Practice Exam 4 Flashcards
_____ allow simultaneous detection of many thousands of potential mutations
How many of the modified dideoxynecleotides are present in each DNA fragment that is produced during a DNA sequencing reaction?
Two genes that are inherited together on the same chromosome are described as being
The use of computers to organize and analyze genetic information is
The set of all the different genes in a species is its
The set of all the different proteins produced by an organism is its
Nonfunctional genes that are still present in the genomes are
A genetic map of a human chromosome based on recombination frequencies includes both the _____ and an estimate of distance between points on the map
gene order
A genetic disorder that is much more frequent in native Northern and Western European populations than in Asian and African populations is
cystic fibrosis
The sum of all the different alleles carried by all the members of a population is its
gene pool
All the members of a species in a local area that can potentially breed with one another are a
Dolly the sheep is an example of a clone made by
nuclear transfer
A recent finding is that skin cells form _____ stem cells when treated with an appropriate set of proteins
Bully whippets’ muscle development is changed due to a mutation in the
myostatin gene
Heterozygosity for a cystic fibrosis allele has been associated with resistance to
typhoid fever
If 25 out of 100 males display the recessive phenotype for an X-linked trait, then what proportion of the alleles are the dominant allele?
75% or 0.75
The Lemba were shown to have a genetic connection to Jews by analyzing their
Y chromosome
For a rare recessive trait such as cystic fibrosis, which part of the population carries the most copies of the recessive allele?
the group of heterozygous individuals with the normal phenotype
Utah State researchers have cloned mules by
transferring nuclei form mule cells into horse eggs
What is most able to rapidly change allele frequencies in a large population?
Laws allowed the forced sterilization of mentally deficient wards of the state are examples of
negative eugenics carried out in the 1930’s in the United States
In the total human population allelic and genotypic frequencies actually change over time, which of the following is not expected to lead to a change in human allele frequencies?
the effects of random mating
Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive that affects 1 out of 2500 males in the United States. What part of the female population is hemophiliac?
1 out of 6,250,000
The effects of change events, such as predation, are expected to have the greatest effect on the evolution of a species with
small populations in which random mating is taking place
In a population the frequency of the recessive allele ‘b’ is 0.3, what percentage of the population will be homozygous for the recessive b allele if the population obeys the Hardy Weinberg Law?
For the sickle cell anemia trait where ‘S’ designates the normal hemoglobin allele and ‘s’ designates the sickle cell allele, which genotype(s) is/are expected to contribute the most offspring per individual to the next generation in malarial regions?
The human cell surface receptor allele that provides partial resistance to infection by HIV is most abundant in the native populations found in
Northern Europe
Tay-Sachs disease is a recessive genetic disorder that leads to mental retardation and death in early childhood. Eastern European Jewish populations have high frequencies for the Tay-Sachs disease allele. This allele
may provide resistance to tuberculosis in heterozygous individuals
If 1 in 2500 babies is born with a genetic disorder that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, then the allelic frequency for the disease causing allele in a randomly mating population
is estimated to be 1 in 50 alleles
In the Hardy Weinbergy Law the frequency of the _______ is given by the term 2pq
heterozygous genotype
In its Buck versus Bell decision the United States Supreme Court ruled that
the forced sterilization of promiscuous, mentally deficient women was constitutional
Recent genomic studies have shown that the Homo sapiens and the Homo neaderthalensis genomes differ at
0.5% of their base sequences
Stem cells that can form multiple but not all of the different cell types in the body are termed
Concerning the distribution of the ABO antigens among native peoples around the world,
many human populations have a low frequency of one allele, usually the B allele
Which disease was the focus of the first human gene therapy trial?
severe combined immunodeficiency disease
Humans are estimated to make up to _____ different proteins
Genes that are inactivated by mutations may remain in the genome of a species for very long times, everyone’s beta and alpha globin gene clusters contain genes that can no longer be used to make globin proteins, these inactive genes are called
the human genome contains
3 billion base pairs and about 25,000 genes
What kind of information can proteomics offer that genomics cannot?
Unlike genomics, proteomies can show which proteins are expressed in which cells and during what stages of development
Transgenic mice can be used to study human genetic diseases, which of the following types of human genetic disease traits would be the easiest to have a transgenic mouse model developed?
an autosomally dominant trait
Upon completion of the human genome, it was surprising to discover that
there are many fewer genes than expected
What is the purpose of identifying ‘open reading frames’ in DNA sequence data
These regions often correspond to parts of genes that encode proteins
One of the major concerns for human health associated with transgenic crop plants is that
they may express proteins that will induce allergic responses
The human genome contains about _____ genes and produces about _____ different proteins
25000 and 100000
Genes that are linked to one another are
located near to each other on the same chromosome
What is a microarray?
a set of oligonucleotides used to screen for large number of different sequences at the same time
In a typical automated DNA sequencing reaction, what do the dideoxynucleotides do?
They stop nucleotides from being added to the 3’ end of the growing DNA strand