Practical 1 Flashcards
Dx in Neutral Cervical Compression
Cervical Radiculopathy
Anatomy being tested during Neutral Cervical Compression:
- Nerve Roots
- Cervical IVF’s
Pathophysiology during Neutral Cervical Compression:
Cervical nerve root compression due to:
- IVF stenosis
- Bone Spurs
- Disc Herniation
- Facet Hypertrophy
- Tumor
Arthrokinematics of Neutral Cervical Compression:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Sign & Symptoms during Neutral Cervical Compression:
Recreation of parenthesia down involved arm
(Numbness, Burning, Tingling)
Compensation during Neutral Cervical Compression:
Guarding & Apprehension
Dx in Spurling’s A:
Cervical Radiculopathy
Anatomy being tested during Spurling’s A:
- Nerve Roots
- Cervical IVF
Pathophysiology of Spurling’s A:
Cervical nerve root compression due to:
- IVF Stenosis
- Bone Spurs
- Disc Herniation
- Facet Hypertrophy
- Tumor
Arthrokinematics for Spurling’s A:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Sign & Symptoms during Spurling’s A:
Recreation of Paresthesia down involved arm
(Numbness, burning, tingling)
Compensation during Spurling’s A:
Guarding & Apprehension
Dx of Spurling’s B:
Cervical Radiculopathy
Anatomy being tested during Spurling’s B:
- Nerve Roots
- Cervical IVF
Pathophysiology of Spurling’s B:
Cervical nerve root compression due to:
- IVF Stenosis
- Bone Spurs
- Disc Herniation
- Facet Hypertrophy
- Tumor
Arthrokinematics during Spurling’s B:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Sign & Symptoms during Spurling’s B:
Recreation of Paresthesia down involved arm
(Numbness, burning, tingling)
Compensation during Spurling’s B:
Guarding & Apprehension
Dx for Maximal Cervical Compression:
Cervical Radiculopathy
Anatomy being tested during Maximal Cervical Compression:
- Nerve Roots
- Cervical IVF’s
Pathophysiology during Maximal Cervical Compression:
Cervical nerve roots compression due to:
- IVF Stenosis
- Bone Spurs
- Disc Herniation
- Facet Hypertrophy
- Tumor
Arthrokinematics during Maximal Cervical Compression:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
Compensation during Maximal Cervical Compression:
Guarding & Apprehension
+ Signs & Symptoms during Maximal Cervical Compression:
Recreation of Paresthesia down involved arm
(Numbness, burning, tingling)
Dx during Cervical Distraction:
Cervical Radiculopathy
Anatomy being tested during Cervical Distraction:
- Cervical Nerve roots
- Cervical IVF’s
Pathophysiology during Cervical Distraction:
Cervical nerve root compression due to:
- IVF Stenosis
- Bone Spurs
- Disc Herniation
- Facet Hypertrophy
- Tumor
Arthrokinematics during Cervical Distraction:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Signs & Symptoms during Cervical Distraction:
Alleviation of Radicular symptoms or (decrease in paresthesia)
Compensation in Cervical Distraction:
Guarding, Inability to relax
Dx in Shoulder Abduction (Bakody’s):
Cervical Radiculopathy
Anatomy being tested in Shoulder Abduction (Bakody’s):
- Cervical Nerve Roots
- Cervical IVF
Pathophysiology during Shoulder Abduction (Bakody’s):
Tethering of Cervical nerve root due to:
- Stenosis
- Bone Spurs
- Cervical Disc Herniation
Arthrokinematics during Shoulder Abduction (Bakody’s):
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Sign & Symptoms during Shoulder Abduction (Bakody’s):
Alleviation of Radicular Symptoms
Compensation during Shoulder Abduction (Bakody’s):
Dx during Arm Squeeze Test:
Cervical Radiculopathy
Anatomy being tested during Arm Squeeze Test:
- Cervical Nerve Roots
- AC Joints
- Subacromial Space
Pathophysiology during Arm Squeeze Test:
Cervical nerve roots compression due to:
- IVF Stenosis
- Bone Spurs
- Disc Herniation
- Facet Hypertrophy
- Tumor
Arthrokinematics during Arm Squeeze Test:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Sign & Symptoms during Arm Squeeze Test:
Arm Comprassion QVAS Score difference >3 when compared to AC & Subacromial space QVAS Scores
Compensation during Arm Squeeze Test:
Dx during Soto Hall:
- Cervical Strain
- Cervical Sprain
- Cervical Fracture
- Cervical Derangement
Anatomy being tested during Soto Hall:
- Cervical Vertebrae
- Cervical Ligamentous structures
- Cervical Musculature
Pathophysiology during Soto Hall:
Due to Trauma Such as Whiplash:
- Cervical Strain
- Cervical Sprain
- Cervical Fracture
Arthrokinematics during Soto Hall:
Flexion: A/S
+ Signs & Symptoms during Soto Hall:
Recreation of Localized Pain
Compensation during Soto Hall:
Guarding, Spasms, Apprehension
Dx during O’Donoghue Maneuver:
Cervical Sprain/Strain
Anatomy being tested during O’Donoghue Maneuver:
- Cervical Ligamentous structures
- Cervical Musculature
Pathophysiology during O’Donoghue Maneuver:
Muscular or Ligamentous partial tear or inflammation due to trauma or whiplash
Arthrokinematics during O’Donoghue Maneuver:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Signs & Symptoms during O’Donoghue Maneuver:
Recreation of localized pain w/ active ROM = muscular
Recreation of localized pain w/ passive ROM = Ligamentous
Compensation during O’Donoghue Maneuver:
Guarding, Spasms & Apprehension
Dx during Sharp-Purser Test:
Cervical Instability
Anatomy being tested during Sharp-Purser Test:
- Atlas
- Axis
- Transverse Ligament
Pathophysiology during Sharp-Purser Test:
Ligamentous stability from trauma or whiplash, and systemic instability due to RA
Arthrokinematics during Sharp-Purser Test:
Flexion: A/S
Extension: P/I
Ipsilateral Rotation: P/I
Contralateral Rotation: A/S
Lateral Flexion (Ipsilateral): P/I
+ Signs & Symptoms during Sharp-Purser Test:
Clunk or possible Alleviation of Symptoms