Practical I Flashcards
Alpha (what happens, Hz, uV)
30-50 uV
eyes closed, no mental activity, regular low rhythm
occipital and frontal cortex
Beta (what happens, Hz, uV)
awake/alert and or concentrated; higher frequency more erratic
not prominent on areas of cortical damage
Theta (what happens, Hz, uV)
awake, mostly in awake children or sleeping everyone
low: decreased arousal, more sleepy
high: working memory
integrating information to create a mental picture
perception, consciousness
first 5-10 and last 20-50 mins
stage 1
light sleep, less beta, alpha, more delta; drowsy and drifting in and out of consciousness
stage 2
light sleep, irregular theta, sleep spindles and K complex
stage 3
delta shown in 50% of time; deep sleep
stage 4
delta; bedwetting, nightmares
REM: dreaming, irregular breathing HR, BP; rapid eye movement, norepinephrine, cortocoste.; OREXIN released to wakeup
NREM: first 30-45 mins stage 1 and 2; stage 3 and 4 is Slow Wave Sleep; serotonin increases, dec bp, hr, rr, muscle tone
reticular activating sys
Hypothalamus times sleep cycle
The supra-chiasmic nucleus regulates the preoptic nucleus inhibiting the brain stem’s RAS putting the cerebral cortex to sleep
The RAS maintains
Awake state
Mediating sleep stages
sleep spindles and K complex
Sleep spindles: are short bursts of 12-14 Hz waves
K complexes: sudden increasing in wave amplitude
Procedural memory
Practiced over and over again
Reinforcement memory
Ex: sports
Motor memory
Ability to repeat same muscle movement
Different bc you have to remember exact muscle used and control it to repeat the same action)
emotional memory
Event associated w a sentiment
Declarative memory
Short term limited to 6-7 parts of
Long term
Repetition is what commits to long term
Spinal accessory n. XI (motor)
innervates/ pathway: sternocleidomasteoid and trapezius muscles
Hypoglossal n. XII (motor)
innervates/ pathway: muscles of tongue
Vagus Nerve X (motor and sensory)
innervates/ pathway: motor and sensory fibers to the visceral body organs
pathology: dysphagia, vocal cord weakness, alt the parasympathetic tone of thorax and abdomen
infraorbital nerve
innervates/ pathway: lower lid and upper lip; infraorbital canal
phrenic nerve
innervates/ pathway: diaphragm muscles control breathing, both nerves go from C3-5 then divide into thorax to pass between lungs and heart
suprascapular nerve
supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles; suprascapular notch
subscapular nerves
innervates/ pathway: subscapularis, teres ,ajor and latissimus dorsi
axillary nerve
innervates/ pathway: deltoid and teres major
musculocutaneous nerve
innervates/ pathway: coracobrachialis, biceps brachii and brachialis muscles
radial nerve
innervates/ pathway: triceps brachii and all muscles and all muscles on posterior of arm, sensation to lateral posterior surface of hand
radial groove of the humerus
pathology: wrist drop- unable to draw wrist up
median nerve
innervates/ pathway: sensation to the lateral anterior hand
pathology: carpal tunnel, this nerve gets compressed
ulnar nerve
innervates/ pathway: sensation to the anterior and posterior medial hand, behind the medial epicondyle of humerus
pathology: funny bone
long thoracic nerve
innervates/ pathway: serratus anterior muscle
pathology: scapula wings out bc it cant be held against the body wall
sciatic nerve
innervates/ pathway: bicep femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus
tibial nerve
innervates/ pathway: gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris muscle
common fibularis nerve
innervates/ pathway:anterior muscles of the leg (not the thigh)
pathology: when damaged posterior leg cant be antagonized … unsynchronized foot drop w each step
femoral nerve
innervates/ pathway: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius
lateral cutaneous
sensation to the lateral thigh
sensation to the medial leg and medial ankle/ foot
sympathetic trunk and ganglia
distributes fibers thru the ramus for sympathetic influence into spinal nerves
Eyes (tightening)
-far away
Close: PARASYMPATHETIC causes ciliary to contract to reduce tension in suspensory ligament, making the lens spherical and pupils contract
Far away: SYMPATHETIC causes ciliary to relax and the suspensory ligaments to contract making the lens flat and pupils to dilate
Pupil Dilation
close: parasympathetic activation- sphincter contracts and pupil constricts
far: sympathetic activation- dilators contract, pupils dilate
dim light receptors, peripheral vision , doesn;t provide sharp image
bright receptors, high accuracy color
long/ farsightedness, eyes too short, focal point does not reach retina
convex lens
near sightedness, eyes are too long, focal point goes past retina
concave lens
prevent light from scattering and rods and cones create signals for brain
refraction to focus light to retina
iris and pupil
constrict and dilate of pupil to view things close or far away
changes shape to focus light to retina
ear: difference bw outer middle and inner ear
outer: pinna, ear wax
middle: MIS, transport vibrations of sounds to inner ear
inner: sound waves into neural signals and balance
organ of corti
hair cells create signals for the cochlear branch
tectorial membrane
what hair cells rub against
scala tympani and vestibuli
endolymph and organ of cort
scala media
endo vs perilymph
endo: similar to intracellular fluid
peri: like CSF fluid
nerves responsible for -ceptions
facial nerve and glossopharyngeal
position of body in space
pain receptor
5 receptors of taste
sweets: sugar and alcohols
sour: hydrogen ions
bitter: alkaloids
umami: meat
light lavender colored cytoplasmic granules; multi-lobed nucleus, ~70%
-Releases cytokines that attract phagocytes to injury site
-Increases with bacterial infections
orange-red cytoplasmic granules; bi-lobed nucleus
-Fight multicellular parasitic infections (ex: worms), ~3%
-Increases with parasitic infections and allergic reactions