PPROM & Chorio-amnionitis Flashcards
What are the causes of premature rupture of membranes in pregnancy?
1- idiopathic weakness of fetal membranes
2- bacterial endotoxin or TNF-a -> release of fetal fibronectin (fFN) -> increased PGE2 & degradation of collagen
3- cervical incompetence
4- trauma: ECV, amniocentesis, cerclage
5- abruptio placenta
6- polyhydramnios
7- multi-fetal pregnancy
8- fetal malpresentation
9- preterm labour
What are the predisposing factors for PPROM?
1- low BMI < 19
2- heavy maternal smoking
3- frequent sexual activities
4- recurrent vaginal infections/UTI
5- past history of PPROM/PTL
6- cervical conization
7- low socio-economic status
What are the signs of premature rupture of membranes in pregnancy?
1- low fundal height
2- uterus is lax
3- easily palpable fetal parts
4- sterile speculum examination
What investigations should be done for PPROM?
1- CBC + urine culture + HVS for C&S
2- ultrasound examination + NST
3- fetal fibronectin >50mg/ml
4- test for IGFBP-1 by Actim PROM & PAMG-1 by AmniSure ROM
5- test for Phosphatidylglycerol (>35w)
6- amniotic fluid index: normally 5 - 25cm
- oligohydramnios <5cm
- polyhydramnios >25cm
What are the maternal complications of PROM?
- chorioamnionitis -> puerperal sepsis & subinvolution -> atonic postpartum hemorrhage
- abruptio placenta -> APH
- oligohydramnios -> malpresentation
- complications of the cause
What are the fetal complications of PROM?
- neonatal sepsis -> perinatal M&M
- maternal fetal transmission of HIV
- cord compression/prolapse -> fetal distress
- prematurity -> RDS + intracranial hemorrhage + CP + NE
- severe oligohydramnios -> pulmonary hypoplasia + fetal deformities
How is PROM managed?
management depends on presence of: labour pains, signs of infections, fetal distress
- if present -> terminate pregnancy no matter the GA
- if not present
-> if GA is < 34 weeks: complete bed rest + corticosteroids + MgSO4 + erythromycin 250mg/6h for 10 days
-> if GA is > 34 weeks: wait 24-48hrs for spontaneous labour pain + give corticosteroids, MgSO4, & Erythromycin -> if labour doesnt occur: induce labour
How should vaginal delivery be managed in case of PROM?
1st Stage of Labour
- sedation & analgesia
- asepsis precautions
- strict monitoring
2nd Stage of Labour
- avoid prolongation
3rd Stage of Labour
- guard against postpartum hemorrhage
- guard against puerperal sepsis
When is C section indicated in case of PROM?
- maternal sepsis (chorioamnionitis + SIRS)
- fetal distress
- malpresentation
- failed induction
What are the predisposing factors for chorioamnionitis?
- vaginal cervical cerclage
- invasive procedures: amniocentesis, foetoscopy
- immuno-suppression: DM, steroid therapy
What are the organisms that may cause chorioamnionitis & what are their routes of infection?
- Mixed infection: G. vaginalis, Fusobacterium, Mycoplasma hominis, & U. Urealyticum
- gonorrhea & chlamydia trachomatis
- GBS, Listeria, Bacteroids
ascending or trans-placental
What is the clinical picture of chorioamnionitis?
- fever, malaise
- lower abdominal pain
- abnormal vaginal discharge &/or bleeding
- reduced fetal movements
Signs of maternal sepsis (infection + SIRS)
2 are diagnostic:
- hyperthermia >38C or hypothermia <36C
- tachypnea >20 breaths/min
- tachycardia >90bpm
- leucocytosis >12000 or leucopenia <4000
What will be found on physical examination of a patient with suspected chorioamnionitis?
- period of amenorrhea
- Leopold’s grips -> easily palpable fetal parts, tender uterus
- fetal tachycardia
- sterile speculum examination -> fluid pooling in vagina or leaking from cervical os
What investigations are done for diagnosis of chorioamnionitis?
1- CBC + urine analysis + HVS for C&S
2- vaginal + perianal + anal swabs -> GBS
3- ultrasound examination + NST
4- fetal fibronectin >50ng/ml
5- test for IGFBP-1 by Actim PROM & PAMG-1 by AmniSure ROM
6- test for phosphatidylglycerol (>35w)
What are the indications for conservative treatment of chorioamnionitis?
- gestational age < 34 weeks
- mother is not in active labour
- no evidence of sepsis
- fetus is alive + not distressed + no CFMF
What are the indications for termination of pregnancy in chorioamnionitis?
- gestational age > 34 weeks
- mother is in active labour
- evidence or suspicion of sepsis (+ SIRS)
- fetus is dead or distressed or lethal CFMF
How is a lady with chorioamnionitis treated conservatively?
1- hospitalization & sedation to avoid anxiety
2- maternal follow up
- daily observation of vaginal discharges, vital signs, abdominal pain or tenderness
- antibiotics: erythromycin 250mg/6hr for 10 days
- if +ive GBS: Benzyl Penicillin, Cefazolin, or Clindamycin
- corticosteroids 24-34 weeks
- MgSO4 24-30 weeks
- remove cerclage before 24hrs from PROM
3- fetal follow up
- non-stress test
- BPP weekly
- notify NICU
What drugs are contraindicated incase of chorioamnionitis?
- amoxicillin-clavulanate -> neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis
- never give tocolysis
How is induction of labour done in case of chorioamnionitis?
- PG (prostin-E2) -> augmentation of labour by oxytocin infusion
- C section -> if there are indications
How is septic shock managed in chorioamnionitis?
Lactate >2mmol -> ICU
1- resuscitation (20ml/kg crystalloids + packed RBCs + FFP) -> maintain CVP >10cm/h2O
2- Vasopressors (epinephrine) + Inotropes (Doputamine) -> maintain MAP > 65mmHg
3- assisted ventilation -> O2 saturation > 96%
4- steroids + diuretics (if urinary output <30ml/h)
5- broad spectrum antibiotics within 1st hour -> ampicillin + gentamicin + metronidazole
6- septic focus -> hysterectomy in toto