Practice Exam 1 Flashcards
What is objective information?
Something you can observe/see on the patient.
What is subjective information?
Something you can’t see on the patient. A patient’s description of what they are experiencing.
What instrument is used to ligate a small blood vessel?
Mosquito hemostat
(hemostats are used to clamp off blood vessels.)
What instrument would be used to ligate a large blood vessel?
Kelly hemostat
What would you use to protect the privacy of the patient when sending a fax?
A cover page
What gauge needle is most commonly used for a subQ injection?
When filing an insurance claim for an appendectomy, which of the following is the most appropriate reference source for locating the surgical code?
CPT (Current Procedural Terminology)
Which quadrant is the gallbladder located?
right upper quadrant
Which quadrant is the Cecum located?
right lower quadrant
Which quadrant is the Descending colon located?
left lower quadrant
Which quadrant is the appendix located?
right lower quadrant
Which quadrant is the Spleen located?
left upper quadrant
To confirm a fracture of the distal forearm, the physician would view an x-ray study of which of the following body parts?
Radius and ulna
(These are bones of the forearm.)
According to Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) coding rules, a new patient is one who has not received professional services from the physician or a qualified health care professional in the practice of the exact same specialty and subspecialty for a MINIMUM of how many years?
3 years
What medical specialist is most likely to manage a patient with basal cell carcinoma?
What medical specialist is most likely to manage a patient with blood diseases?
What medical specialist is most likely to manage a patient with gastrointestinal and digestive system disorders?
What medical specialist is most likely to manage a patient with diabtes?
What medical specialist is most likely to manage a patient with diseases of the nervous system?
Which artery is most often used for assessing the pulse on a conscious patient?
Lisinopril (Zestril) and furosemide (Lasix) are used in the treatment of which of the following conditions?
Indomethacin (Indocin) is a medication often used for the treatment of ____?
Levodopa (Sinemet) is a medication for the treatment of ____?
Parkinson’s disease
Phenobarbital (Solfoton) is a medication that can be used for the treatment of ____?
A physician who specializes in the treatment of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome?
Which position would be appropriate for a patient with severe emphysema who is waiting to be examined by the physician?
Fowler (the patient is sitting up, slightly reclined in hospital bed).
The medical assistant obtains vitals for the 48- year-old male patient she has just roomed. His vitals are:
Blood Pressure 114/72, Pulse: 90, Temperature 97.2 F (36.2 C), Respirations 14 and a Pulse Oximetry of 89 %.
The medical assistant recognizes that this patient is demonstrating signs of what?
The patient’s oxygen is low and they are demonstrating signs of hypoxemia. Below 90% O2 is deficient in oxygen.
The medical assistant obtains vitals for the 48- year-old male patient she has just roomed. His vitals are:
Blood Pressure 114/72, Pulse: 55, Temperature 97.2 F (36.2 C), Respirations 14 and a Pulse Oximetry of 99 %.
The medical assistant recognizes that this patient is demonstrating signs of what?
The patient’s pulse is low and they are demonstrating signs of bradycardia. Below 60 bpm is too low.
The medical assistant obtains vitals for the 48- year-old male patient she has just roomed. His vitals are:
Blood Pressure 114/72, Pulse: 95, Temperature 97.2 F (36.2 C), Respirations 21 and a Pulse Oximetry of 99 %.
The medical assistant recognizes that this patient is demonstrating signs of what?
The patient’s respirations are high and they are demonstrating signs of Tachypnea. Normal limits for an adult are generally 12-18.
The medical assistant obtains vitals for the 48- year-old male patient she has just roomed. His vitals are:
Blood Pressure 140/82, Pulse: 90, Temperature 97.2 F (36.2 C), Respirations 14 and a Pulse Oximetry of 98 %.
The medical assistant recognizes that this patient is demonstrating signs of what?
The patient’s blood pressure is too high and is in the range for stage I hypertension which begins at 130/80.
Which type of serum level is most likely to be increased in a patient with liver disease?
Alanine Aminotransferase
(Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is found inside liver cells and when the liver is damaged or inflamed, ALT can be released into the bloodstream.)
Which type of serum level is most likely to be increased in a patient with bones, heart, nerves, kidneys or teeth conditions?
(A serum calcium level is usually ordered to screen for conditions related to bones, heart, nerves, kidneys and teeth.)
Which type of serum level is most likely to be increased in a patient with impaired kidney function or disease?
(The kidneys maintain the serum creatinine in a normal range. An elevated serum creatinine level signifies impaired kidney function or disease.)
Which type of serum level is most likely to be increased in a patient with prostate cancer?
Acid Phosphatase
(Acid Phosphatase is produced by the prostate gland and may be increased in prostate cancer.)
The physician orders 75 mg of medication to be given intramuscularly. The medication is available in 50mg/mL vials. What is the correct dose to be administered?
1.5 mL
The medical assistant helps a patient take her home medications while the patient is at the office. The patient is mistakenly given two 500 mg. tablets of Metformin instead of one 500 mg.
The physician can be held legally liable for the mistake of the medical assistant under what doctrine?
Doctrine of respondeat superior
Describe adduction.
Movement of a body part toward the body’s midline
Describe flexion.
Decreasing the angle between bones.
Describe extension.
Increasing the angle between bones.
What is performed to monitor a patient’s response to Coumadin therapy and to aid in adjusting Coumadin dosage?
International Normalized Ratio (INR)
The INR is performed to help ensure that patients taking Coumadin are at the therapeutic level, which is typically between 2-3. If the INR is too low, the patient is at risk of a blood clot and if it is too high, the patient is at risk for excessive bleeding.
