Practical Flashcards
How do I see the Lord’s Day?
If we have the opportunity and privilege to worship and glorify God, and to hear his word twice on Sunday, then we should make our best efforts to go twice.
What do I expect myself to be doing as a full member of Providence?
To help out where I can by using the gifts God has given me to aid the church.
What does it mean to forsake the world?
To forsake the lust of flesh, pride of life, and lust of the eyes.
What does the submission to the government of the church mean?
God has placed the deacons and elders in place as part as the church government. They’re under the authority of God and his word. We’re to trust and obey their actions because of this.
Why do we have church discipline?
People will become worldly and won’t learn from their mistakes.
Why do we celebrate the Lord’s Supper?
We celebrate because it reminds us what the Lord has done for us. We’re proclaiming the Lord’s sacrifice until he comes.