PPP Day 1 & 2 Information to know Flashcards
What is Delta Sigma Theta’s Mission Statement?
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is an organization of college educated women committed to constructive development of its members and to public service with a primary focus on the black community.
The Sorority Pin was designed by which founder?
Madree Penn White
What date was Delta Alpha Chapter Incorporated?
February 18th, 1913
What are the 9 Cardinal Virtues (the 9 Jewels of the Delta Emblem)
Compassion, Courtesy, Dedication, Fellowship, Fidelity, Honesty, Justice, Purity, and Temperance
What are the Three Rites of Passage?
-The Pyramid Induction Ceremony
-The Initiation Ceremony
-The Omega Omega Service
What are the five parts of the Minerva Circle of Identity
-Public Service
What does Sisterhood that is part of the Minerva Circle of Identity represent?
Sisterhood is the core of Delta Sigma Theta
What does Black that is part of the Minerva Circle of Identity represent?
Black is remembering that we are always black, this is a black sorority, and our primary focus is on the black community
What does College that is part of the Minerva Circle of Identity represent?
College is representing that this is an Organization based off of college educated woman
What does Women that is part of the Minerva Circle of Identity represent?
Woman is representing that we are an all women’s sorority
What does Public Service that is part of the Minerva Circle of Identity represent?
Public Service represents that this is a sorority based off of public service
In 1912, which founder and what idea did this founder have to go to Myra Davis Hemmings about?
In 1912, Madree Penn White presenteIn 1912, Founder Madree Penn White presented Myra Davis Hemmings at Howard University with the idea of the group to consider becoming a chartered sorority (basically meaning she wants the sorority to be officialized nationally)
What did the Founders of Delta do on March 13th, 1913?
The Deltas marched with suffragette movement under the banner of Delta Sigma Theta
Who were the first 3 honorary members of Delta Sigma Theta?
Nannie H. Burroughs, Gabrielle Pelham, Mary Church Terrell
The Delta Hymm was written and composed by what Sorors?
Alice Dunbar-Nelson and Florence Cole Talbert
What is the First Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Second Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Third Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Fourth Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Fifth Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Sixth Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Seventh Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Eighth Jewel in the Sigma
What is the Nineth Jewel in the Sigma
The First Jewel in the Sigma is Compassion. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Compassion: The essence of the human spirit.
This jewel is dedicated to the Founders of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated
The Second Jewel in the Sigma is Courtesy. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Courtesy: Springs from a genuine respect for the feelings of others.
This Jewel is dedicated to the Mothers of Delta Members
The Third Jewel in the Sigma is Dedication. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Dedication: To a noble cause is one of humanity’s highest callings and an act of consecration (blessings).
(Ones dedication to a cause is one of the most important things a person can do)
This jewel is dedicated to the past and present National Presidents
The Fourth Jewel in the Sigma is Fellowship. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Fellowship: The common spirit of Sisterhood.
This jewel is dedicated to the many chapters of Delta Sigma Theta
The Fifth Jewel in the Sigma is Fidelity. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Fidelity: The steadfast (constant) devotion and faithful commitment we give to the purposes larger than ourselves, and a disciplined devotion which involves us in those experiences that are the very essence of an organization.
Dedicated to the Honorary Members
The Sixth Jewel in the Sigma is Honesty. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Honesty: The first requisite in keeping peace with ourselves and meriting (earning) the trust of others.
Dedicated to the past and present National Officers, that have guided this organization
The Seventh Jewel in the Sigma is Justice. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Justice: The firm and continuous obligation to render (provide) to everyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or sex, that which is his or her due.
Dedicated to our ancestors
The Eighth Jewel in the Sigma is Purity. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Purity: Character, mind, and conduct is the supreme goal of human life.
Dedicated to the deceased Sorors of Delta Sigma Theta
The Ninth Jewel in the Sigma is Temperance. What does it mean and who is it dedicated to?
Temperance: Self-restraint in conduct.
Dedicated to the National Staff
What is the Sacred Trust
The Induction of new members into Delta Sigma Theta is the sorority’s most sacred trust
What is the Sacred Vow?
Membership into Delta Sigma Theta is a lifetime commitment