What term describes the telescoping of the intestine into itself?
This is a prolapse of one part of the intestine into the lumen of an adjacent part of the intestine
What term describes an abnormal protrusion of an organ or body part through a membrane, muscle, or bone?
What is a measurement of the percentage of erythrocytes in a volume of whole blood?
This is a common laboratory test for anemia that determines the percentage of red blood cells in a volume of whole blood.
What is a screening test for inflammation that measure how fast red blood cells settle in a sample of whole blood?
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Which part of Medicare covers the cost of hospital care?
Part A
A patient needing cataract surgery could be referred appropriately to what health care provider?
State laws vary regarding responsibilities of the physician in reporting conditions. However, all states require the reporting of which type of condition?
Deaths due to violence.
What is the vein that returns the blood to the heart from parts of the body below the diaphragm?
Inferior vena cava
What is the vein that returns blood to the heart from the head and neck, upper extremities, and thorax?
Superior Vena Cava
What is the vein that is a continuation of the axillary vein and carries blood from the arm towards the heart.
Subclavian vein
What is the vein that drains the viscera of the thorax, and receives blood from other veins, mainly from the head and neck and upper extremities?
Brachiocephalic vein
What is the vein that is located in the upper arm and carries blood from the arms to the heart.
axillary vein
What part of Medicare is coverage for prescription drugs?
Part D
What part of Medicare is the coverage for physician’s services?
Part B
What part of Medicare allows private health insurance companies to provide Medicare benefits. These Medicare private health plans, such as HMOs and PPOs, are known as Medicare Advantage plans.
Part C
What term describes an abnormal lateral curvature of a patient’s spine?
What term describes an abnormal posterior curvature of the spine?
What term describes an abnormal anterior convexity of the lumbar spine, not posterior?
What term describes a degenerative osteoarthritis of the joints between the center of the spinal vertebrae and/or neural foramina?
What term refers to immobility or stiffness of a joint due to disease, injury, or a surgical procedure?
What is the meaning of -algia?
What is another suffix with the same meaning?
-algia means pain
-dynia also means pain
What is the function of the epiglottis?
Prevents food from entering the larynx during the act of swallowing.
What finding is most likely in a patient with herpes labialis?
Fever blisters (Herpes labialis is an infection of the lips, mouth, or gums with the herpes simplex virus. It leads to the degvelopment of small, painful blisters commonly called cold sores or fever blisters.
Which color-coded evacuated tubes should be used when collecting blood if a serum specimen is required?
Red (there are no anticoagulants and yields serum after the blood has clotted)
What does “Cysto-“ refer to?
In what case is an Advance Beneficiary Notice required?
A Medicare patient has a procedure or test that may not be covered by Medicare. (In this situation, the patient must be notified that Medicare may not pay or the bill is uncollectable.)
What does -phagia refer to?
eating or swallowing
What is a common side effect of some diuretics?
Hypokalemia (low potassium)
exophthalmos meaning
exo- : out; away from
thalm/o : thalamus (eyeball)
definition: abnormal protrusion of the thalamus.
What is the federal and state government funded insurance program that provides for health care services based on income guidelines
A 25 year old male patient has a bmi of 34 what condition could he be at risk for out of these options:
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Kyphoscoliosis
C. Vitiligo
D. Sleep Apnea
E. Pulmonary Hypertension
Sleep Apnea:
A BMI over 25 can lead to other conditions such as sleep apnea, hypertension, and stroke.
What substance may result in black stools when taken in therapeutic doses?
What does salpingo refer to?
Fallopian tube
Which of the following is a laboratory test that can be used to measure the inflammatory response in the body?
A. Hematocrit (HCT)
B. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
C. C-reactive protein (CRP)
D. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
E. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
CRP is a blood test for inflammation in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
The following codes were submitted to a private insurance company for reimbursement for an established patient with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus who was seen in the office.
The patient had a blood test to check his glycosylated hemoglobin (A1c) level and a detailed history and physical examination (level 4 Evaluation and Management service) for circulatory problems.
Diagnosis Code: D51.0(pernicious anemia)
CPT 99214 level 4 established patient EM service
CPT 83036 glycosylated(A1c) hemoglobin
This insurance claim would most likely be denied due to which of the following reasons?
Lack of demonstrating medical necessity
(Medical necessity is demonstrated when the diagnosis supports necessity of the CPT code. This ICD code does not support a hemoglobin A1c test.)
The criteria of establishing “duty owed, dereliction of duty, direct cause, and damages” are used in reference to which situation?
Proving negligence
(Plaintiffs must prove in a court of law that the “4 Ds” of negligence exist in a malpractice claim.)
Which of the following is a laboratory test for kidney function?
“Cyst / o” refers to the
urinary bladder
“Sialaden / o” refers to the
salivary glands
“Pylor / o” refers to the
pyloric sphincter
“Enter / o” refers to the
small intestine
Hematocrit (HCT) testing used to test for ______
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme elevated in the blood of patients with what type of diseases?
bone or liver disease
What does ALT (alanine aminotransferase) test for?
liver function
What does PSA (prostate specific antigen) test for?
prostate cancer
What does FBS (fasting blood sugar) test for?
Which of the following would be decreased when a patient mails a check to the clinic to pay for services previously rendered?
Accounts receivable
(The amount owed to the clinic will decrease.)
What does “-tomy” mean?
“incision into”
do white blood cells have a nucleus
What does smoking do to blood vessels?
it constricts them