ppl Flashcards
studied the unconscious mind id, ego, superego psychosexual stages of development (oaplg) "penis envy" Oedipus and Electra complexes
Mary Calkins
first female president of the apa
Dorothea Dix
created mental asylums and fought for better treatment of those who were mentally ill
G. Stanley Hall
brought psychology to America
founder of APA
Wilhelm Wundt
father of psychology
Margaret Washburn
first women to get a phd in psychology
Leta Hollingworth
created word “gifted”
studied gender differences in physical variability
Edward Tichener
William James
Charles Darwin
evolutionary psychologist
survival of the fittest
Ivan Pavlov
studied classical conditioning with dogs
Carl Rodgers
free will
B.F Skinner
“rat and pigeon man”
free will is an illusion
we are a product of our environment
John Watson
studied classical conditioning with Baby Albert experiment
Tooby and Cosmides
evolutionary psychologists
Roger Sperry
split brain patients
HE-ART experiment
Paul Broca
discovered Broca’s area
Michael Gazzaniga
worked with roger sperry
Carl Wernicke
founded wernickes area
Hodgkin and Huxley
studied axons of large squid
Robert Trivers
studied parental investment styles; monogamy, polygamy, polyandry
James Olds
found the “pleasure center”
young and helmholtz
discovered the trichromatic theory of color vision
Ewald Hering
proposed the opponent-process theory
Max Wertheimer
major founder of Gestalt psychology
Hubel and Wiesel
feature detectors