PPT Flashcards
What are the three major determinants of habituation?
- response decrement to repeated stimulus
- response recovery to changed stimulus (rules out fatigue)
- Subsequent dishabituation to re-presentation of habituated stem (bigger response to re-presentation of habituated stim)
How did Sokolov view the OR and what was his model?
“The OR” unitary concept
Stimulus -> OR mech -> physiological response
Neuronal Model:
Stimulus repetition creates neuronal model
Discrepancy between stimulus and model->OR
Problem: only accommodates one measure - PPT has 3 prelim (+OR)
Why are CNS measures not commonly used to explore OR?
What did Barry find when researching N1 and OR?
Central measures like ERPs have poorer signal/noise ratio (why usually examined as average responses with large no. stimuli) Paradigms used don’t accommodate
Barry: examined response decrement of N1
Continuous EEG
Response decrement but NO evidence of dishabituation
Concluded: observed decrement not due to habituation, possibly a recovery-cycle or refractory period phenomenon (later confirmed)
Study looking at LPC showed decrement, recovery and dishabituation