Practical/Final Flashcards
List the steps of flow through the heart?
Cranial/Caudal vena cavA/great cardiac vein Right Atrium Right Ventricle Pulmonary semilunar value Pulmonary trunk Lungs Pulmonary vein Left Atrium Left AV value Left ventricle Semilunar value Aorta Body
What branches off the brachiocephalic trunk?
Left and right common carotid arteries
Right subclavian artery ——Axillary artery
What branches off the right subclavian?
Superficial cervical artery
Internal thoracic artery
Costocervical trunk
Vertebral artery
What branches off the left subclavian artery?
Costocervical trunk
Vertebral artery
Superficial cervical artery
Internal thoracic artery
Where does the right coronary groove supply in the heart?
Subsinousal inter ventricular groove
Where does the left coronary artery supply in the heart?
Subsinousal via circumflex artery
Paraconal interventricular groove
What is the first branch of arteries off the aorta ?
Right and left coronary arteries
What is the phrenicopericardiac ligament?
Continuation of fibrous pericardium running between diaphragm and pericardial sac
What does the plica vena cave contain?
Right phrenic nerve
Caudal vena cava
What structures are located in the mediastinum ?
Thymus Trachea Principal bronchi Lobar bronchi Tracheobrochial lymph nodes
What supplies the first three intercostal spaces?
Costocervical trunk
What does the carotid sheath contain?
Vagosympathic trunk
Common carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Where does the right azygous vein dump into?
Right atrium
What two ribs can the canine heart be found?
3rd and 6th
What is the location of the equine heart? (Intercostal spaces)
What is the location of the bovine heart (intercostal spaces)
What is the costodiaphragmatic recess?
Space between peripheral diaphragm and costal arch
What is the coronary sinus?
Where the great cardiac vein dumps nutritional supply of blood into right atrium from the coronary arteries
What is the fetal equivalent to the fossa ovalis of the heart?
Foramen ovale
What is the ligamentum arteriosoum?
Fibrous connection between the pulmonary trunk and the aorta
What is PAM for canine? Where is the Right AV value located?
Right AV value 4th
What are the lung lobes of a canine?
Right: caudal, cranial, accessory, middle
Left: cranial (crainal and caudal) and caudal
What are the lung lobes of an equine?
Right: cranial, caudal, accessory
Left: cranial and caudal
What are the lung lobes of a bovine?
Right: cranial and caudal parts of cranial lobe, middle, caudal, accessory lobe
Left: cranial and caudal parts of cranial lobe, caudal lobe
What passes through the esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm?
Esophagus, vagus nerve
What passes through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm?
Aorta, asygos vein and thoracic duct
What passes through the caval foramen of the diaphragm?
Caudal vena cava
What are diaphramagtic cura?
Tendons (right and left) that attach diaphragm to lumbar vertebrae
What attaches the duodenum to the colon?
Duodenocolic fold
What is the omental bursa?
Space between the superficial and deep left of omentum
What is the falciform ligament?
Extends from the liver to the diaphragm and ventral abdominal wall to the umbilicus
What are the three main regions of the stomach?
What is the cardiac spilinter ?
Area of the stomach where the esophagus and stomach meet
Do canines have a non-glandular and glandular stomach?
Cardiac is non glandular
Fundic is glandular
What part of the pancreas is enveloped in the omentum?
Right lobe
What is the major duodenal papilla?
Combined opening of the pancreatic and common bile duct in the duodenum
What is the minor duodenal papilla?
Opening of the accessory pancreatic duct in the duodenum
Where is the cranial duodenal flexure located?
Between pylorus and start of duodenum
Where is the caudal duodenal flexure located?
Between descending and ascending duodenum
Where does the ilium join the ascending colon?
Ileiocolic orifice
What is the cecocolic orifice?
Opening between the cecum and the colon
What is the right colic flexure?
Bend between ascending color and transverse colon
Where is the left colic flexure?
Bend between the transverse and descending colon
Where is the gallbladder located?
Between the right medial lobe of the liver and quadrate lobe
Name the six lobes of the liver
Left lateral, left medial, quadrate, right medial, right lateral, caudate, papillary process of the caudate
What drains the gallbladder?
Cystic duct
What drains the lobes of the liver?
Hepatic duct
What is the common bile duct?
Union of the cystic and hepatic ducts. Dumps into small intestine
Name the branches of the celiac artery?
Left gastric
Name the branches of the splenic artery ?
Left gastricepipolic
Name the branches off the hepatic artery?
Gastricdudenal —-cranial pancreaticduodenal artery and right gastoepepollic
Right gastric
Name the branches off the cranial mesenteric artery
Ileiocolic artery
Caudal pancreaticoduedenal artery
Illeal artery
Jejunal artery
Name the branches off the ilecolic artery
Middle colic
Right colic
Colic branch
Cecal artery
Name of the branch of the cecal artery?
Antimesenteric (canine)
What does the right colic artery supply?
Ascending and transverse colon
What does the middle colic artery supply?
