Prac Flashcards
Super class of exception and error
Throwable Class
Graphics class belongs to which class
Awt full form
Abstract Window Toolkit
Import statement used for
import statement is used to access buit-in java packages which contains a set of particular classes.
Int data type ka size
New keyword ka use
New keyword is used in new operator to create a new object.
Static and non static method me diff..and unko call kerne ka difference
Static methods are methods which do not have any relationship with objects in the class , they exist independently and the class may not have an object at all. Any method that has a relationship with the object is called non-static method.
Inheritance kya hai
In Java, an object can acquire the behavior and properties from another object. This is also called a parent-child relationship. Morover, the child may even have behavior and properties of its own.
Array kaise declare kerna
Datatype [ ] name;
Abstract method kya hai..and u ll know its abstract class
Abstract class is a class that cant be used to create objects. Abstarct method is a method which is not implemented.
Diff between string buffer and string class
String class is used to store data sequentially and it is immutable i.e. That once the memory is assigned it cant be diminished or changed. String buffer however is also used to store data sequentially but is mutable i.e. the memory can be deleted or modified
Enhance for loop
Enhanced for loop is a type of for loop that is used to iterate through a collection of data in first to last order and the user doesnt need to know the crent value of the index. It does so by traversing the data.
User defined data types in java
User defined data types are the data types that are created by the user in Java
Command line arguments
Command Line arguments are the arguments that are passed at the command line during the execution of a program.
Showinputdialog box kya return kerta hai
than what is array fir
Array is used to store similar type of data in Java but has a limit to it. It is further o f 2 types :-
Single-dimensional array
Multi-dimensional Array
super class of exception & error
Throwable Class
graphics kiska part h?
Abstract window Toolkit
haan applet kiska part h
difference print & println
Print() prints output isn the same line
Println() provides output in the next line
Console application
The console applicaton is used to get input from Console. It is used to read texts and passwords from the user.
Native method
A native method is a method in java whose implementation is written in a language other than java.
An applet is a special type of program that is embedded in a webpage to generate dynamic content. It works on the client side.