Practice Problem 3 Flashcards
What is resource taxonomy
Classification system for categories of resource availability
Define energy elasticity of demand
A measure of the %change in quantity demanded if the determinant changes by 1%
What causes and issues are associated with energy insecurity
- Energy supply hazards: supply impacted by physical, economic, and social disruption, as well as tech and enviro risk
- Price shocks: importing countries struggle to cope when the price of oil raises
- Demand > supply
- Climate change, political instability, and terrorist acts
List the indicators of energy security
- Continuous availability of energy
- Low vulnerability of vital energy systems
- Economy is protected from energy supply disruptions
- Four A’s achieved, resources are: available, accessible, acceptable, and affordable
What are the implications of govt intervention in energy mkts (be able to graph)
Government intervention can correct market failures, enhance energy security, and promote sustainability but must be carefully designed to avoid inefficiencies, fiscal strain, and unintended social or economic consequences.
What is the input-output model
Examines the interdependencies between different sectors by considering how goods and services are produced and consumed within an economy.
How is the IO model applied in energy security and policy
Add the demand of one sector into the supply/demand equation of the other to calculate how much that industry needs to produce wrt the other.
Define discount rate wrt optimal harvest time
The discount rate influences the timing of harvest, as future harvesting costs are discounted. Maximizes discounted net benefits.
Define optimal harvest time
Calculated by dividing total wood volume by stand age
What factors affect forestry harvesting decisions
- Biological: Growth rates, MAI, CAI, and enviro conditions
- Economic: Timber prices, discount rates, harvesting/planting costs, and net benefits
- Policy: Ownership, gov subsidies/taxes, infinite vs single harvest planting
- Externalities: Enviro benefits and enviro risks
- Social: Indig, cultural significance, sustainability
What is the decision rule wrt to the biological dimension in forestry
Biological dimension: Young trees grow quickly in height but slowly in volume; medium-aged trees grow faster in volume; mature trees slow down and may even lose volume. The decision rule states to harvest at a period where MAI is maximized.
What is the decision rule wrt to the economic dimension in forestry
The optimal time to harvest from a profit maximization perspective would be the age that maximizes the present value of net benefits from the wood.
What are forestry certification standards
All focus on sustainable forest management to maintain biodiversity, protect ecosystem health, and support local communities.
Compare private vs public forestry mgmt
Private: Profit maximization, efficiency, driven by market forces, under accounted externalities, short term profit over sustainability
Public: Balance ecological goals, sustainability/public benefits, influenced by public/conservation, integrates externalities, political interference
What causes inefficiency in forestry mgmt
- Perverse incentives: bad policies that encourage deforestation or illegal logging
- Externalities: deforestation has global impacts such as biodiversity loss and climate change