Descending colon and transverse colon
What arterial branches supply the lesser curvature of the stomach?
Left and right gastric arteries
What arterial branches supply the greater curvature of the stomach?
Left and right gastroepipolic arteries
What are the branches of the caudal mesenteric artery?
Left colic and cranial rectal artery
What artery makes up the crainaldorsal quadrant ?
Phrenicoabdominal artery
What arterial branch makes up the caudodorsal quadrant?
Deep circumflex illec artery
What arterial branches make up the cranialventral quadrant?
Cranial Superficial epigastric artery and vein
What arterial branches make up the caudoventral quadrant?
Caudal superficial epigastric artery and vein
What two parts make up the kidney?
Cortex and medulla
Is the kidney retroperitinal?
What enters and leaves the hilus of the kidney?
Renal artery and vein
List three important lymph nodes
Jejunal lymph nodes
Caudal mesenteric lymph nodes
Medial iliac lymph nodes
Is the right lobe of equid and ruminants lung hard to differentiate between medial and lateral lobes?
What organ is lacking in the horse that the bovine and canine have?
With no gallbladder in the horse, what duct is lacking?
Cystic duct
What side does the spleen lie on?
Name lumbar nerves in the canine L1-L4
Cranial and caudal lilohypogastric
Lateral cutaneous nerve + genitofemoral nerve
What is phrencosplenic ligament?
Connecting the diaphragm to the speed in the horse
What is the blood supply to the osasum?
Left gastric artery
What is the blood supply to the reticulum?
Reticular artery and accessory reticular artery
Is the right lobe of equid and ruminants lung hard to differentiate between medial and lateral lobes?
What organ is lacking in the horse that the bovine and canine have?
What is the nutritional supply to the heart?
Great cardiac vein
Right and left coronary arteries
What is the functional supply to the lungs?
Pulmonary artery and veins
What is the nutrional supply to the lungs?
Brachoesophgeal artery
Right azyogos vein
The deep leaf of the greater omentum attaches to the what of the rumen?
Right longitudinal groove
What tendon is common to rupture in prego mares?
Prepubic tendon
What are the two muscles that surround the external jugular?
Sterochepalicus and strenothryoridous/hyodius
What is the dorsal border of the cervical visceral space?
Longus capits and longus colli
What is the ventral border of the cervical visceral space?
Sterochephalis and sternothyrodo/hydoius
The lesser omentum attaches at the what of bovine?
Lesser curvature of the abomasum and the base of the omasum
What makes up the inguinal canal in the males?
Vaginal tunic External pudenal Genitoformal Cremaster m Spermatic cord
The deep leaf of the greater omentum is covering what on the canine?
Pancreas on the right side
How many bands does the cecum have?
How many bands does the pelvic flexure have?
What makes up the inguinal canal in the female?
Vaginal process
External pudenal
Hardware disease is associated with the what?
Metal coming through the reticulum in the bovine
The superficial leaf of the greater omentum attaches to the what of the rumen?
Left longitudinal groove
What are the two most common impaction sites in the equine?
Pelvic flexure
Transverse colon
Describe the equine digestive pathway?
Ileum—cecum—-RVC—-ventral diagrammatic flexure—-LVC—pelvic flexure—-LDC—dorsal diaphragmatic flexure—-RDC—–transverse colon—-descending colon—-rectum
What is referred to as the small colon?
Transverse and descending colon.
What is the blood supply to the transverse colon?
R colic and middle colic
The mesenteric ganglion has what innervation?
The cranial blind sac can also be called the what?
Atrium ruminis
Where can intestinal entrapment occur in the horse?
Gastrosplenic ligament but most commonly thenepphrospelenic ligament on the left side
What is the line called between the non glandular and granular stomach of the horse?
Margo plicatus
What appearance of does the reticulum have?
What side of the bovine is the omasum found?
What is the true stomach of the bovine?
What way does the external abdominal oblique run?
What way does the internal abdominal oblique run?
Cranial ventral
What region is the fundus (absomasum) located in?
Xiphiod region and protrudes into the left hypocontractic region
Where is the pyloric part of the absomum located in?
Right hypocontiac region
Are the pylorus and cardiac really close together in the horse?
What is the longest and mobile part of the small intestine in the dog?
What is the largest gland of the body?
Where are the jejunal lymph nodes located in the ruminant?
Ascending colon and the jejumum
What ileococecal orifice?
Found in the horse, between the lilum and the cecum
The ilium opens into the cecum in the horse instead of the colon?
What side is the cecum on in the equine?
What is referred to as the large colon in the horse?
Ascending colon
How many bands does the left dorsal colon have?
How many bands does the right dorsal colon have?
What is within the spiral colon of the ruminant?
Centripetal coils
Central flexure
Centrifugal coils
What are the three parts of the ruminant colon?
Proximal loop
Spiral colon
Distal loop
What is the sigmoid flexure?
Cranial duodenal flexure equalvent in the bovine
In the bovine there is a ileocecocolic orifice?
