Pr Flashcards
When to use analytical procedures?
not required to be used as substantive testing but are used for predictable accounts (Income Statement accounts)
Testing Existence (downwards) or Completeness (upwards) assertion
Substantive tests ands control testing difference
Attribute sampling is used to test controls. Inspecting employee time cards for proper approval by supervisors is a test of controls. Controls often relate to authorization, validity, completeness, accuracy, appropriate classification, accounting in conformity with GAAP, and proper period. Look for these terms in identifying which option is a test of controls. Words such as account balance, amount, valuation, presentation, and disclosure are more likely to relate to substantive test
Effect of population size on sample size?
Has no effect if population size is large
attribute sampling
primary use to test of controls / relates to control risk. sample size and control risk / tolerable misstatement have inverse relationship
dual purpose test?
Test of controls and test of details
from source to record -> forward / tracing
from record to source -> downward / vouching
Audits of federal assistance
single audit act
Agreed upon procedures
must be independent / no assurance provided, AICPA attestation standards
Limited use of report?
Only for projection
Independent / Conclusion… no opinion
SAS provide guidance on GAAS for auditors of nonissuers and the PCAOB provides guidance on GAAS for issuers.)
no assurance
Test of controls
Tests of controls include such procedures as inspecting documentation, inquiry, observation, and reperformance. Note that inquiry alone is not sufficient as the auditor should use a combination of procedures
Classic variables sampling
Precision / The statistical concept of precision is used to describe the auditor’s evaluation of sampling results by calculating the possible error in either direction. Inclusion of negative balances does not require special design considerations
Sample size
the sample size used by the auditor has an inverse relationship with the tolerable misstatement. As the tolerable misstatement decreases, the sample size must increase. On the CPA exam, if the question doesn’t clearly indicate an unusually small population, assume population size has no effect on sample size.)
report on siginficant deficiencies
needs restricted use
PPS sampling / classical variable sampling
Inclusion of zero and negative balances requires special design considerations with PPS sampling, but it does not require special design considerations with classical variables sampling
Difference GAS and GAAS/ IC
Government Auditing Standards require a description of the scope of the auditor’s testing of compliance and of internal control. This is not required under generally accepted auditing standards