Practice Book POLYGLOT - Present simple Flashcards
Ty knihy jsou moje.
The books are mine.
To auto je jejich.
The car is theirs.
Ten nápad je hloupý.
The idea is silly.
Jsi smutný?
Are you sad?
Je ten film nudný?
Is the film boring?
Je ten byt velký?
Is the flat large?
Nezlobím se.
I’m not angry/cross.
Není to strašné?
Isn’t it terrible?
Není to nepříjemné?
Isn’t it unpleasant?
Mají chalupu?
Have they got a cottage? /
Do they have a cottage?
Má psací stroj.
He has got a typewriting. /
He has a typewriting.
Bolí mě hlava.
I have got a headache. /
I have a headache.
Mají dobrý důvod.
They have got a good reason. /
They have a good reason.
Mám balící papír, obálky, pracovní sešity a provázek.
I have got wrapping paper, envelopes, exercise books and string. /
I have wrapping paper, envelopes, exercice books and string.
The stationer’s
The gricer’s