PPP Quiz Flashcards
Which one of the following is NOT part of a methodical approach to design A. seeking physical solution B. Problem examination C. Examination of process D. Selection of the stylistic approach
D. Selection of Stylistic Approach
Which one of the following is a function of architecture?
A. Facilitates human activities
B. Exhibits a hierarchy of parts
C. Establishes relationships between interior and exterior spaces
D. Expresses the purposes it serves
E. Utilizes available technologies ingeniously
The process of architectural design is
A. A synthesis of parts that form a unified interdependent composition
B. Giving form to an idea
C. Coordination of a team of specialists
D. Setting objectives, analyzing data, planning space and form conception
E. A&D only
F. All the above
The most reliable way to determine an appropriate building form is to
A. use a traditional prototype
B. use an innovative solution
C. use a compact and efficient layout
D. examine the programmatic requirements.
D. The physical form of a building is largely determined by the uniqueness of the project and its program.
The cost of a project is reduced by all the following EXCEPT A. Harmonious proportions B. Compact Arrangements C. High Densities D. Regular Forms
A. Harmonious proportions are visually desirable, but they have no effect on project costs. See page 13
In which of the following development patterns would utility services generally be least expensive
C. Developments that are extended or decentralized require longer and hence are more expensive. Those that are more compact, such as grid systems, are generally efficient and more suited for complex distribution flows.
Compact or centralized patterns of development are generally suited to A. mountainous sites B. beach front sites C. rural sites D. forested sites
A. compact or centralized developments are best suited to sites that are steep or irregular, such as in the mountains. Extended or open layouts are more suited to the other site choices instead.
Frequently used activities should be situated at which locations. Check all that apply
A. Peripheral Locations
B. Central Locations
C. Lower floors of multi-story buildings
D. Opposite ends of circulation corridors
E. Areas with superior light and views
B and C
In an area of extremely severe weather, the most appropriate organizational form would be A. axial B. decentralized C. linear D. compact
D. Severe weather suggests compact organizational forms
Which organizations form would be most economical for a building that requires frequent pick up and delivery services? A. Centralized B. Radial C. Linear D. Multi-Level
A. Access is always more efficient and economical in buildings having compact forms. Although multi-level buildings are often more compact that single-level structures, an extended two story building would not necessary be more centralized.
If one were planning a project for future expansion, which organizational form would be LEAST desirable? A. Radial B. Grid C. Axial D. Ring
D. A ring form, which is closed and complete in itself, does not lend itself to future expansion
A project's physical form may be determined by all of the following EXCEPT the A. mechanical system B. climate C. length of construction time D. area in which it is built
C. The length of construction time is irrelevant in determining a project’s physical form
Social interaction is LEAST encouraged by a building having a(n)
A. Quadrangular plan with major spaces opening onto a central court
B. multistory arrangement with lobbies on each floor
C. radial plan
D. axial plan
B. Social interaction is encouraged by the use of elements that bring people together See page 12
The principal purpose of architectural programming is to A. identify the problem B. gather information C. establish project goals D. solve the problem
A. See page 25
Which of the following are programmatic factors common to all buildings? I. Circulation II. Fenestration III. Site access IV. Structural System V. Efficiency ratio
A. I and IV
B. I, II and III
C. I, III, and IV
D. II, IV and V
C. Fenestration and structural systems are design considerations, not programmatic factors.
If the program summary of spaces indicates that a project will exceed the proposed budget by about 10%, the architect should
A. request that the owner obtain additional funds.
B. maintain the programmed spaces, but reduce the area of each by 10%
C. maintain the programmed spaces, but reduce the unit building cost by 10%
D. review the program with the owner and revise it to meet the proposed budget
D. Each of the first three choices is a possibility, however, any decision to revise the scope, quality, or cost of a project should be made by the owner
In an office building, which of the following would be inclined in the calculations for net square footage? A. Vestibule and foyer B. Mail Room C. Electrical Closet D. Elevator Service Room
B. Net areas include all usable floor spaces, but exclude circulation and general service areas. Thus, the mail room is considered usable space, whereas an electrical closet is considered a service space.
During the programming process, goals should be established
A. after the facts are collected
B. after the priorities are established
C. after the relationships are formulated
D. before the data is analyzed
D. Project goals are always established first, before any other considerations. See page 26
The final step in the programming process is to A. state the problem B. establish objectives C. establish priorities D. solve the problem
A. The statement of a problem is always the final step in the programing process. See pages 26-28
If the efficiency ratio for museums is normally 70%, and the net square footage for a new art museum is programmed to be 100,000 square feet, the gross square footage of the building would be ______________
142.857 sq. ft
Establish the following ratio:
100,000 sq. ft = .70 x G (gross sq. ft)
Thus G = 142,857 sq. ft.
In which of the following university departments would be the greatest amount of space per student station probably be required?
