Practical Exam 3 Flashcards
adrenal gland - sits on top of kidney
alveolar ridges
gumline along the teeth
the curve part of the ovarian tubes
anal canal
after the rectum
after anal canal
apex of lung
the top part of the lung
arytenoid muscle
more superior muscle on the larynx
ascending colon
from the cecum on the right side
base of lung
bottom of the lung
has granules, nucleus is almost covered
body of clitoris
after the tip/gland
body of the stomach
middle section after the fundus
body of the uterus
middle part of the uterus (it would be most superior in the supine position)
broad ligament
the big sheet that connects uterus to bladder
bulb of the penis
under the penis, where the two crus meet
bulb of the vestible
main erectile tissue on either side of the clitoris (between crus and labia minora)
cardiac impression
on the left lung, it is the big imprint that the heart would make
cardiac notch
on the left lung, it is a little curve off the lingula
at the end of the trachea, it is a hardening
caudate lobe
it means horse’s tail, it is the most posterior lobe of the liver
it is the start of the large intestine, it has the vermiform appendix on its posterior side
celiac trunk
it comes off the abdominal aorta, it has three branches, - splenic artery, common hepatic, and left gastric. IT SUPPLIES THE FOREGUT
part of the uterus that touches the vaginal canal
circular folds
folds in the small intestine
tip thingy at the top of the vulva area
common bile duct
it connects the hepatic ducts (liver) and the cystic duct (gallbladder) and goes to the duodenum
common hepatic artery
it is the branch towards the liver off of the celiac trunk
common hepatic duct
from the left and right hepatic ducts, combines with the cystic duct to form the common bile duct
corpora cavernosa
top 2/3 of the penis (harder)
corpus spongiosum
bottom layer of penis where the urethra runs through, spongy
outer light pink layer of the kidney
costal surface
part of the lungs that touches the ribs (you can see the rib indents sometimes)
cricoid cartilage
the lowest cartilage on the larynx, it is thin on the front and thicker on the back
crus of the clitoris
two sides of tissue along the clitoris body
cystic duct
duct coming from the gallbladder
descending colon
the part of the large intesting that comes down from the splenic flexure, on the left
diaphragmatic surface
the bottom surface of the lungs
duodenal ampulla
small swelling from the common bile duct right on the outside of the duodenum
small c-shaped section of the small intestine right after the pylorus, on the right of the abdominal aorta
has granules, the nucleus looks like earmuffs (two-lobed) and the granules stain orange
eparterial bronchus
right lungs, placed above the arteries
little cap on the testis, (testis are more distal and are smoother)
little flap that keeps food from going down the trachea
epiploic appendages
little fat dangly things on the large intestine
red blood cell
behind the trachea, where the food will travel to the stomach
ethmoid bulla
big bulge under the middle nasal conchae in the middle nasal meatus that houses the ethmoid air sac
external nares
opening to the nose, nostrils flared
falciform ligment
piece of tissue that divides the two lobes of the liver, is technically peritoneum
false vocal cords
superior to true vocal cords
imaginary hole at back of mouth made from uvula, arches, and sulcus terminalis
finger-like projections at the beginning of the ovarian tubes
frontal sinus
space that looks like its in the forehead, opening is under the ethmoid bulla (going up)
fundus of the stomach
the first part of the stomach that food would hit, its the curved part at the top
fundus of the uterus
most anterior part of the uterus, sticks up in supine position
gall bladder
pouch attached to the liver
gastroduodenal artery
it is a branch off of the common hepatic artery that goes to the stomach, pancreas, and obviously the duodenum
glans of the clitoris
the tips of the clitoris
gonadal artery
in testes, it is part of the spermatic cord, NOT in the pampiniform plexus, they would have to dissect it out
in the ovaries - more superior is the gonadal ovary, more inferior is the suspensory ligament
greater curvature of the stomach
it is the larger curve at the bottom of the stomach
greater omentum
comes from the greater curvature of the stomach and covers most of the abdominal cavity
hard palate
more anterior bone of the roof of the mouth made from palatine and maxillary bones
the lumps in the large intestine (mini donuts)
hepatic artery right or left
these branch from the common hepatic artery (back to the celiac trunk vibes)
hepatic ducts
part of BILIARY TREE, comes from both lobes of the liver
hepatic flexure
on the right side, the corner of the large intestine by the liver
hepatic portal vein
it enters the liver from the bottom, it is the collection of the superior and inferior mesenteric veins and the splenic vein
hepatic vein
from the top of the liver, drains into the inferior vena cava
circular general area of all the vessels entering and exiting the lungs
horizontal fissure
only the right lung has it, to create the middle lobe
hyoid bone
top of the larynx area
hyparterial bronchus
Left lung, under all the arteries
ileocecal valve
the hardening between the ileum of the small intestine and the cecum of the large intestine
basically any part of the small intestine that is marked within 7 inches of the cecum (it is the last segment of the small intestine)
inferior lobe
the lowest lobe of the lungs on either side
inferior mesenteric artery
its gonna be supper low on the abdominal aorta, it supplies the hindgut
inferior mesenteric vein
it is the left vein off of the hepatic portal vein
inferior nasal conchae
the lowest nasal conchae, IDENTIFY THIS ONE FIRST!
right under the fimbriae
the section of the uterine tubes right by the uterus
the main middle section of the small intestine
K you should know this, but there are two of them asymmetrically arranged shaped like a kidney bean
labia majora
it is associated with the skin of the vagina, has pubic hair
labia minora
it is the flaps of the vaginal area, not the skin