PQL Exam 2 Flashcards
digital micrometer
measures variation in products
no two outputs are
alike (snowflakes)
The distribution of items is always a
normal distribution curve
Variation For a product
the difference between the actual part dimensions of one part versus another
variation for a service
the difference between service experience one time to the next
variation for a process
can be present in a number of ways
Goal is to reduce variation
throughout the system
Precise is
Accurate is
centered around the target
do you want precision or accuracy?
two types of variation
Common cause and Special cause
Common cause variation, natural variation
Bags of sugar being different weight, Only management can identify and reduce this by changing the process
Special cause, assignable cause
Not part of the normal process, Burnt cheerio
management responsibility with special cause
Eliminate it, Providing standard work, training, and enforcement
management responsibly with common cause
Establish what is an acceptable level of natural variation, REDUCE natural variation through continuous improvement
for standard work scientific management is
the one best way
standardized work helps
establish a baseline for future improvement
operator standard work
specific, how to, simple and visual
what do you standardize
Only what impacts the outcome or output
leader standard work
Identifying best practices and sharing knowledge
leader standard work helps ensure the —– —– tasks/—– that have —– —- on results are made a priority
critical few, behaviors, greatest impact
standard work provides
systematic method for all leaders, visual management reminders of key behaviors, and accountability
Benefits of Standard work:
quality and productivity:
- Overall process improvement
- Managerial control
- Learning (employee)
- Training (employer)
leader standard work differs from operator because
Less time, Less detail, Focus on high impact
operator standard work differs from leader because
Most work is standardized, Specific “how to”
Amazon: continuous improvement
notification of 1 hour orders:
- 1 hour orders have to be picked and ready to go within 15 minutes of the order
- We need an audible alarm
- Used to use a gong then a wireless doorbell
- Then it was coded on the computer alarm
- Now it automatically sends to the scanner
Amazon: 5’s
it insures that employees have the tools that they need at the right time in the right place, to avoid clutter:
- EX: packing boxes, need tape cutter and need to know right where it is
Amazon: Poka-yoke
Robotics brings the shelf to the employees but things fell out, they made this banding type of thing to keep the stuff in, started as simple as possible
Amazon: visual management
Andon light: green (I’m in the station), yellow (I need supplies), red (I have a problem)
Amazon: Gemba (go see)
Everyday towards the end of the day the managers go to the shop floor and see what’s going on and then managers huddle up and start trying to fix employee barriers
start any project with a
process map
Without standardization, there can be no improvement (Taiichi Ohno), Without standardization, (Margret Deck)
there can be no overall improvement (Margret Deck)
7 step problem solving purpose is to
solve bigger issues, Only using this can you prevent a reoccurrence
7 Steps:
Gf, C, Pc, Ic, Rc, Ca, Pa
- Gather facts
- Asking what, when, where, who, how many
- All the facts about what happened
- Not asking Why
- Containment
- Contain the problem itself
- Contain the bad will
- Potential causes
- Cause and effect diagram
- Helps avoid confirmation bias: tendency to look for or only see things that confirm or support our prior beliefs
- Immediate cause
- What happened this time, what caused this incident
- Throwing out the eggs is only containment not corrective action (wont prevent the problem from occurring again)
- Root cause
- 5 whys: ask why until you get to a gap in the process, don’t have to be 5 why’s
- Corrective action
- Has to address the root cause not the immediate cause
- These are never a corrective action: retraining or terminating employees
- Reactive
- Preventative actions
Problems with not using 7 steps
- Jumping to solutions before you knower the root cause
- Stop the identifications of solitons
Benefits of 7 steps
- Prevents recurrences
- Avoid future problems
Dimensions of product quality:
- Free defects
- Performance
- Features
- Reliability/consistent performance
- Durability
- Serviceability
- Aesthetics
- Image
Dimensions of service quality:
- Free of mistakes
- Reliability
- Assurance
- Tangibles
- Empathy
- Responsiveness
- Reputation
with quality you have to perceive what the
customer views as value
how customers define quality:
always what the customer says, always the full experience, subjective, always changing
Kano’s Model
dissatisfies, satisfiers, delighters: over times delighters become satisfiers, and satisfiers become dissatisfiers
- (must have) expected and unspoken
- Unspoken because they are expected
- Wont make you happy because it should be there
- Makes customer immediately unhappy when its not there
- spoken, things your specifically seek out
- The more of them there are, the happier the customer will be
- unspoken and unexpected
- Don’t even ask for it because it’s a wow factor
- If its not there you wont be unhappy because you weren’t looking for it
- But if it is there it will put you over the edge for a purchasing decision
EX of delighter
when they put chocolate or cookies in your room at a hotel, complementary breakfast buffet in a hotel, free food and drinks it a hotel fridge, massaging car seats, collision warning system in car
EX of satisfier
new tires, heated seats, sun roof, leather seats
EX of dissatisfied
car radio, towels in a hotel bathroom,
Customer satisfaction:
looking back at a past experience, Does not correlate to customer loyalty
when you go back to a brand again and again
Perceived value:
- anticipating a future benefit
- Does correlate to customer loyalty
- Customer looks forward to their next purchase
Creating customer loyalty:
- Go beyond satisfaction
- Has to be above average all the time
- Keeping up with the constantly changing desires of customers
Developing a process for listening to the VOC
- Multiple touch points: more than one way to hear the voice of the customer
- comment cards, formal surveys, focus groups, internet monitoring
- contact employees - Complaint management: For all of the above, the cost vs benefit must be reasonable
voice of the customer, What is quality or value in their words, have to go above average
Comment cards, formal surveys, focus groups, and internet monitoring
ability to probe: looking for the why (ex: know why they gave you 5 stars) and what else
contact employees
anyone in your organization who interacts with a customer
- They are seeing the customer experience and hearing the questions
- Through the employees not necessarily from the customer, because its what the employee picks up on
- Every week you have a staff meeting and ask employees to say what they are hearing or send a survey to employees for ideas they have gathered or gained based on what they heard from customers
response rate and biased responses
- Response rate for any kind of customer feedback is usually very low
- The response you get are from the lovers or the haters so they are biased because those who have an average
- Accessibility and incentive: You have to do both of these things to get people to respond, Must be a cost effective response
Complaint management
- Companies do not hear from 96% of their unhappy customers
- One person expressing a complaint is representing more than one person
- A complaining customer means there is still hope
- If complaints are handled properly, >50% of customers will return
- Customers who have problems will tell 9 to 10 others
Have a process for managing complaints because
you don’t want to leave it up to every single employee to handle complaints on their own, more simple the better
Net Promoter Score, what most companies use to test customer loyalty
the number 1 question
would you recommend to others: If you do it is likely that you will come back, Indicator of loyalty or repeat purchases
2 ways NPS is used
- Benchmark against the industry: No single number that shows it’s a good score, all depends on the industry
- You benchmark your own score over time: Getting better, worse, or staying the same