A. Architecture
B. Computer Science
C. Music
D. Sociology
A. It is probable that student stations in the architecture department would require the greatest amount of space b/c of equipment such as drawing boards that is used
Functional square foot areas can be determined approximately by considering a variety of criteria, including the I. number of people involved. II. size of specific objects involved. III. proposed project budget IV. established safety standards V. client's arbitrary preferences
A. I,III and IV
B. I, II, and IV
C. II, III, and IV
D. II, III and V
B. The project budget and client’s preferences have no direct effect on the way in which spaces function, or consequently, on their areas.
Which of the following would normally receive primary consideration during the programming phase? A. Form B. Fashion C. Function D. Financing
C. Function is always the primary consideration in determining the statement of a program.
The principal objective of a building program is to
A. discover the building’s function and purpose.
B. define the essential building problem.
C. determine the schematic building solution
D. decide on the prototypical building form.
B. see page 49
Which of the following criteria demands the highest priority during the programming phase? A. Function B. Security C. Structural factors D. Access and egress
A. Programming is primarily a process used to define a building’s function
The success of a suburban shopping mall is most affected by which factors? Check all that apply. A. Variety of store types B. Prevailing climate C. Convenient access D. Adequate parking E. Public transportation
A, C and D
The 36" wide doorway commonly used in many building types is generally established by A. code requirements B. traditional use C. building industry standards D. typical human dimensions
D. Typical space dimensions were first established by human need. These dimensions then became confirmed by traditional habits, industry standards and finally code requirements
Which of the following would have a relatively small influence on the architectural program for a new theater?
A. The type of performance for which it is used.
B. The maximum seating capacity
C. The proposed cost of an admission ticket
D. The size and shape of the site
C. see pages 60-61
Compared to a single family detached residence, the normal activity spaces in a unit of high rise apartment building are generally A. less flexible B. less spacious C. more compact D. quite similar
D. Regardless of the type of residence, normal activity spaces generally accommodate required human functions in much the same manner.
Separating residential functions into quiet and noisy zones generally implies that A. utility rooms will be in a quite zone B. dining spaces will be in a quite zone C. entry halls will be in a noisy zone D. Bathrooms will be in a noisy zone.
C. Residential functions may be generally divided as follows: Sleeping spaces, studies, and alignment baths are in a quiet zone, while all other residential functions fall into a noisy zone
Which of the following statements regarding the planning of multi level apartments is generally FALSE?
A. Elements common to all floors, such as refuse chutes, standpipes, and flues should be generally aligned
B. The increased density requires special planning in order to maintain privacy
C. The larger apartments should b located closest to the elevators.
D. It is generally desirable to standardize units by using simple shapes.
C. The smallest apartments should be located near elevators, while larger apartments should be located at the end of corridors. With this arrangement, large apartments will have multiple exterior exposures and corridor lengths will be minimized.
90 degree parking in often preferred because it I. is easiest to use II. is easiest to lay out III. minimizes parking time IV. allows two way traffic V. uses space most efficiently.
A. I and III
B. IV and V
C. II, III and IV
D. I, IV and V
B. Angled parking is actually easier and takes less time to use than 90 degree parking. See page 62
The principal priority in programming is to consider A. human dimensions B. spatial dimensions C. unit dimensions D. functional dimensions
A. Because programming relates primarily to function, it follows that the principal programming priority is to consider the human dimensions of those who will use the spaces.
The system of architectural measurement in use in the US (The English System) is generally related to the A. natural world B. metaphysical world C. primitive world D. ancient European worlds
A. The system of architectural measurement is related not only to the natural world in general, but more specifically to the human body. See page 72
All the following represent anthropomorphic design elements in classical architecture with the exception of A. architraves B. caryatids C. dentils D. pedestals
A. Caryatids (b) are supporting members in the shape of human figures, dentils (C) are ornamental hands of small blocks resembling teeth, and pedestals (D) are vertical supports derived from the Latin term for “foot”
The regular occurrence of elements is known as
All visible things have which of the following qualities? Check all that apply. A. Shape B. Scale C. Symmetry D. Texture
A, B and C All visible objects have size, shape, scale, and texture, but not all have symmetry
A structure that has equilibrium among its consistent parts is considered to be A. symmetrical B. in scale C. in proportion D. in balance
D. See page 79
The major goal in architectural design should be to produce a solution that is A. traditional B. stylized C. functional as well as beautiful D. indigenous
C. A designer may strive for a solution that is traditional, stylized or indigenous, but function and beauty are generally considered to be more significant design goals.
The “Golden Section” is based on
A. the proportioning system devised by Pythagoras
B. the “modulor” system devised by Le Corb
C. proportions described during the Golden Age of Greece
D. proportions found in nature and the human form
D. See page 78
Which of the following statements are true concerning the use of color in architecture?
I. The perception of form is unaffected.
II. Color cannot be distinguished in dim light as readily as in bright
III. Color affects human emotions
IV. Defects can be hidden with color
A. I only
B. II and IV
C. III and IV
D. II, III, and IV
D. All the other choices are discussed on page 80
Architectural scale refers to
A. the absolute size of the structure
B. the size of a structure relative to human dimensions
C. the proportion of a structure’s façade
D. an abstract system of measure
B. See page 77
Which of the following statements about medieval towns is correct? Check all that apply.