How do you determine the junction between the jejunum and ileum in the ruminant?
Ileocecal fold since there is not antimesenteric artery
What does the right colic artery supply in the equine?
Left and right dorsal colon
What does the colic branch of the ileiocolic artery supply in the equine?
Left and right ventral colon
What does the colic branch of the ileiocolic supply in the bovine?
Proximal loop and centripetal loop
What does the right colic artery supply in the bovine?
Centrifugal spiral distal loop
What does the portal vein do?
Carry blood from the liver from abdominal viscera
What are the branches of the portal vein?
Gastroduodeal vein and splenic vein
What are the terminal branches of the portal vein?
Cranial and caudal mesenteric veins
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
Slit in the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique
What is the deep inguinal ring? What are its boundaries ?
Cranial boundary: internal abdominal oblique
Caudal boundary: caudal border of the external abdominal oblique (inguinal ligament)
Lateral boundary: rectus abdominis
What is the broad ligament of the uterus?
Peritoneum on each side that attaches the reproductive tract to the lateral lumbar regions
What is the suspensory ligament of the ovary?
Holds the ovary to the body wall
What is the proper ligament of the ovary?
Attaches the ovary to the uterine horn
Where does the SNS axons originate from?
Throacolumbar portion of spinal cord
Where does the PSNS axons originate from?
Cranialsacral portion of the spinal cord
What are phrenic nerves?
Somatic nervous to diaphragm
What is Cranial nerve X?
Vagus nerve
Where are posstganglionic PSNS fibers found?
Within the walls of the viscera
What does the ventral vagal truck supply?
Liver, stomach and pylorus
What does the dorsal vagal truck give off?
Gives off celiac branch
Name what both recurrent laryngeal nerves wrap around?
Left wraps around aortic arch
Right wraps around right subclavian
What is the ramus communicans?
Where preganglionic fibers of the sympathetic nervous system leave the spinal cord and enter the sympathetic truck
What are splanchnic nerves?
Contain sympathetic neurons that run between the sympathetic truck and the abdominal ganglia as well as viseral afferent coursing the spinal cord
What are the three types of splanchnic nerve?
Major, minor and lumbar
What does the ansa subclavia loop around?
Left subclavian artery
What subregions are included in the cranial abdominal region?
Xyhoid region and hypochondriac regions
What subregions are included in the middle abdominal region?
Lateral regions and umbilical region
What subregions are included in the caudal abdominal region?
Pubic region and right and left inguinal regions
What are the borders of the paralumbar fossa?
Base: tips of lumbar transverse processes
Crainoventral: last ribs
Caudoventral: ridge formed by internal oblique that extends from tuber coxae
What is the blood supply to the paralumbar fossa? (Hint: think what abdominal quadrant it is located in)
Deep circumflex iliac artery
What are the forestomachs of the ruminant?
Omasum, rumen and reticulum
What is the blood supply to the right accessory groove and caudal groove in the rumen?
Right ruminal artery
What is the blood supply to the coronary grooves of the rumen?
Dorsal and ventral coronary grooves
Parent branch: right ruminal artery
What does the left ruminal artery supply?
Cranial groove and left accessory groove
What is the function of the reticulum?
Mechanical digestion, filtration, movement and absorption of VFA, electrolytes and water
What is the osasum covered by? (Think which part of omentum)
Lesser omentum
What is the left and right longitudinal groove covered by? (Think omentum)
Left is covered by superficial leaf of greater omentum
Right is covered by deep leaf of greater omentum
What is the innervation of the omasum, rumen and reticulum?
Dorsal vagal truck
What is the innervation of the abomasum?
Ventral vagal truck
What abdominal area is the absomsum and omasum located in?
Hypochondriac and xyhoid regions
What is the torus pyloricus of the abomusum?
Augments the pyloric sphincter
What is the function of the abomasum?
Chemical digestion via release of enzymes and chemicals from gastric glands
What is the bloop supply to the ascending colon in the ruminant?
Proximal loop: colic branch of the ileiocolic
Centripetal: colic branch of the ileiocolic
Distal loop: right colic artery
Centrifugal loop: right colic artery
What is the blood supply to the transverse colon in the ruminant?
Middle colic artery
What is the blood supply to the descending colon in the ruminant?
Left colic artery
What prevents vomiting in a horse?
A very pronounced cardiac sphincter
What kind of fermenters are horses? (Think stomach or gut)
They are gut, bovines are stomach fermenters
What is the margo pilcatus?
Prominent line in a horses stomach that separate the glandular and non-glandular stomachs
What are the two most common displacements sites of colon in the horse?
Apex of the cecum
Pelvic flexure
What is the blood supply to the cecum in the horse?
Branches of the iolecolic
What is the nephrosplenic ligament?
Extends from left kidney and spleen
What is the blood supply of the ascending colon in the horse?
Ventral colon: colic branch of the iolecolic
Dorsal colon: right colic artery
Where is the transverse colon located in regards to the root of the mesentery?