Practical- Starch Test Flashcards
To Revise
What are the Materials needed for the test?
Eye protection
Beaker for boiling water, 250 cm3
Forceps, 1
Boiling tube, -1
Petri dish
Ethanol -10ml
Iodine solution
White tile
What are the steps for the test?
a Put on your eye protection.
b At your desk, boil 250ml water into a large beaker.
c Using forceps, pick up one of your leaves and hold it in the hot water for about one minute.
d Using forceps, remove the leaf from the boiling water and note how it has changed.
e Drop the leaf into a boiling tube and push it to the bottom with a glass rod.
g Add enough ethanol to cover the leaf, and place the boiling tube in your beaker of hot water, or in the hot water bath.
h Watch as the ethanol boils and the green colouring (chlorophyll) is removed from the leaf. This will take a few minutes.
j Using forceps, remove the leaf from the boiling tube and rinse the leaf in cold water.
k Put the leaf in a Petri dish.
l Add iodine solution to the leaf from the dropper bottle. Make sure the leaf is completely covered with iodine.
m Watch for a few minutes to see if a blue-black colour develops in any part of the leaf. A blue-black colour with iodine solution indicates that starch is present.
n Wash your hands to remove any traces of plant sap, or the chemicals that you have used.
What colour is the leaf before boiling? Why is it that colour?
The green pigment chlorophyll is present in the leaf, which is why it is green.
Why do we boil the leaf?
To soften the cuticle and disrupt the cell membrane so iodine can penetrate through the leaf.
Why do we boil the leaf in ethanol? What happens to the leaf once we boil it?
To extract chlorophyll from the leaf? Since chlorophyll is soluble in ethanol, it dissolves in the ethanol, turning it green.
What happens to the leaf once it has been taken out of ethanol?
Once the chlorophyll is extracted from the leaf it turns light green or translucent.
What happens to leaf once you soak it iodine?
The starch and iodine solution react to form a blue-black compound?
State 3 hazards-risks-precautions
Bunsen burner-it could burn us or the paper-keep a safe distance away while handling it and keep flammable objects away
Iodine Solution-irritate our eyes-wear protective goggles
Ethanol- Flammable- Turn of bunsen burner while using it.