Practice Questions Flashcards
M(obj) =
I(obj)(max)-I(obj)(min) / I(obj)(max)+I(obj)(min)
b0 + b1
I(obj)(min) =
b0 - b1
M(img) =
I(img)(max) - I(img)(min) / I(img)(max) + I(img)(min)
I(img)(max) =
c0 + c1
I(img)(min) =
c0 - c1
M =
What happens to the image contrast and the modulation transfer function if the value of c1 is halved
contrast is halved
harder to distinguish edge of image
the peak of the PSF is reduced
the image is dimmer, less contrast
<ε(iso)^2> =
θ(0) =
Seeing =
β = 0.98 λ/r(0)
Strehl ratio =
S = (r(0)/D)^2
<ε(fit)^2> =
k/N^(5/6) (D/r(0))^(5/3)
Marechal approximation
S ~ e^(<ε^2>)
fewer actuators means
design and operation of AO system is easier
angular resolution
α = 1.22 λ/D
cut off frequency of the modulation transfer function
f(c) = D/λF
most cases F = 1
phase structure function is
a measure of the phase variance between two locations on the phase front separated by r
phase structure function =
D(φ)(r) = <|φ(x) - φ(x+r)|^2>
coherence function is
an indication of the correlation of the phase front between two locations on the phase front
coherence function =
B(φ)(r) = <|φ(x) φ(x+r)|>
qualitatively explain this expression
D(φ)(r) = 2[B(φ)(0) - B(φ)(r)]
phase structure function eq and definition
coherence function eq and definition
B(φ)(0) is the correlation of the phase value with itself at the same location (since the shift parameter r is 0).
2[B(φ)(0) - B(φ)(r)] is then equivalent to the evaluation of the phase structure function.
Show that
D(φ)(r) = k^2δh (∞ ∫ -∞) [D(N)(r,z) - D(N)(0,z)] dz
B(φ)(r) = k^2δh (∞ ∫ -∞) B(N)(r,z)dz
substitue into
D(φ)(r) = 2[B(φ)(0) - B(φ)(r)]
inserting B(N)(0,0)-B(N)(0,0)
re-express the fried parameter in terms of temperature T and its corresponding structure constant C(T)
r(0) ∝ [ ∫ C^2(N)(h) dh]^(-3/5)
n - 1 ∝ P/T
dn/dT ∝ -P/T^2
C^2(N) = C^2(T) |dn/dT| ∝ C^2(T) P/T^2
=> r(0) ∝ [ ∫ C^2(T)(h) P/T^2dh]^(-3/5)
Should the Fried parameter vary with zenith angle
r(0) ∝ [0.423k^2(cosγ)^-2 ∫ C^2(N)(h) dh]^(-3/5)
and r(0) ∝ (cosγ)^(3/5)
where γ is the zenith angle. We see that at large zenith angles, cosγ goes to 0. So the fried paramter is smaller which is expected for stronger turbulence
Show that the phase structure function can be expressed as
D(φ)(r) = 6.88 (τ/τ(0))^(5/3)
D(φ)(r) = 6.88 (r/r(0))^(5/3)
r = v(bar)τ
and τ(0) = r(0)/v(bar)
substituting into D(φ)(r)
<ε(servo)^2> =
(τ(0) f(3dB)^(-5/3)
τ(3dB) =
where f(3dB) is the bandwidth of the servo
Littrow configuration
θ(i) = θ(B)
θ(m) = -θ(B)
θ(m) = -θ(i)
how should the FSR be considered when designing a spectrograph
can adjust the free spectral range by changing the spacing between grating rules
groove separation
a measured in m
optical path difference
OPD = Δnl