adviser after the practitioner’s name.
FINRA is a self-regulatory organization overseen by the SEC?
True or False
The size of your overall portfolio will influence the size of your emergency fund?
The three main credit bureaus are?
- Experian
- Equifax
- TransUnion
About one-third of all new car sales involve lease financing?