pr2 quiz 1 Flashcards
is generally concerned with understanding phenomenon relating to or involving quality or kind
is based on the measurement or quantity.
uses scientifically collected and statistically analyzed data to investigate observable phenomena.
Quantitative research
To obtain more meaningful statistical result, the data must come from a large sample size.
Large sample saize
Data gathering and analysis of results are done accurately, objectively, and are unaffected by the researcher’s intuition and personal guesses.
Data is numerical, which makes presentation through graphs, charts, and tables possible and for better conveyance and interpretation.
visual result presentation
The use of a statistical tools give way for a less time consuming data analysis.
faster data analysis
Data taken from a sample can be applied to the population if sampling is done accordingly, i.e., sufficient size and random samples were taken
generalized data
Depending on the type of data needed, collection can be quick and easy. Quantitative research uses standardized research instruments that allow the researcher to collect data from a large sample size efficiently. For instance, a single survey form can be administered simultaneously to collect various measurable characteristics like age, gender, socio-economic status, etc.
fast data collection
Data is taken and analyzed objectively from a sample as a representative of the population, making it more credible and reliable for policymaking and decision making.
reliable data
The Quantitative method can be repeated to verify findings enhancing its validity, free from false or immature conclusions.
It identifies the relationship between variables.
*Data is collected by observation since it does not consider the cause and effect.
Example: The relationship between the amount of physical activity done and student academic achievement.
*Is used to describe a particular phenomenon by observing it as it occurs in nature.
*There is no experimental manipulation and the researcher does not start with a hypothesis.
*This design is used when trying to identify characteristics, categories, and trends.
*The most common methods of collecting descriptive research are case studies, observations, and surveys.
*It is used to establish the cause and effect relationship of variables.
*The quasi-experimental has lesser validity due to the absence of random selection and assignment of subjects.
*The independent variable is identified but not manipulated.
*The researcher does not modify pre existing groups of subjects.
*The group exposed to treatment (experimental) is compared to the group unexposed to treatment (control)
Example: The effects of unemployment on attitude towards following safety protocol in ECQ declared areas.
*It is used to investigate a possible relationship between previous events and present conditions.
*The term “Ex post facto”, means after the fact, looks at the possible causes of an already occurring phenomenon.
*Just like the first two, there is no experimental manipulation in this design.
Example: How does the parent’s academic achievement affect the children obesity?
*It is used to establish the cause and effect relationship of two or more variables.
*This design provides a more conclusive result because it uses random assignment of subjects and experimental manipulations.
Example: A comparison of the effects of various blended learning
to the reading comprehension of elementary pupils.