A. They were usually walled for defense
B. They were often built on earlier Roman foundations
C. They generally had a rectilinear layout
D. Their plans were often adjusted to meet particular conditions
A, B, and D
Medieval towns were sometimes rectilinear, but more often circular or radiocentric. The other choices are all characteristics of medieval towns.
During the early 19th century, Thomas Jefferson influenced territorial development throughout the country by proposing land division base on A. rectilinear patterns B. concentric patterns. C. linear patterns D. organic patterns
A. See page 91
Compound to conventional residential developments, cluster developments have A. greater density B. less open area C. units more densely sited D. lower development costs
C. Although dwelling units in cluster developments are more densely sited than in conventional developments, the overall densities in these town types are similar. See page 102
In a sprawling metropolitan growth pattern the edges of individual urban areas blend into each other to create a new form known as a A. cluster B. megalopolis C. metropolis D. municipality
B. the term megalopolis was coined to describe an extensive linear arrangement of individual cities, such as the urbanized corridor between Philadelphia and Washington DC
Long term real estate investments are stabilized and property values are protected by means of A. residential developments B. local tax policies C. zoning ordinances D. local street patterns
C. Zoning ordinances regulate the use of property, including the type and density of improvements permitted. All such regulations aim for compatible development, which tends to protect and stabilize property values.
The pattern of a city that contains a number of commercial centers of equal size is know as A. multi nuclei B. multi use C. multi core D. megalopolis
A. See page 95
Older downtown shopping areas were replaced by the suburban shopping center largely because
A. of the inability of cities to control the increase in crime.
B. high property taxes forced retailers to abandon properties.
C. of the lack of accessibility by private auto as well as the decline in public transit service
D. people prefer to drive to shopping areas.
C. Choices A, B and D may contain a grain of truth, but the preferred answer is C
In planning residential communities, population density is a major influence on
A. traffic volumes
B. the design of utility systems
C. public services such as education, law enforcement, and fire protection
D. all the above
D. See page 101
A population density of 30 persons per acre
A. is average in most American single family residential suburbs
B. is typical in many European “new towns”
C. results in overcrowded living conditions
D. requires uneconomical layouts of utility distribution systems.
B. Not only is 30 persons per acre typical in many European new towns, but that density may be found in some early American towns, as well. See page 101
Clarence A. Perry proposed that
A. no major traffic through routes should pass through residential neighborhoods.
B. the population of a typical neighborhood should be around 50,000
C. the neighborhood focal point should be the regional shopping center
D. the neighborhood should be designed for a density of roughly 30 families per acre.
A. Review Perry’s principles on pages 98-99
Population size refers to the total number of people, whereas population density refers to the number of people
A. at any specific time
B. relative to a specific area
C. that can be accommodated in a specific area
D. that is desirable for a specific area.
B. See page 117
According to Kevin Lynch, a central city plaza would probably be classified as which of the following? Check all that apply. A. An edge B. A district C. A landmark D. A node E. A path
C and D The plaza would be both a landmark and a node, since it would be a prominent point of reference, as well as a center of activity.
A partial failing of past low-income housing projects, in comparison to the substandard housing which they replaced, has been that they
A. are excessively costly
B. tend to group an excessive number of people together
C. tend to lack variety and social support systems.
D. are no more healthful.
C. See discussion on pages 109-110
Sociopetal space tends to A. discourage human contact B. promote human contact C. cause crowding D. cause pathologies
B. Sociopetal space promotes contact between people, such as chairs facing one another, while sociofugal space discourages human contact, such as chairs placed back to back
Environmental perception involves I. personal feelings II. previous experience III. individual memories IV. human senses
A. IV only
B. I and II
C. I, II and III
D. I, II, III and IV
D. See page 112
When walking through a visually dull area, which also lacks functional variety, we tend to A. pause and look about B. pass through as rapidly as possible C. become wary and possibly alarmed D. look for something interesting
B. One tends to walk faster through dull surroundings as a way of seeking stimulation
A “use network” is
A. one’s normal route to work
B. a system of places each person utilizes in his city or habitat
C. a communication system
D. a pattern of travel routes for all purposes
B. See page 118
Which of the following statements is correct?
A. rural environments are more healthful than urban
B. a uniform environment is better than a diverse one.
C. people need great variety and have a broad capability of adaptation to places.
D. our adaptability means that any environment is potentially good.
C. See pages 110-111
Urban pathologies, including antisocial behavior, are often caused by
I. high density
II. lack of opportunity, real and perceived
III. an oppressive and hostile neighborhood
IV. poverty
V. lack and hope and means to pursue one’s personal aspirations.
A. I and V
B. III and IV
C. II, III, IV and V
D. I, II, IV and V
C. All of the choices may cause urban pathologies, except high density, which does not always mean crowding and therefore, is not necessarily bad.
If the birth rate and death rate were equalized and immigration were eliminated we would achieve A. a reduction in urban density B. a reduction in total population C. moderate population growth D. zero population growth
D. this is the definition of zero population growth.