Practice Methodologies Flashcards
Criteria for Approach to the Work
- firm size
- firm experience
- overall philosophy
- business organization
- design techniques
- how drawings/specs are produced
Design Based Firm
- sought for a specific style, signature building
- initial concept by Principal, developed and implemented by PMs and designers
- often departmental organization
Specialized Project Type Firm (Speicalists)
- requires more experienced staff
- efficiencies made by repeating what works
- often departmental, could be studio with specialized studios (i.e. healthcare studio)
- inverse triangle or rectangle organization
Generalist Firm
- requires broad range of experience in staff
- wider swings in staffing based on market
- usually studio organization
- more adaptable - not locked into one type/method
- triangle organization
- may be same as design based?
Client Partners
- pentagon organization
- PMs work almost exclusively with one project/client
- build client relationships to generate new work
- repeat production staff for PMs
Community Contributors
- inverse pentagon (if advisory firm. could add production staff if producing work)
- experienced staff are community leaders, heads of committees, boards etc. community involvement drives work to the firm.
Project Management Experts
- diamond
- expertise is oversight/ management
- production is outsourced/ by consultants
cost and quality leader
- house shape
- more production staff lower cost
- more PMs more quality control
- could also be more like a right triangle, with experienced production staff doing QC
Documentation Methodologies
- 2D drafting
- 3D BIM
contracting another company for part of the work
helps manage a fluctuating workload and speeds up production, allows more work to be accepted, but requires more coordination and oversight
Specifications Methodologies
- outsource to spec firm
- subscribe to a master spec system with in house spec production
- in house spec writer with fully custom master
Evidence Based Design
design based on credible research links one or more environmental elements with the desired outcome. Could be existing research or research tailored to a specific project.
- improves design quality
- improves future design of similar projects
- contributes to overall profession
- reduces cost
- establish a competetive market
- develop a reputation as knowledgeable
Consultant Coordination
if O contracts with E, they are responsible for Coord.
this takes some work of off A, but A loses ability to direct the work of E.
if A contracts with E, they coordinate.
A pays E their share of the total fees
when paid clause - A pay E when O pays A
more coord. work, but more input on the work too
Consultant Success Requirements
- develop a list of good consultants to draw from
- research, interview, and check references
- plan and outline the work needed
- establish a lump sum price for outsourced work
- set up strict sched. for mtgs, reviews, communication
- assume nothing - check and coordinate EVERYTHING
Quality Control
Quality Control Manual - details procedures, responsibilities, QC checklists, etc.
QC circle - small groups that meet regularly to discuss QC issues and develop solutions
Cleint Expectations - critical part of QC. A building could be award winning but if it doesn’t meet the client wants/needs, it has failed.
Record Management
- technical info/literature: codes, journals, books, product data
- project files: drawings, specs, emails, minutes, submittals for specific jobs
- feedback: evaluations, standard details, masterspecs
- security: duplicated paper and electronic records
Peer Review
- organizational: 3rd party reviews firm policies
- project: 3rd party review of constructability, as well as the deliverable documents