practical Flashcards
investigate using comeplational method whether testosterone levels can be linked to aggression levels
co-variable 1
testosterone levels measured using 4D & 2D finger ratio averaged across both hands and measured in mm which shows testosterone levels exposed in the womb
co-variable 2
aggression levels- measured using buss-perry aggression questionnaire where each pp will have an aggression rating by choosing on a 5 point scale.
alternate hypothesis
There will be a correlation between testosterone measure by 4D/2D ratio measured in mm and averaged across both hands & aggression measured in self-rating by Buss-Perry questionnaire
Null hypothesis
There will be no correlation between testosterone using 4D/2D ratio measured by m, in both hands & aggression measured by self-rating using Buss-Perry aggression scale
Opportunity sample 15 students from reigate college ages between 16-17
Informed consent given to ppts
Asked to complete Buss-Perry questionnaire in silence to avoid any ppt variables
measured fingers with a ruler then converted to mm and recorded data
Appropriate test for our questionnaire
Test for correlation, ordinal measured using 4D/2D ratio and questionnaire related as it was in pairs and measurement of aggression and test for each ppt
Strong positive correlation
Observed value 0.8 for Spearmans rho greater than critical value of 0.05 null hypothesis rejected
internal validity is high because of self report q to gain info and ask direct q on feelings
only 16-17 year olds
psych students
high can be repeated due to standardised but measurements may be off due to use of ruler