practice for unit 4 Flashcards
memorize by tomorrow or wednesday.
What does the term annexation refer to?
To incorporate a territory into an existing political unit such as a country.
What is a demilitarized zone?
A zone from which military forces are prohibited.
The term balkanization refers to:
The breakdown of a state through conflicts among its ethnicities.
What is an exclusive economic zone?
an area of coastal water where a country claims exclusive rights for economic activities.
geopolitics are:
government and its policies as affected by physical government.
What does gerrymandering describe?
Redrawing of legislative boundaries to benefit a political boundary.
what is a forward capital?
A capital city positioned near the international border in contested territory.
what is ethnonationalism?
The identification and loyalty a person may feel for his or her nation.
What is irredentism?
The desire to annex territories inhabited by people of the same nation.
A multi-state nation is:
A nation that stretches borders and across multiple states.